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Continue harmonizing national legislation with the Constitution and international human rights norms t5.2. Take measures to ensure that all legislation is in full compliance with international human rights obligations h5.3. Continue the work to bring the national legal framework in line with its international obligations 5.4. Continue to fulfil its international obligations and commitments it has made in the field of human rights taking account the country s development and its historical, cultural and religious background 5.6. Empower legal advisors in parliament to review draft laws and policies, incorporate input from civil society and experts in the international community, and oppose legislation that is inconsistent with international human rights obligations and commitments y5.7. Continue to strengthen democratic institutions with a clear separation of powers ahead of the coming election cycle B5.8. Continue strengthening its national human rights institutionsm5.9. Take the necessary steps to ensure that the National Council on Gender issues becomes fully operational u5.10. Improve intra-state mechanisms for the implementation of international obligations in the area of human rights n5.11. Take the necessary steps to bring the Office of the Ombudsman into compliance with the Paris Principles }5.12. Accelerate the process of bringing the statues of the Office of Ombudsman in full conformity with the Paris Principles 5.13. Complete the process of ensuring that the Ombudsman Institution is fully compliant with the Paris Principles, at the earliest c5.14. Intensify efforts to bring the office of the Ombudsman into compliance with Paris Principles Z5.15. Ensure that the office of the Ombudsman is brought in line with the Paris Principles5.16. Grant to the National Centre for the Prevention of Torture the necessary financial resources to ensure its functioning and independence in accordance with OP-CAT 5.17. Provide the National Centre for the Prevention of Torture with the necessary resources for its adequate functioning, and ensure its full independence 5.18. Take comprehensive measures to improve the level of public security in the country and to combat terrorism and extremism G5.19. Continue efforts to combat drug trafficking/trade and corruption C5.20. Provide a comprehensive support to the institution of family 5.21. Strengthen national procedures for the protection of rights of socially vulnerable groups of the population, including women, children, persons with disabilities and the older persons 5.22. Improve further the child protection system and create conditions for ensuring the rights of the child to grow and develop in the family environment A5.23. Continue its policies on improving the rights of the child O5.24. Take further steps to improve the system of children s rights protection [5.25. Continue strengthening legal mechanisms for the protection of the rights of children b5.26. Effectively cooperate with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defendersy5.27. Effectively cooperate with the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association 5.28. Analyse the possibility of creating a monitoring system for the implementation of international obligations in order to facilitate the systematization and follow-up of the recommendations made by the treaty bodies and the Human Rights Council a5.29. Engage the civil society in the implementation process of the accepted UPR recommendations `5.30. Continue efforts in implementing CAT and its Optional Protocol with more concrete actions 5.31. Continue to adopt effective legislative measures to ensure women s security and rights, and strengthen the national mechanism on gender policies K5.32. Continue to implement the National Strategy for Gender Equality 2020 g5.33. Take steps to ensure that laws on gender equality and domestic violence are enforced effectively \5.34. Continue the implementation of measures aimed to empower women and their contribution 5.35. Redouble the efforts to increase women s participation in society, in particular by increasing the number of women in decision-makingw5.36. Continue to promote gender equality through the empowerment of women in decision-making and public administration^5.37. Empower women s social development and their participation in political decision-making 5.38. Strengthen anti-discrimination laws and policies, and intensify the implementation of measures to protect all women from discrimination and violence, including through nationwide public-awareness campaigns [5.39. Take all necessary measures to fight effectively against all forms of discrimination 5.41. Ensure equal rights and opportunities to all persons without distinction and promote policies to prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity 5.42. Ensure that allegations of violence, torture, inhumane and degrading treatment of LGBT persons, by government and non-government actors, are investigated promptly and efficiently and that perpetrators are brought to justice d5.43. Undertake all necessary measures to prevent discrimination and violence against LGBTI persons 5.44. Further strengthen the implementation of Kyrgyzstan s international commitments with regard to CAT and investigate all allegations of torture and ill treatment in custody O5.45. Take necessary measures to implement the National Plan to Combat Torture 5.46. Implement without delay the recently adopted Action Plan on Torture and ensure that safeguards against torture are effectively granted in practice 5.47. Adopt measures, including recommendations by the Committee against Torture, to combat torture and ill-treatment, by ensuring that the National Centre receives adequate resources and access; and by implementing an effective Anti-Torture Action Plan 5.48. Examine allegations of ill-treatment and torture in custody and failures to ensure fair trial guarantees to those arrested and prosecuted following the 2010 violence 5.49. Ensure that allegations of torture and other ill-treatments are investigated promptly and effectively and that the perpetrators of these acts are prosecuted and punished according to the standards required by international norms 5.50. Increase the capacity for investigation and prosecution of all complaints of torture, attach special attention to allegations of torture of persons belonging to ethnic minorities, and bring the definition of torture in the Criminal Code fully in line with CAT 5.51. Prevent acts of torture and ensure that allegations of torture and ill-treatment are investigated promptly and efficiently s5.52. Prevent all acts of torture and ill-treatment and ensure prompt and impartial investigations into complaints 5.53. Ensure that all allegations of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment, including those related to the June 2010 violence, are thoroughly investigated and that the perpetrators are brought to justice z5.54. Ensure accountability and guarantee prompt and effective investigation of torture and of all cases of ill treatment 5.55. Take all necess< ary measures to effectively fight against torture and ill-treatment, particularly in the police and penitentiary domains 5.56. Further improve life conditions and preventions of ill-treatment of detainees in states penitentiaries in compliance with international standards 5.57. Provide guarantees for children in detention, including by removing the use of solitary confinement and by separating adults and children #5.58. Combat violence against women5.59. Continue its efforts in combatting violence against women by, inter alia, raising awareness of the victims rights, increasing public understanding to avoid social exclusion of the victims and empowering women and girls by enhancing access to education 5.60. Adopt the National Action Plan to combat violence against women, by investigating complaints and instituting criminal proceedings against perpetrators, even in the absence of formal complains c5.61. Adopt a national action plan to combat violence against women and a law on domestic violence 5.62. Take further legislative and practical measures to end violence against women, including the phenomenon of bride kidnapping as well as early and forced marriage 5.63. Strengthen the implementation of legislation aimed at the elimination of violence against women and increase funding for assistance to the victims, in particular with regard to domestic violence and bride kidnapping 5.64. Enforce existing criminal laws including ensuring that perpetrators of gender-based violence and bride-kidnapping and abductions are brought to justice n5.65. Adopt legislation to monitor and eliminate violence against women and girls, including child kidnapping 5.66. Continue the active fight against domestic violence and violence against women, paying a special attention to preventive and prophylactic measures 5.67. Take further steps to address gender based violence, including guaranteeing that the cases of violence are thoroughly investigated and rights to fair trial ensured 5.68. Strengthen mechanisms to detect, investigate and punish cases of gender-based violence and bride kidnapping, train law enforcement officials to deal with such cases, and provide legal and medical support to victims K5.69. Prosecute perpetrators of gender-based violence and bride-kidnapping H5.70. Introduce more effective policies to combat child forced marriage =5.71. Strengthen measures to combat forced or early marriagesi5.72. Strengthen efforts that are in place to put an end early and forced marriages and bride kidnapping ^5.73. Take further measures to combat bridal kidnappings and child, early and forced marriage 5.74. Strengthen the public campaigns and raise awareness regarding the unacceptability of the practice of child, early and forced marriage _5.75. Continue to take steps to put an end to practices of bride-kidnapping and early marriage 5.76. Ensure full implementation of the law increasing the penalty for bride-kidnapping in order to eliminate violence against women, in particular bride-kidnapping of underage girls, polygamous unions and early marriage of girls L5.77. Develop a comprehensive strategy to address violence against children ]5.78. Fully prohibit corporal punishment against children in all settings, including at home 5.79. Take all measures necessary to prevent violence against children in all its forms and to put mechanisms in place to protect especially girls who are more vulnerable to sexual abuse and violence a5.80. Further enhance its efforts to effectively prevent and prosecute violence against children G5.81. Expedite efforts towards prohibition of all forms of child labour5.82. Completely eliminate the practice of child labour and ensure that all children have access to free and compulsory education U5.83. Continue its efforts directed towards the fight against trafficking in persons 5.84. Strengthen the implementation of programmes aiming at the rehabilitation of victims of trafficking in person, including providing advice, shelter and legal aid and rehabilitation services ^5.85. Launch a campaign to raise public awareness on the issue of human trafficking in person 5.86. Continue working with the ongoing reform on the judicial system to promote compliance by the courts with international standards <5.87. Continue to implement judicial reforms in the country ^5.88. Take further steps to ensure, in law and in practice, the independence of the judiciary s5.89. Continue reforms to ensure full independence of judges and application of fair trial guarantees for everyone 5.90. Ensure the full independence of the judiciary, including the establishment of objective criteria for selecting and dismissing judges and guarantee the respect of a fair trial for everyone z5.91. Ensure that the justice system functions with independence and in full compliance with relevant international norms 5.92. Take further requisite measures to ensure full independence of the judiciary, which will have a meaningful contribution to their democracy and instil confidence with the people of Kyrgyzstan 5.93. Ensure due process and accountability in the administration of justice, and hold perpetrators of any ill-treatment of prisoners to account 5.94. Strengthen the position and the independence of the Constitutional Court in order to ensure that fundamental freedoms and minority rights, as guaranteed in the Constitution, are fully respected in newly adopted legislation e5.95. Facilitate citizens access to judicial appeal in cases of restrictions of freedom of assembly C5.96. Continue developing a comprehensive juvenile judicial system 5.97. Commit to ensuring the full and impartial investigation of complaints of many of those arrested in the aftermath of the June 2010 violencep5.98. Strengthen the investigation and punishment of human rights violations related to the 2010 ethnic conflictt5.99. Investigate all allegations of torture and sexual violence committed in the context of the June 2010 conflict 5.100. Simplify the procedure for birth registration and ensure that all children born in its territory are registered and provided with birth certificates, irrespective of the availability of their parents identity documents or residence permits 5.101. Take the necessary measures for the proper civil registration of migrant children and birth registration of children of migrants 5.102. Ensure that relevant legislation guarantees the exercise of the rights to freedom of expression and association for all individuals, including human rights defenders and journalists ^5.103. Refrain from adopting legislation that would limit the right to freedom of association 5.104. Ensure that any legislation on NGO s is fully in line with international human rights law, including freedom of expression and freedom of association !5.105. Carefully consider the proposed law on restrictions of the activities of non-governmental organizations to ensure that it does not impede the valuable work they are doing, together with Kyrgyz authorities, to combat human rights abuses and uphold individual freedoms in the country 5.106. Ensure that its legislation protects the rights of everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity, minority status or any other basis, to freedom of expression and assembly, freedom from discrimination and equal< ity before the law a5.107. Ensure respect for freedom of expression, freedom of the press and freedom of association H5.108. Guarantee freedom of assembly and association in line with ICCPR ~5.109. Ensure in law and practice that journalists and other persons can freely exercise their right to freedom of expression 5.110. Ensure that attacks on journalists are promptly investigated and the perpetrators held accountable, as recommended in the 1st cycle 5.111. Guarantee freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly for journalists, activists, human rights defenders and for participants in demonstrations 5.112. Ensure that journalists, human rights defenders and other members of civil society can seek, receive and impart information and carry out their legitimate peaceful activities without hindrance, intimidation, harassment or pressure5.113. Take the necessary measures to ensure that human rights defenders and civil society actors can carry out their legislative work in a safe environment without threats and harassment by state and non-sate actors 5.114. Protect human rights defenders from intimidation and violence and ensure prompt, impartial and thorough investigation of allegations of harassment, torture and ill-treatment of human rights defenders|5.115. Increase the level of political participation and decision making of women and minority groups at Governmental level a5.116. Continue working for the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights in the country 5.117. Continue strengthening the programs carried out for the social protection of all the Kyrgyz people in the fight against poverty and social inequity 5.118. Ensure the integration and effective implementation of strategies on poverty alleviation, social security, gender equality and protection of child s rights H5.119. Continue to improve socio-economic condition to eradicate poverty5.120. Continue to implement its poverty reduction strategy, to enable its people to better enjoy the right to development, providing the necessary foundation for the enjoyment of the other rights g5.121. Continue implementing the National Sustainable Development Strategy as a means to fight poverty 5.122. Further develop policies and programmes to alleviate and eradicate poverty with special emphasis on vulnerable groups by taking forward initiatives such as the National Action plan and Programme against Corruption 5.123. Continue its exceptional efforts in combatting poverty and developing the education system, and in addition, continue to enhance its efforts related to preserving the environment 5.124. Develop efforts to formulate a national strategy to ensure the full realization of the right to adequate housing, that incorporates social housing and also the reconstruction of the housing areas destroyed during the violence of June 2010 5.125. Improve reproductive health education and access to adequate health care and treatment for the HIV positive mothers to prevent the mother to child transmission B5.126. Increases investment in and maintain school infrastructure p5.127. Provide inclusive education for children with disabilities and include human rights education in schools Y5.128. Allocate enough resources for education in order to ensure the right of education Y5.129. Implement strategies to promote better access to education of girls at all levels 5.130. Implement the series of measures to ensure the rights of and improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities for 2014-2017 5.131. Continue the initiatives for the promotion of tolerance and diversity with the aim of the protection of the rights of national and ethnic minorities of the country 5.132. Continue its efforts in giving due attention to the inter-ethnic issues including by ensuring effective implementation of its Policy Framework on Strengthening National Unity and Inter-Ethnic Relations ~5.133. Continue the efforts in the framework of the inter-ethnic policy and the protection of the rights of ethnic minorities 5.134. Continue to make progress towards the full recognition of ethnic and cultural diversity that characterizes the Kyrgyz people 5.135. Intensify the work related to inter-ethnic reconciliation, with special attention to the integration of ethnic minorities into public service and law enforcement bodiese5.136. Actively combat all indications of interethnic strife, and national and religious intolerance r5.137. Adopt additional measures to protect religious, cultural and ethnic minorities subjected to discrimination 5.138. Adopt norms and procedures to ensure the implementation of the principle of non-refoulement as established by the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees c5.139. Strengthen its judicial system in order to ensure that most citizens have access to justice CorruptionPersons with disabilities5.40. Ensure that national legislation conforms to international human rights standards on non-discrimination, particularly concerning sexual orientation and gender identity, gender and racial discrimination 5.74. Strengthen the public campaigns and raise awareness regarding the unacceptability of the practice of child, early and forced marriageHuman traffickingHuman rights defendersESCRFreedom of religionCEDAWP5.5. Review the compliance of national legislation with the provisions of ICCPR CAT6. As a matter of urgency, the State party should take immediate and effective measures to prevent acts of torture and ill-treatment throughout the country, including by implementing policies that would eliminate impunity for perpetrators of torture and ill-treatment and ensure prompt, impartial, effective investigations into all allegations of torture and ill-treatment, prosecution of those responsible, and the imposition of appropriate sentences on those convicted6. (a) Publicly and unambiguously condemn the use of all forms of torture, warning that any person ordering, committing, instigating, acquiescing to or acting as an accomplice to such acts shall be criminally prosecuted and punished\6. (b) Establish an independent and effective mechanism to facilitate the submission of complaints by victims of torture and ill-treatment to public authorities; and ensure that complaint mechanisms are available and that complainants are protected in practice against abuse or intimidation as a consequence of their complaint or any evidence given#6. (d) Ensure that investigations into allegations of torture are not undertaken by or under the authority of the police, but by an independent body, that preliminary enquiries into complaints of torture are undertaken and concluded promptly upon receipt of the complaint, and that official investigations are opened in all cases where there are reasonable grounds to believe that torture was committed; and ensure that officials alleged to be responsible for violations of the Convention are suspended from their duties during such investigations97. As a matter of urgency, the State party should: (a) undertake a full, effective and independent investigation into the claims of torture made by Azimjan Askarov; (b) ensure that Azimjan Askarov receives adequate medical care; and (c) review the grounds for his continued detention in light of his allegations. 7. The State party should also ensure that torture claims made by Nargiza Turdieva and Dilmurat Khaidarov are fully, impartially and effectively investigated8. The State party should take effective measures to ensure that all allegations of torture or ill-treatment, related to the June 2010 violence, by security or law enforcement officials are fully and impartially investigated, and that the officials responsible are prosecuted+8. (a) A thorough and impartial review of 995 criminal cases related to the June 2010 violence is conducted, and, when appropriate, proceedings are reopened in cases in which torture allegations have not been fully investigated < or in which serious violations of due process rights have been revealed8. (b) Security or law enforcement officials found responsible are subjected to disciplinary and/or criminal penalties for torture and ill-treatment; and8. (c) Allegations of any public official s infliction of, ordering of, or acquiescence to torture or ill-treatment against ethnic Uzbeks is fully and effectively investigated and, as appropriate, prosecuted9. (a) All persons deprived of liberty are afforded, in law and in practice, all fundamental legal safeguards from the very outset of their deprivation of liberty, including the rights to prompt access to a lawyer of their choice, to request a medical examination by an independent doctor, to contact family members, to be informed promptly of their rights, including about the charges against them, and to be brought before a judge within 48 hours of their deprivation of liberty9. (b) All persons deprived of their liberty have prompt access to assistance from independent lawyers, and can communicate privately with themI9. (c) All detainees, including minors, are included in a central register of persons deprived of liberty, in which relevant information about fundamental safeguards is immediately recorded, and which can be accessed by the lawyers and family members of those detained and others as appropriate; that the State party monitors the provision of safeguards to persons deprived of their liberty, including public officials compliance with registration requirements; and that any public official who denies fundamental legal safeguards to such detained persons is disciplined or prosecutedO10. The State party should continue its efforts to bring its domestic law into accordance with the Convention, inter alia by ensuring that the definition of torture in article 305(1) of the Criminal Code covers all the elements contained in article 1 of the Convention and that acts of torture are punishable by appropriate penalties commensurate with the gravity of the offence, as set out in article 4, paragraph 2 of the Convention. Furthermore, the State party should ensure that the prohibition against torture is absolute and that there is no statute of limitations for acts of torture11. The State party should take necessary measures to ensure de facto applicability of the provisions of the Convention in its domestic legal order, inter alia by training the judiciary and law enforcement personnel on the provisions of the Convention13.(a) Adopt legislation explicitly prohibiting the use of evidence obtained through torture, in line with article 15 of the Convention, and ensure its implementation13. (b) Ensure that judges and prosecutors initiate investigations and take other appropriate remedial measures ex officio whenever a criminal defendant or his or her lawyer presents reasonable grounds to believe that a confession has been obtained through torture or ill-treatment, and ensure that the perpetrators of such abuses are prosecuted and, upon conviction, punished, including in the case of Farrukh GapiurovB13. (c) Ensure that the findings of independent forensic medical examinations of criminal defendants who allege that they were tortured are considered admissible as evidence in court proceedings and given evidentiary weight equivalent to that given to the reports of State-employed medical professionals, where appropriate14. The State party should bring the Office of the Ombudsman into compliance with the Paris Principles, inter alia by ensuring its independence and providing adequate resources for its operationh15. The State should ensure that: (a) the National Centre for the Prevention of Torture has the necessary financial, human and material resources to fulfil its mandate independently and effectively; and (b) all persons involved in the administration of places of detention are aware of the rights of members of the National Centre for the Prevention of Torture16. (a) Ensure that human rights defenders and independent lawyers are protected from intimidation or violence as a result of their activities16. (b) Ensure the prompt, impartial and thorough investigation of all allegations of harassment, torture or ill-treatment of human rights defenders, including Askarov, Tomina, and Usmanov, and prosecute and punish the perpetrators with appropriate penalties16. (c) Consider accepting the request for a visit by the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders (A/HRC/22/47/Add.4, para. 250) 16. (d) Refrain from enacting legislation that would impede the ability of human rights defenders to conduct their activities in line with the provisions of the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; and ensure that no individual or group will be subjected to prosecution in reprisal for cooperating with United Nations or other international, regional, or national human rights entities17. (b) Ensure independent forensic examinations in all cases of death in custody; permit family members of the deceased to commission independent autopsies; and ensure that the State party s courts accept the results of such independent autopsies as evidence in criminal and civil cases?18. (a) Effectively combat violence against women, inter alia by promptly investigating complaints related to such violence, including domestic violence and bride-kidnapping, and institute criminal proceedings against perpetrators and those aiding and abetting the kidnappings, even in the absence of a formal complaint]18. (c) Step up its awareness-raising campaigns to sensitize the population to these problems[19. The State party should ensure prompt, impartial, and thorough investigations of all allegations of ill-treatment and torture committed by police and detention officials against LGBT persons or others on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity, and prosecute and, upon conviction, punish perpetrators with appropriate penaltiesy20. The State party should intensify efforts to improve the conditions of detention in places of deprivation of liberty, including detention facilities for inmates serving life terms, bringing them into line with international standards, inter alia the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (Economic and Social Council resolutions 663C (XXIV) and 2076 (LXII)).21. The State party should explicitly prohibit corporal punishment of children in all settings, including at home and in institutions and alternative care settings, and ensure awareness-raising and public education measures22. Noting the Committee s general comment no. 3 (2012) on implementation of article 14 by States parties, the State party should ensure de jure and de facto access to timely and effective redress for all vi< ctims of torture and ill-treatment22. (a) Adopting and implementing legislation and policies explicitly providing for the right to remedy and reparation for victims of torture and ill-treatment22. (b) Ensuring that effective rehabilitation services and programmes are established in the State that are accessible to all victims without discrimination, and are not dependent upon the victim pursuing judicial remedies22. (c) Taking necessary measures to protect the safety and personal integrity of victims and their families seeking compensation or rehabilitation serviceso22. (d) Complying with the Views of the Human Rights Committee relating to rights to remedy for torture victims!24. (a) Reinforce training programmes on the absolute prohibition of torture and the State party s obligations under the Convention, taking a gender-sensitive approach, for all personnel involved in custody, detention, interrogation and treatment of detainees as well as the judiciary; and24. (b) Provide all relevant personnel, especially medical personnel, with training on how to identify signs of torture and ill-treatment and how to use the Istanbul ProtocolCERD 5. The Committee recommends that the State party, as a matter of urgency, take effective measures to address the fundamental problems and the root causes that constitute an obstacle to the peaceful coexistence between different ethnic groups living in its territory5. (a) Pursue its initiatives and reforms aimed at building a democratic society in which all ethnic groups will be involved, respected and enjoy full rightsa5. (b) Address socio-economic disparities between ethnic groups and between rural and urban areasg5. (c) Take urgent measures to increase the participation of minorities in political and public affairs5. (d) Consider adopting a special law on the rights of persons belonging to minority groups and establishing an institution with a special mandate to address racial discrimination issues5. (e) Redouble its efforts to collect weapons still held by the population, in particular in the Osh and Jalal Abad regions, bearing in mind the need to build trust between the majority and other ethnic groups6. (a) Initiate or set up a mechanism to review all cases of persons condemned in connection with the June 2010 events, from the point of view of respecting all necessary guarantees for a fair trial6. (b) Investigate, prosecute and condemn, as appropriate, all persons responsible for human rights violations during the June 2010 events, irrespective of their ethnic origin and their statusr6. (c) Provide compensation to those who were victims of miscarriage of justice, regardless of their ethnic origin6. (d) Pursue the reform of the judicial system and the security and police forces, having in mind the necessity to ensure the reconciliation between different ethnic groups and to build trust of the population in the judicial system6. (e) Review the case of Askharov, respecting all requirements for a fair trial and avoid any threats against human rights defenders, irrespective of their ethnic origin7. (a) Register and document all cases of torture, ill-treatment and violence against women from minority groups, including rape<7. (b) Conduct prompt, thorough and impartial investigationsR7. (c) Prosecute and punish those responsible, including police or security forces$7. (d) Provide reparation to victimsW7. (e) Take all necessary measures to prevent the occurrence of such acts in the future7. With regard to violence against women from minority groups, the Committee, recalling its general recommendation No. 25 (2000) on gender-related dimensions of racial discrimination, recommends that the State party adopt and implement without further delay, the National Action Plan to combat violence against women to which its delegation referred during its dialogue with the Committee8. (a) Investigate and review all cases of persons who were arbitrarily dismissed from their positions in the administration or local governments on ethnic grounds, and as appropriate, reinstate them8. (b) Investigate and review cases of forced evictions of minority groups of their enterprises and provide them, as appropriate, with restitution or compensation8. (c) Continue to provide assistance to those who have lost their income-related activities due to the June 2010 ethnic conflict, irrespective of their ethnic origin9. Recalling its general recommendation No. 32 (2009) on the meaning and scope of special measures in the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and in line with its previous recommendation (CERD/C/KGZ/CO//4/, para. 11), the Committee encourages the State party to take concrete and comprehensive measures to ensure that persons belonging to minority ethnic groups are adequately represented in elected and executive bodies, in the police and in the judiciary, at all levels49. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that minority representation is as closely in line with their proportion in the population of the State party in accordance with article 5 of the Convention, bearing also in mind the necessity to build trust in the State for all parts of the population10. The Committee encourages the State party to take all measures aimed at addressing socio-economic disparities between different ethnic communities and between rural and urban areas, and at promoting equal enjoyment by all of economic, social and cultural rights in accordance with article 5(e) of the Convention. The Committee requests that the State party provide it with information on specific measures taken for this purpose in its next periodic report+11. The Committee encourages the State party to pursue its efforts to provide full assistance to internally displaced persons who returned to their places of origin in Osh and Jalal Abad regions and to ensure their full reintegration, in particular with regard to access to housing and labour market12. The Committee encourages the State party to strengthen its efforts to promote education in minority languages for children belonging to minority ethnic groups in particular in the regions of Osh and Jalal-Abad12. The Committee also recommends that the State party review its decision to introduce high school testing in Kyrgyz and take appropriate measures to ensure that children belonging to minorities be tested in languages in which they were mainly educated12. The Committee reiterates its previous recommendation (CERD/C/KGZ/CO/4, para. 14) that the State party include in curricula and textbooks for primary and secondary schools information about the history and culture of different ethnic groups living in its territory. The Committee requests that the State party provide information on follow-up given to this recommendation in its next periodic report13.The Committee encourages the State party to take appropriate measures to ensure that minority groups, in particular Uzbeks, can disseminate and have access to information in their own languages. In that vein, the Committee recommends that the State party take measures to establish favourable conditions aimed at encouraging private ownership of media by persons belonging to minority groups, including in the Osh region13. The Committee also recommends that the State party provide training to journalists in human rights, including on the prohibition of incitement to racial discrimination14. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts, including through education, culture, awareness-raising campaigns, to combat racial stereotypes, discriminatory attitudes, nationalistic discourse including in media, with a view to promoting reconciliation, tolerance and understanding, and to build a peaceful and inclusive society. The Committee requests that the Stat< e party provide it with information on the concrete results of such measures in its next periodic report15. The Committee recommends that the State party include in its legislation a general provision on the prohibition of racial discrimination which is in line with article 1 of the Convention.:16. Recalling its general recommendations Nos. 1 (1972), 7 (1985) and 15 (1993), according to which the provisions of article 4 of the Convention are of a preventive and obligatory nature, the Committee recommends that the State party amend its legislation, so as to give full effect to article 4 of the Conventionk18. The Committee recommends that the State party strongly condemn the discriminatory statements and hate speech by politicians and media. The Committee particularly recommends that the State party take appropriate measures to investigate, prosecute and punish such acts and take appropriate measures to prevent them, including through education training of media19. The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary steps to facilitate the access of the persons belonging to all ethnic groups to justice, to disseminate legislation relating to racial discrimination to inform the population of all the legal remedies available to them. It further recommends that the State party provide comprehensive information on this subject in its next periodic report.20. The Committee recommends that the State party redouble its efforts to ensure that law enforcement officers receive training in human rights and in particular with regard to the provisions of the Convention20. The State party should also include human rights education in school curricula and conduct awareness-raising campaigns on human rights, including on racial discrimination21. The Committee recommends that the State party bring the institution of the Ombudsman into compliance with the Paris principles or establish a national human rights institution in a manner that is fully consistent with the Paris Principles22. Bearing in mind the indivisibility of all human rights, the Committee encourages the State party to consider ratifying those international human rights treaties which it has not yet ratified, in particular treaties the provisions of which have a direct relevance to communities that may be the subject of racial discrimination, such as the ratification of the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness23. In light of its general recommendation No. 33 (2009) on follow-up to the Durban Review Conference, the Committee recommends that the State party give effect to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, adopted in September 2001 by the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, taking into account the outcome document of the Durban Review Conference, held in Geneva in April 2009, when implementing the Convention in its domestic legal order. The Committee requests that the State party include in its next periodic report specific information on action plans and other measures taken to implement the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action at the national level.X24. The Committee recommends that the State party continue consulting and expanding its dialogue with organizations of civil society working in the area of human rights protection, in particular in combating racial discrimination, in connection with the preparation of the next periodic report and the follow-up to these concluding observationsz25. The Committee encourages the State party to make the optional declaration provided for in article 14 of the Conventiona26. The Committee recommends that the State party ratify the amendment to article 8, paragraph 6, of the Convention, adopted on 15 January 1992 at the fourteenth meeting of States parties to the Convention and endorsed by the General Assembly in its resolution 47/111. In this connection, the Committee cites paragraph 14 of General Assembly resolution 61/148, in which the Assembly strongly urged States parties to the Convention to accelerate their domestic ratification procedures with regard to the amendment and to notify the Secretary-General expeditiously in writing of their agreement to the amendment627. The Committee recommends that the State party s reports be made readily available and accessible to the public at the time of their submission, and that the observations of the Committee with respect to these reports be similarly publicized in the official and other commonly used languages, as appropriate+28. Noting that the State party has submitted its core document in 2008 (HRI/CORE/KGZ/2008), the Committee, bearing in mind the adoption of a new Constitution in 2010 and the renewal of legislation following it, encourages the State party to submit an updated core document, in accordance with the harmonized guidelines on reporting under the international human rights treaties, in particular those on the common core document, as adopted by the fifth Inter-Committee meeting of the human rights treaty bodies held in June 2006 (HRI/GEN.2/Rev.6, chap. I)G29. In accordance with article 9, paragraph 1, of the Convention and rule 65 of its amended rules of procedure, the Committee requests the State party to provide information, within one year of the adoption of the present concluding observations, on its follow-up to the recommendations contained in paragraphs 5, 6 and 9 above630. The Committee also wishes to draw the attention of the State party to the particular importance of the recommendations in paragraphs 7, 8, 12 and 13 above, and requests the State party to provide detailed information in its next periodic report on concrete measures taken to implement these recommendations31. The Committee recommends that the State party submit its combined eighth to tenth periodic reports by 4 October 2016, taking into account the specific reporting guidelines adopted by the Committee during its seventy-first session (CERD/C/2007/1), and addressing all the points raised in the present concluding observations. The Committee also urges the State party to observe the page limit of 40 pages for treaty-specific reports and 60-80 pages for the common core document (HRI/GEN.2/Rev.6, chap. I, para. 19).CCPR5. The State party should take appropriate measures to raise awareness among judges, lawyers and prosecutors about the Covenant and the direct applicability of its provisions in domestic law, so as to ensure that they are taken into account before domestic courts. The State party should include detailed examples of the application of the Covenant by the domestic courts in its next periodic reportL6. The State party should take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the Views adopted by the Committee in relation to the State party. The Human Rights Coordination Council should also be mandated with monitoring the implementation of the Committee s Views and should address this issue as a matter of urgency7. The State party should expeditiously bring the mandate of the Ombudsman (Akyikatchy) into full compliance with the Paris Principles and provide it with the necessary financial and human resources to ensure that it can effectively and independently implement its mandate8. The State party should review its domestic legislation and bring it into line with the principle of non-discrimination to ensure that it includes a comprehensive prohibition of discrimination on a< ll the grounds set out in the Covenant8. The State party should also ensure that reliable and public data is systematically collected on cases of discrimination and their treatment by the competent judicial authorities9. The State party should ensure that violence against LGBT persons is thoroughly investigated, that perpetrators are prosecuted, and if convicted, punished with appropriate sanctions, and that the victims are adequately compensated and protected against reprisals10. The State party should ensure that its legislation on states of emergency and application thereof are fully compatible with the provisions of article 4 of the Covenant11. (a) Reinforce training of police on preventing and combating violence against women, especially bride kidnapping, spousal rape and other acts of domestic violence11. (b) Guarantee that cases of violence against women are thoroughly investigated, that the perpetrators are brought to justice and, if convicted, punished with commensurate sanctions, and that victims are adequately compensatedW11. (c) Ensure the availability of a sufficient number of adequately resourced sheltersi11. (d) Launch awareness-raising campaigns among men and women on the adverse impact of violence on women12. The State party should continue its efforts to prevent and eradicate trafficking in persons, including by effectively implementing the relevant legislation and harmonizing the child adoption legislation with the requirements of international law 12. It should also establish proper mechanisms for identifying victims of trafficking and referring them to appropriate services, and continue training law enforcement officials and other relevant professionals on identification and assistance to victims of trafficking13. The State party should ensure, as a matter of urgency that its anti-terrorism legislation and its application thereof, especially the use of force, is in conformity with the provisions of the Covenant, particularly with respect to the right to life13. The State party should promptly investigate allegations of excessive use of force by the special services, prosecute perpetrators and provide compensation to victims families'14. The State party should take effective measures to ensure that all alleged human rights violations related to the 2010 ethnic conflict are fully and impartially investigated, that those responsible are prosecuted, and that victims are compensated without any discrimination based on ethnicity15. The State party should urgently strengthen its efforts to take measures to prevent acts of torture and ill-treatment and ensure prompt and impartial investigation of complaints of torture or ill-treatment, including the case of Azimjan Askarov; initiate criminal proceedings against perpetrators; impose appropriate sentences on those convicted and provide compensation for victims. The State party should take measures to ensure that no evidence obtained through torture is allowed to be used in court15. The State party should also expedite operationalization of the National Centre for the Prevention of Torture through providing the necessary resources to enable it to fulfil its mandate independently and effectively16. The State party should ensure registration of all detainees immediately following their apprehension in the central register, a medical examination and access to a lawyer of their choice as well as access to medical assistance17. The State party should strengthen its efforts to improve conditions of detention to bring them into line with the provisions of article 10 of the CovenantJ18. The State party should pursue judicial reforms to ensure a fully independent and impartial judiciary, including the establishment of objective and transparent criteria for the selection and dismissal of judges in accordance with international standards, notably the Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary (1985) 19. The State party should ensure that the Elders courts function in full compliance with provisions of the Covenant, in particular the safeguard of fair trial guarantees and non-discrimination, and that their members are provided with training on the rights protected under the Covenant~20. The State party should without further delay remove the power to exercise jurisdiction over civilians from military courtsZ21. The State party should take practical steps, including through legislative measures, where appropriate, to put an end to corporal punishment in all settings. It should encourage non-violent forms of discipline as alternatives to corporal punishment, and should conduct public information campaigns to raise awareness about its harmful effects22. The State party should ensure that the legislative amendments to the 2008 Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic remove all restrictions that are incompatible with article 18 of the Covenant, by providing for a transparent, open and fair registration process for religious organizations and eliminating distinctions among religions that may lead to discrimination. The State party should take measures, including through public statements and awareness-raising campaigns, to promote religious tolerance and condemn any act of religious intolerance and hatred. The State party should also investigate all cases of violence based on religion, prosecute perpetrators and compensate victims23. The State party should ensure that amendments to the Law on Universal Conscription of Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, on Military and Alternative Service provide for conscientious objections in a manner consistent with articles 18 and 26 of the Covenant, bearing in mind that article 18 also protects freedom of conscience of non-believers. It should also stipulate periods of military and alternative service on a non-discriminatory basis,24. The State party should ensure that journalists, human rights defenders and other individuals are able to freely exercise their right to freedom of expression, in accordance with article 19 of the Covenant and the Committee s general comment no. 34 (2011) on the freedoms of opinion and expression24. Furthermore, the State party should ensure that threats, intimidation and violence against human rights defenders and journalists are investigated, that perpetrators are prosecuted and punished, if convicted, and that victims are provided with compensation24. The State party should ensure that all individuals or organizations can freely provide information to the Committee and should protect them against any reprisals for providing such information25. The State party should ensure freedom of association, in accordance with article 22 of the Covenant, and refrain from imposing disproportionate or discriminatory restrictions on the freedom of association)26. The State party should ensure that every child is registered immediately after birth, and take measures, including awareness-raising, to facilitate the registration process with regard to children of parents who may have particular difficulties providing the necessary identification documents27. The State party should strengthen its efforts to ensure representation of minorities in political and public bodies at all levels, including the judiciary and law enforcement, to facilitate education in minority languages for children belonging < to minority ethnic groups and promote the use of minority languages in the media, including by restoring Uzbek-language television stations28. The State party should widely disseminate the Covenant, the two Optional Protocols to the Covenant, the text of its second periodic report, the written replies to the list of issues drawn up by the Committee, and the present concluding observations among the judicial, legislative and administrative authorities, civil society and non-governmental organizations operating in the country, as well as the general public28. The Committee also suggests that the report and the concluding observations be translated into the other official language of the State party (art. 2).29. In accordance with rule 71, paragraph 5, of the Committee s rules of procedure, the State party should provide, within one year, relevant information on its implementation of the Committee s recommendations made in paragraphs 14, 15 and 24 above30. The Committee requests the State party to provide in its next periodic report, due to be submitted on 28 March 2018, specific, up-to-date information on all its recommendations and on the Covenant as a wholeCRC7. (a) Establish a comprehensive policy with a view to strengthening its efforts to ensure that the provisions and principles of the Convention are widely known and understood by adults and children alike, and reinforce adequate and systematic training of all professional groups working for and with children, in particular law enforcements officials, teachers, health personnel (e.g. psychologists and social workers) and personnel in childcare institutions7. (b) Develop a comprehensive system for collecting disaggregated data covering all those under the age of 18 years; that data can be used as a basis for assessing progress achieved in the realization of children s rights and to help design policies to implement the ConventionW7. (c) Strengthen the role of the Office of the Ombudsman, in particular the Deputy Ombudsman for Children, in accordance with the principles relating to the status of national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights (the Paris Principles). The unit on children s rights within the Office of the Ombudsman should be given the power to deal with complaints from children, and to do so in a child-sensitive and expeditious manner, and to provide remedies for violations of their rights under the Convention. The unit should be provided with adequate human and financial resources7. (d) Involve non-governmental organizations, especially rights-based ones, and other sectors of civil society working with and for children more systematically throughout all stages of the implementation of the Conventionf7. (e) Undertake measures to ensure that children s views are given due consideration in schools, courts, within the family and during relevant administrative processes concerning children through, inter alia, adoption of appropriate legislation, training of all caregivers and professionals working with and for children and the use of information campaigns9. The Committee urges the State party to continue its efforts to bring its legislation into line with the Convention and ensure that such laws are fully and effectively implemented9. It recommends that the State party provide information on the evaluation of the implementation of its laws and regulations in the area of children s rights.9. The Committee also recommends that the State party ensure that the Convention is directly applied and referred to in judgements by its courts11. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that its programmes, plans and strategies are effectively implemented and include practical measures that clearly indicate the roles and responsibilities of relevant bodies at national, regional and local levels, and provide them with the necessary human, technical and financial resources. It also recommends that the State party ensure that there are systems for the monitoring and evaluation of its programmes and plans of actionE13. The Committee recommends that the State party take the necessary measures to provide its coordinating mechanism with sufficient authority and adequate human, technical and financial resources to ensure effective coordination of activities on children s rights across all sectors and at national, regional and local levels17. The Committee recommends that the State party take measures to harmonize its legislation and policies in relation to its definition of a child in order to ensure that all children below the age of 18 years are afforded the same rights and entitlements in all sectors19. The Committee urges the State party to take urgent measures to prevent discrimination against children in marginalized and disadvantaged situations, such as children belonging to minority groups, including Lyuli children, children in care institutions, children with disabilities, girl children in rural areas, children of migrant workers, children not registered as residents and children belonging to the LGTBI group, and periodically evaluate the outcomes of its measures. 19. The Committee also recommends that the State party include information in its next periodic report on measures and programmes relevant to the Convention and undertaken by the State party in follow-up to the Declaration and Programme of Action adopted at the 2001 World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, as well as the outcome document adopted at the 2009 Durban Review Conference21. In the light of its general comment No. 14 (2013) on the right of the child to have his or her best interests taken as a primary consideration, the Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to ensure that the right is appropriately integrated and consistently applied in all legislative, administrative and judicial proceedings, as well as in all policies, programmes and projects relevant to and with an impact on children21. In that regard, the State party is encouraged to develop procedures and criteria to provide guidance to all relevant persons in authority for determining the best < interests of the child in every area, giving them the appropriate weight as a primary consideration. Such procedures and criteria should be disseminated to courts of law, administrative authorities and legislative bodies, public and private social welfare institutions, as well as traditional and religious leaders and the public at large23. The Committee recommends that the State party establish mechanisms to provide rapid response to protect children in case of conflict and provide prompt, impartial and effective investigation into the killings, including of children, during the June 2010 events27. The Committee recommends that the State party amend its Citizenship Act and establish safeguards to prevent children born and living in its territory from becoming stateless27. It also recommends that the State party ratify the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons of 1954 and the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness of 1961`29. (a) Launch prompt and effective independent investigations into all allegations of torture and ill-treatment against children in detention facilities and closed institutions and during investigations, in particular in relation to the Nookat case, and ensure that perpetrators are prosecuted and punished under relevant articles of the Criminal Codem29. (b) Ensure care, recovery, compensation and rehabilitation for child victims of torture and ill-treatment29. (c) Prevent incidents of torture and ill-treatment by independent monitoring and unannounced visits to places of detention and closed institutions and by undertaking comprehensive training programmes for security and police personnel29. (d) Establish an effective complaint and data collection system for complaints of torture or other forms of ill-treatment of children deprived of their liberty31. (a) Take all necessary measures to prevent the abuse of children by raising the awareness of the public on the negative impacts of such abuse on child s health and development31. (b) Investigate and prosecute those responsible for child abuse in families, alternative care settings and schools and ensure that victims of abuse have access to complaints procedures, counselling, medical care and other recovery assistance as appropriate31. (c) Establish temporary foster families and crisis centres for such children and a mechanism for referring children to them, as well as allocate sufficient resources in order to provide children with the necessary medical, psychological and social support33. In the light of its general comment No. 8 (2008) on the right of the child to protection from corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment, the Committee urges the State party to prohibit in law the use of all forms of corporal punishment in all settings, in particular in the home and foster care, and provide for enforcement mechanisms under its legislation, including providing appropriate sanctions in cases of violation. It also recommends that the State party strengthen and expand awareness-raising and education programmes and campaigns, in order to promote positive, non-violent and participatory forms of child-rearing and disciplineo34. (a) Develop a comprehensive national strategy to prevent and address all forms of violence against childrena34. (b) Adopt a national coordinating framework to address all forms of violence against childrenP34. (c) Pay particular attention to and address the gender dimension of violence34. (d) Cooperate with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on violence against children and other relevant United Nations institutions36. (a) Prevent the sexual abuse and exploitation of children by ensuring effective pursuit of perpetrators and commensurate sanctions for perpetrators of child sexual exploitation and abuse within its jurisdiction and throughout its territory36. (b) Raise awareness and encourage the public and children to report cases of sexual violence and exploitation against children, especially in educational and medical facilitiesn36. (c) Establish effective mechanisms to identify, detect and protect children who are victims of such crimes36 (d) Ensure that law enforcement officials pay particular attention to crimes against children and be punished for inaction in registering and investigating any crimes against children as well as for the mishandling of cases36. (e) Provide children of all ages with the possibility of applying for the protection of the authorities directly, without the involvement of their parents or legal guardiansC38. The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure that all incidents of  bride-kidnapping are promptly, impartially and effectively investigated, that all those responsible for such abuses are held accountable, prosecuted and sanctioned, and that victims of such abuses obtain redressd38. It also recommends that the State party prevent early marriages of girls by developing and undertaking comprehensive awareness-raising programmes on the negative implications of early marriage for the girl child s rights to health, education and development, targeting in particular traditional and religious leaders, parents and State parliamentarianso40. The Committee recommends that the State party provide counselling and financial support to families with children in order to prevent children being separated from their parents. The Committee also recommends that the State party provide grandparents or other relatives with sufficient support and ensure that such children are not subjected to abuse and violenceH42. (b) Increase and provide incentives for family-type alternative care42. (a) Strengthen and enforce the deinstitutionalization process, by improving support to families and ensuring that placement in institutional care is used only as a last resortz42. (c) Ensure and monitor that children in care institutions are provided with quality nutrition sufficient for their age42. (d) Ensure that children in care institutions receive timely medical services of adequate quality, including preventive treatment, by qualified medical professionals{42. (e) Provide children in care institutions with free and regular dental care, including dental prosthetics, if necessaryZ42. (f) Improve and monitor living, sanitation and hygiene conditions in care institutions42. (g) Ensure the systematic, frequent and effective monitoring and control of the situation of children residing in care institutions, including private care institutions, and in family-type alternative carex42. (h) Provide children in alternative care settings with access to an independent and confidential complaint mechanism42. (i) Provide children leaving care institutions with the necessary support, including accommodation, employment or further education44. The Committee recommends that the State party speed up the process of accession to the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption of 199344. It also recommends that the State party establish effective mechanisms aimed at facilitating the adoption process by removing unnecessary barriers, while at the same time ensuring proper screening of families by whom children are to be ado< pted44. In particular, it urges the State party to investigate all cases of corruption in the adoption process and ensure that all persons responsible are prosecuted and punished accordinglyo46. In the light of its general comment No. 9 (2006) on the rights of children with disabilities, the Committee urges the State party to ensure the conformity of its legislation, policies and practices with, inter alia, articles 23 and 27 of the Convention, with the aim of effectively addressing the needs of children with disabilities in a non-discriminatory manner46. (b) Raise the awareness of the public, in particular children, about the rights of children with disabilities and take measures for their successful integration into societyV46. (a) Develop a policy on deinstitutionalization and prevent excessive institutionalization of children with disabilities by providing all the necessary support to families with children with disabilities and ensure sufficient alternative family and community-based care options for children with disabilities deprived of family environment46. (c) Ensure that social benefits for families with children with disabilities are sufficient to cover the basic needs of such children46. (d) Provide inclusive education for children with disabilities by training teachers, providing schools with necessary equipment and raising the awareness of school personnel, children and the public in general of the rights of children with disabilities 46. (e) Ensure prompt and effective investigation into cases of deaths of children with disabilities in care institutions and establish an independent monitoring of care institutions, in particular of the health-care services provided to children in such institutionsn46. (f) Ensure that all children with mental disabilities are provided with appropriate stimulating activitiess48. In the light of its general comment No. 15 (2013) on the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, the Committee recommends that the State party take measures to ensure that all children up to the age of 18 years are covered under the State party s programmes for children and have access to health-care services free of charge48. It recommends that the State party take measures to prevent deaths of children as a result of preventable and curable diseases, by educating parents and providing easy access to early medical intervention48. Furthermore, the Committee recommends that the State party take measures to ensure that no child in the country is undernourished and that all children have access to adequate and sufficient nutritious food150. In the light of its general comment No. 3 (2003) on HIV/AIDS and the rights of the child, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to prevent transmission of HIV/AIDS by raising the awareness of the public, including children, about the means of transmission and providing hospitals with necessary resources to prevent sharing of needles and other instruments that could lead to infections. The Committee also recommends that the State party provide information on the investigation into the mass infections of children with HIV/AIDS in Osh province and their causes, and ensure that the victims are provided with appropriate assistance and support. Furthermore, the Committee urges the State party to take all the necessary measures to prevent such incidents from happening again 52. Referring to its general comment No. 4 (2003) on adolescent health and development in the context of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Committee recommends that the State party adopt a comprehensive sexual and reproductive health policy for adolescents and ensure that age-appropriate sexual and reproductive health education is part of the mandatory school curriculum and targeted at adolescent girls and boys, with special attention given to preventing early pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. |52. It also recommends that the State party provide adolescents with confidential services and easy access to contraceptives56. (a) Ensure that all children, including minority children, have access to free and compulsory education, which is not compromised by their involvement in the labour market56. (b) Take measures to improve the quality of education, by training teachers, providing incentives to attract qualified teachers, ensuring a sufficient number of textbooks and conducting independent, regular assessments of childrenb56. (c) Put an end to the practice of extorting fees from the parents of children attending school56. (d) Take measures to invest in and maintain the infrastructure of schools, including on access to water, sewage systems, heating and electricity, and ensure that school buildings respond to high safety standards56. (e) Put an end to school racketeering by supervising the behaviour of children and sanctioning those who are involved in racketeering activities56. (f) Take measures to ensure that children from minority communities, in particular Uzbek children, have access to education in their native language without any restrictionsb58. The Committee recalls its report of the day of general discussion on the rights of all children in the context of migration (2012) and recommends that the State party ensure that children of internal migrant workers are provided with adequate living conditions and immediate access to health care and education irrespective of their residency status60. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to reconcile communities and prevent discrimination against members of minority groups, through multilingual, common education and awareness-raising campaigns to promote tolerance and friendship among communities362. The Committee urges the State party to remove from its legislation the requirement of 10 days notification prior to the visit of labour inspectors and to organize regular unannounced inspection of private and State employment sites and ensure that any person who may be below the age of 18 years is not subjected to hazardous working conditions. The Committee urges the State party to ensure regular visits and monitoring of care institutions to detect signs of forced labour and/or physical, emotional and sexual abuse and bring those responsible to justice62. Follow up to the Committee s previous concluding observations and recommendations on the Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography64. The Committee reiterates its previous recommendation that the State party amend the provisions with a view to including all purposes and forms of the sale of children, child pornography and child prostitution in accordance with article 3, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Optional Protocol. It also recommends that the State party take the necessary legislative measures to ensure that domestic law provides for extraterritorial jurisdiction in full compliance with article 4 of the Optional Protocol64. Follo< w up to the Committee s previous concluding observations and recommendations on the Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict67. The Committee urges the State party to establish a juvenile justice system in full compliance with the Convention, in particular articles 37, 39 and 40, and with other relevant standards, including the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice (the Beijing Rules), the United Nations Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (the Riyadh Guidelines), the United Nations Rules for the Protection of Juveniles Deprived of their Liberty (the Havana Rules), the Guidelines for Action on Children in the Criminal Justice System, and the Committee s general comment No. 10 (2007) on children s rights in juvenile justicel67. (a) Establish a system of juvenile courts with specialized staff and with a restorative justice approachw67. (b) Avoid unlawful detention of children and ensure that legal safeguards are implemented for the detained children'67. (c) Ensure independent court review of decisions on placements in the adaptation and rehabilitation centre for juveniles and Belovodsky Special Boarding School and provide children placed in those institutions with freedom of movement, including the freedom to leave and return at their will67. (d) Ensure that under no circumstances are children detained together with adults and that detention of children is used as a last resort and allow regular visits from the families of children in detention69. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure, through adequate legal provisions and regulations, that all child victims and/or witnesses of crimes are provided with the protection required by the Convention and that the State party take fully into account the Guidelines on Justice in Matters involving Child Victims and Witnesses of Crime. In particular, it recommends that child victims and witnesses are treated in a child-sensitive manner and their views and testimonies are given due weight. Furthermore, it recommends that child victims are provided with unrestricted access to justice without having to be represented by their parents or legal guardians70. In order to further strengthen the fulfilment of children s rights, the Committee recommends that the State party ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a communications procedure, the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Optional Protocol thereto and the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced DisappearanceR71. The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure that the present concluding observations are fully implemented by, inter alia, transmitting them to the Head of State, the Parliament, the relevant ministries, the Supreme Court and local authorities for appropriate consideration and further action72. The Committee further recommends that the combined third and fourth periodic reports, the written replies by the State party and the present concluding observations be made widely available in Russian and the minority languages of the country, including, but not exclusively, through the Internet, to the public at large, civil society organizations, media, youth groups, professional groups and children&73. The Committee invites the State party to submit its combined fifth and sixth periodic report by 6 November 2019 and to include therein information on the follow-up to the present concluding observations. The report should be in compliance with the Committee s harmonized treaty-specific reporting guidelines adopted on 1 October 2010 (CRC/C/58/Rev.2 and Corr. 1). and should not exceed 21,200 words (see General Assembly resolution 68/268, para. 16). In the event that a report exceeding the established word limit is submitted, the State party will be asked to shorten the report in accordance with the above-mentioned resolution. If the State party is not in a position to review and resubmit the report, translation of the report for purposes of consideration by the treaty body cannot be guaranteed HR MECHANISMSTOPIC EducationMigrantsFreedom of expressionHealth26. (a) Give priority to eliminating negative stereotypes and structural barriers to enrolment of girls in non-traditional fields of education at the secondary and tertiary levels, and provide career counselling for girls on non-traditional career paths such as science and technology;28. (a) Intensify its efforts to create an enabling environment for women to become economically more independent, including by sensitizing employers in the public and private sectors on the prohibition of discrimination against women in employment, and intensify efforts to promote the entry of women into the formal economy through the provision of vocational and technical training, as well as by facilitating child care and pre-school educationg28. (b) Adopt comprehensive legislation to combat discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace28. (c) Adopt and effectively apply legislation guaranteeing equal pay for work of equal value in order to narrow and close the gender wage gap, and regularly review wages in sectors where women are concentrated; 28. (d) Consider introducing basic rights and the right to maternity leave in the informal sector and ratifying the International Labour Organization Convention No. 189 (2011) concerning Decent Work for Domestic Workers30. (a) Strengthen the programme for the reduction of maternal, new-born and child mortality, and ensure the effective implementation and adequate funding of relevant state programmes, as well as access to health-care facilities and trained medical personnelu30. (b) Increase access for all women and girls, in particular rural women and girls, to basic health care services; 30. (c) Widely promote age appropriate educ< ation on sexual and reproductive health and rights; and increase access to affordable and safe modern contraceptives and information on family planning for women and men and girls and boys throughout the State party32. (a) To formulate and implement specific measures to combat poverty among rural women, including effective measures to ensure rural women s access to justice, education, housing, safe drinking water, sanitation, formal employment, skills development and training opportunities, income-generating opportunities and microcredits, and ownership and use of land, taking into account their specific needs; 534. (a) Adopt measures, including temporary special measures within the meaning of article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention and the Committee s General Recommendation No. 25 (2004) on temporary special measures, to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women who face intersecting forms of discrimination@34. (b) Ensure access to sustainable, non-discriminatory and non-prejudiced services, such as shelters, sexual and reproductive health services, legal aid and counselling, employment, for all women, in particular women facing intersecting forms of discrimination, and protect them from violence, abuse and exploitation; 34. (c) Adopt necessary legislative measures, as well as targeted policies to address multiple forms of discrimination and promote the integration into society of disadvantaged and marginalized groups of women facing intersecting forms of discrimination34. (d) Finalize and adopt an expeditious, transparent and accessible official procedure of gender marker change in identity documents of transgender women who wish to obtain legal recognition of their genderC36. (b) Adopt all necessary legislative means to protect the rights of women upon dissolution of such religious or customary marriages regardless of their registration status, in line with the Committee s General Recommendation No. 29 (2013) on the economic consequences of marriage, family relations and their dissolution;%36. (c) Take proactive measures to combat child and forced marriages, in accordance with the joint General Recommendation/General Comment No.31 of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and No.18 of the Committee on the Rights of the Child on harmful practices (2014)39. The Committee encourages the State party to accept, as soon as possible, the amendment to article 20, paragraph 1, of the Convention concerning the meeting time of the Committee40. The Committee calls upon the State party to utilize the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, in its efforts to implement the provisions of the Convention41. The Committee calls for the integration of a gender perspective, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, into all efforts aimed at the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and into the post-2015 development framework43. The Committee notes that the adherence of the State party to the nine major international human rights instruments would enhance the enjoyment by women of their human rights and fundamental freedoms in all aspects of life. The Committee therefore encourages the State party to consider ratifying the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, to which it is not yet a party44. The Committee requests the State party to provide, within two years, written information on the steps undertaken to implement the recommendations contained in paragraphs 22 (c) and 28 (b) and (d) above[45. The Committee invites the State party to submit its fifth periodic report in March 201946. The Committee requests the State party to follow the  Harmonized guidelines on reporting under the international human rights treaties, including guidelines on a common core document and treaty-specific documents (HRI/MC/2006/3 and Corr.1)(8. (a) Ensure that the Convention, its Optional Protocol, and the Committee s General Recommendations are sufficiently known and applied by all branches of government, including the judiciary, as a framework for laws, court decisions and policies on gender equality and the advancement of women; @8. (b) Enhance women s awareness of their rights and the remedies available to them to claim violations of their rights under the Convention, and ensure that information on the Convention, its Optional Protocol and the Committee s general recommendations is provided to all women, in particular in rural and remote areasw10. (b) Adopt comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation which prohibits discrimination against women on all grounds12. (a) Take steps to accord greater visibility, increased capacity and authority to all the components of the national machinery for the advancement of women by upgrading its status, clarifying its mandate and ensuring the provision of sufficient and sustainable budgetary allocations and adequate staff with the necessary technical capacity, in order to fully enable it to implement programmes and projects on gender equality and the advancement of women; 12. (b) Develop a gender mainstreaming strategy which includes gender responsive budgeting, and which can be applied in the formulation of all policies and programmes to address various aspects of women s lives14. (a) Familiarize all relevant State officials and policy-makers with the concept of temporary special measures, adopt and implement temporary special measures, including time-bound goals and quotas, directed towards the achievement of de facto or substantive equality between women and men in all areas where women are underrepresented or disadvantaged, including in political and public life, decisionmaking and employment;14. (b) Address the root causes of the weak implementation of the existing temporary special measures and introduce in its legislation provisions to encourage the use of temporary special measures in both the public and private sectors|16. (a) Put in place, without delay, a comp< rehensive strategy with proactive and sustained measures, targeting women and men at all levels of society, including religious leaders, to eliminate stereotypes and patriarchal attitudes concerning the roles and responsibilities of women and men in the family and in society, as well as harmful practices that discriminate against women16. (b) Expand public education programmes on the criminal nature and adverse effects on women of harmful practices such as child marriage and bride kidnapping, in particular in rural and remote areas16. (c) Use innovative measures targeting the media to strengthen understanding of substantive equality of women and men and use the education system to enhance positive and non-stereotypical portrayals of women; l16. (d) To monitor and review the measures taken so as to assess their impact and to take appropriate action18. (a) Put in place comprehensive measures to prevent and address violence against women and girls, and ensure that women and girls who are victims of violence have access to immediate means of redress and protection and that perpetrators are prosecuted and adequately punished 18. (b) Provide mandatory training for judges, prosecutors, the police and other law enforcement officials on the strict application of criminal law provisions dealing with violence against women and on gender-sensitive procedures to deal with women victims of violence18. (c) Encourage women to report incidents of domestic and sexual violence to the law enforcement bodies and not to aksakals courts by de-stigmatizing victims and sensitizing the police and raising awareness about the criminal nature of such acts;18. (d) Provide adequate assistance and protection to women victims of violence by establishing shelters, including in rural areas, and enhancing its cooperation with non-governmental organizations providing shelter and rehabilitation to victims;18. (e) Collect statistical data on domestic and sexual violence disaggregated by sex, age, nationality and relationship between the victim and the perpetratorB20. (a) Conduct research on the extent of the practice of abduction of girls for purposes of forced marriage and develop a comprehensive strategy to address this practice to ensure the effective investigation, prosecution and conviction of perpetrators as well as the provision of remedies and support services for victimsF20. (b) Strengthen the efficiency of law enforcement agencies to ensure that they protect women and girls from violence and bride kidnapping, and adopt standardized procedures for the police in all regions of the State party on gender-sensitive investigations and treatment of victims and to encourage women to file complaints20. (c) Provide systematic training on the criminal nature of bride kidnapping and its adverse effects on women s rights to judges, law enforcement officers and medical staffv20. (d) Ensure that women victims of bride kidnapping may report cases without having to fear retribution or stigma; 20. (e) Address the traditional cultural attitudes and underlying causes of bride kidnapping, including through education and awareness-raising campaigns for the general public22. (a) Establish a coordinating body responsible for the implementation of programmes and actions plans to combat trafficking in human beings as well as for the coordination of relevant state structures22. (b) Conduct comparative studies on trafficking and exploitation of prostitution, including by collecting data, disaggregated by sex, ethnicity and age, to identify and address the root causes of trafficking and include such data in its next periodic report(22. (c) Establish an oversight mechanism allowing the monitoring of violence against women involved in prostitution by the police, and stop illegal forced testing for HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases of women involved in prostitution which is often performed during police raids; 022. (d) Adopt a comprehensive approach to address the phenomenon of prostitution, provide specific shelters and crisis centres, exit and reintegration programmes, as well as alternative income generating opportunities, for women who wish to leave prostitution and take measures on the reduction of demand@24. (a) Take measures to increase the participation of women in political and public life at all levels, including by adopting temporary special measures, such as statutory quotas, in accordance with article 4 (1) of the Convention and the Committee s General Recommendation No. 25 (2004) on temporary special measures; 24. (b) Build capacity of and enhance access to campaign financing for women politicians to enable them to compete effectively with their male counterparts; 24. (c) Conduct awareness raising activities for politicians, community leaders, journalists and the general public on the importance of women s participation in decision-making in order to enhance the understanding that full, equal, free and democratic participation of women on an equal basis with men in political and public life is a requirement for the full implementation of the Conventionw26. (b) Intensify its efforts in reviewing school textbooks and curricula to eliminate any stereotyped roles of women; t26. (c) Provide in its next periodic report updated disaggregated data on the educational choices of women and girlsN10. (a) Ensure that the discriminatory draft law No. 6-11804/14 is not adoptedAdministration of justiceHousing 17. The Committee recommends that the State party continue its efforts to grant Kyrgyz citizenship to stateless persons including, through its National Action Plan to Prevent and Reduce Statelessness updated in December 2012. It also recommends that the State party take appropriate measures to grant access to its registration procedures and consider asylum requests regardless of the origin of applicants. The State party should also provide documents to all asylum seekers and take necessary measures to prevent them from risk of refoulementV19. The Committee recalls that the absence of complaints or legal proceedings brought by victims of racial discrimination can be indicative of legislation that is insufficiently specific, a lack of awareness of available remedies, fear of social censure or reprisals, or an unwillingness on the part of the authorities to initiate proceedings11. The State party should adopt a comprehensive approach to prevent and address all forms of violence against women, including bride kidnapping, spousal rape and domestic violence14. The State party should urgently strengthen its efforts to address the root causes of obstacles to the peaceful coexistence between different ethnic groups on its territory and to promote ethnic tolerance and mutual trust30. The Committee also requests the State party, when preparing its next periodic report, to broadly consult with civil society and non-governmental organizations operating in the country15. The Committee recommends that the State Party (a) Earmark sufficient budget resources specifically targeted at the implementation of the rights of children 15. The Committee recommends that the State Party (b) Establish an effective system for tracking, monitoring and evaluating the allocation and us< e of resources for children by all relevant sectors throughout the budget, thus making investment benefiting children clear25. The Committee urges the State party to ensure that all children born in its territory are registered and provided with standard birth certificates immediately without any undue barriers, irrespective of the availability of their parents identity documents or residence permits. The Committee also recommends that the State party simplify the procedure for birth registration and ensure that no illegal demands are made in the process of restoring birth certificates34. Recalling the recommendations of the United Nations study on violence against children of 2006 (A/61/299), the Committee recommends that the State party prioritize the elimination of all forms of violence against children. The Committee further recommends that the State party take into account general comment No. 13 (2011) on the right of the child to freedom from all forms of violenceX54. The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to implement its legislation promoting breastfeeding practices and ensure that all mothers receive adequate information on the benefits of their breastmilk. It also recommends that the State party adopt the International Code for Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes67. The State party should make use, if relevant, of the technical assistance tools developed by the Interagency Panel on Juvenile Justice and its members, including the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the United Nations Children s Fund (UNICEF), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and non-governmental organizations, and seek technical assistance in the area of juvenile justice from members of the Panel80. Existing facilities for the storage of radioactive and hazardous waste and banned pesticides should be fenced off, marked with warning signs and controlled by armed guards in order to prevent unauthorized access by the population tocontaminated materials82. The Special Rapporteur therefore urges Kyrgyzstan to carry out, with the assistance and support ofthe international community, a comprehensive study on the levels of radiation/chemical pollution in dump sites and adjacent areas and a comprehensive assessment of the harmful impact of radioactive and hazardous substances on the human rights of people living in the regions where storage facilities are located86. The Special Rapporteur recommends that Kyrgyzstan review and expand its regulatory framework on radioactive waste management and radiation safety in order to ensure its consistency with international norms and standards on radiation safety and the security of radioactive sources87. The Special Rapporteur also recommends that Kyrgyzstan review its normative framework on chemicals management, and consider adopting a comprehensive law on chemicals management. Such a law should rationalize existing norms, standards and procedures to protect human health and the environment from the threats arising from the unsound handling, management, use, transport and disposal of hazardous chemical products88. Considering that the country is situated at the upper portion of the region s water basins, and taking into account the transboundary threat posed by radioactive and toxic wastes stored on its territory, the Special Rapporteur calls on the Government of Kyrgyzstan to consider ratifying the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes and its Protocol on Water and Health89. The Special Rapporteur believes that the role and functions of the various institutions responsible for the implementation and enforcement of national legislation on radioactive waste and chemicals management at the central, provincial and local levels should be better defined, and appropriate mechanisms should be developed in order to ensure better coordination and cooperation among these institutionsE90. As recommended by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Kyrgyzstan should consider establishing an independent regulatory body with overall responsibility for radioactive waste management and radiation safety, and allocate adequate human, financial and technical resources to enable it to carry out its functions91. The Government should also consider reviewing the status of the State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry, with a view to raising it to that of a ministryU92. The Special Rapporteur recommends that Kyrgyzstan provide, with the support of the donor community, adequate human, technical and financial resources to the ministries, State agencies, and local authorities which are responsible for the implementation and enforcement of national legislation on radioactive waste and chemicals management Environment93. The Government should also allocate, with the support of the donor community, adequate financial resources, technical means and expertise to Stateowned analytical laboratories, so as to improve their capacity to ensure accurate measurements of radiation and chemical pollutiona94. The Special Rapporteur calls on relevant international organizations such as the World Health Organization and IAEA to organize professional trainings for staff of analytical laboratories and provide laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment needed to monitor radioactivity levels and to calibrate the instruments used for measuring radioactivityq95. The current system of environmental inspections should be reviewed. Existing restrictions on access to industrial sites should be eliminated, and inspection authorities should be granted the power to carry out, in addition to the annual planned inspection, additional inspections without prior notice whenever the safety situation at the industrial site so requireso96. The Special Rapporteur recommends that Kyrgyzstan adopt all appropriate measures to combat the illegal import and export of hazardous products, including mercury and banned pesticides, to and from the country, including the allocation of adequate human and financial resources to custom authorities and the provision of training opportunities for custom officials96. The country should also strengthen its capacity to prosecute and punish environmental crimes by, inter alia, organizing appropriate training opportunities for judges and prosecutorsA97. The Special Rapporteur recommends that Kyrgyzstan ensure, through public information and awarenessraising campaigns, access to information on the status of tailings and waste dumps, on the adverse effects of exposure to radioactive materials or hazardous substances, and on the safety measures to minimize these risks98. Information on chemi< cal products sold in the country should be available, accessible, user-friendly, adequate and appropriate to the needs of all stakeholders. People handling hazardous chemicals, such as farmers and employees in the chemical or energy sector, should receive appropriate information and training on such chemicals and their intrinsic properties, and on how to use them in ways that minimize adverse health consequences98. The Special Rapporteur calls on the Government to consider ratifying the Convention concerning Safety in the Use of Chemicals at Work, 1990 (No. 170) of the International Labour Organization99. Kyrgyzstan should develop a detailed strategy or an action plan for the implementation of the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention). Such a plan should envisage the organization of adequate training opportunities and information campaigns to familiarize civil servants and the general public with the Convention100. The Special Rapporteur considers that better assessment and prioritization of required action at the country level is needed in order to ensure a more efficient use of international financing and technical assistance in the areas of radioactive waste and chemicals management101. The Speical Repporteur therefore calls on the donor community, international and regional organizations, financial institutions and the private sector to continue to provide the Government of Kyrgyzstan with assistance and financial support in order to enable it to strengthen the protection of individuals and communities within its jurisdiction from the adverse effects of uranium tailings, obsolete or banned pesticides, mercury and other hazardous wastesSR-VAWSR-TDW91. Establish an independent State body specifically responsible for women s rights and gender equality issues. This body should be invested with a clear mandate, authority and sufficient resources and able to develop national gender policies, undertake coordination activities and solicit accountability from all ministries. Policy development and monitoring should be its core responsibilities, while implementation re      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~mains the separate responsibility of other bodies91. Provide clear terms of reference on women s rights and gender equality issues for the new Parliamentary Committee on Social Policy, including a strong advocacy and monitoring role as regards the gender dimensions of policies and legislation91. Support the new gender unit within the Office of the Ombudsman with sufficient resources to conduct education, advocacy and legal and research work~91. Use the media to promote public awareness campaigns on women s human rights, violence against women and gender stereotypes91. Undertake a gender analysis of school books and curriculums at the primary and high-school levels, with a view to eliminating gender stereotypes and promoting gender equality and non-violence. Relevant teacher training should be provided91. Consider the establishment of positive temporary measures to encourage increased participation of women in local political and decision-making structures, including the local Aksakal courts91. Develop a new National Action Plan for Gender Development which takes into account the body of information available on the status of women, including the situation of rural women. Effective mechanisms to ensure accountability in the implementation of the plan should be instituted91. Establish a sustainable mechanism for the systematic gender analysis of legislation and programmes, as required under Kyrgyz legislation91. Examine and adopt measures to address the different factors impeding women s position and opportunities in the labour market, including that of rural women91. Make specific budgetary commitments towards the implementation of programmes related to gender equality, the socio-economic position of women and violence against women and girls{92. Treat violence against women as a criminal offence and investigate and prosecute cases within the formal justice systemP92. Establish specialized female law enforcement units, including in rural areasx92. Develop mechanisms, both legal and social, to combat internal trafficking and sexual exploitation of women and girlsr92. Commit sustainable State support to women and girls crisis centres, including in areas currently not servicedw92. Establish information and assistance centres for women and girls at risk who have moved from rural to urban centres92. Establish effective monitoring systems of decisions by Aksakal courts, a policy of strengthened cooperation and engagement with them and promote female participation92. Support awareness-raising campaigns on domestic violence and women s rights which specifically target community leaders and local populations92. Undertake reforms with regard to temporary and court protection orders and adopt practical measures to facilitate their implementation92. Take measures to ensure the protection of women who are victims of discrimination and violence on account of their sexual orientation or gender identity, and simplify procedures for changing the sexual identity of transgender persons in their identity cards^92. Implement a comprehensive strategy to address abuse, torture and extortion while in police custody and detention, including: a complaint procedure that can be activated any time upon arrest; investigation procedures which meet international standards of impartiality, thoroughness and efficiency; and training to accompany a zero-tolerance policy92. Support the establishment of legal aid clinics, including in rural areas, which provide free legal services for women in need92. Allow for a defence based on a prior history of being a victim of domestic violence as a mitigating factor in the sentencing of women who have killed their partners and/or other family members93. Amend legislation to set a uniform minimum legal age for marriage at 18 for both women and men, in line with international standards93. Impose as a legal requirement, subject to specific sanctions, that religious marriages may only be performed where proof of a civil marriage has been made available and promote awareness-raising among religious leaders and communities on this issue93. Undertake research on the prevalence of unregistered marriages and its consequences for women and children, and consider the adoption of regulations to protect their legal and property rights both during the de facto union and upon its dissolution93. Raise the penalty for polygamy and cooperate with Kyrgyz migrant-receiving countries in taking measures to prevent polygamous marriages across borders93. Increase the criminal penalty for bride abduction and coercion into marriage, withdraw the possibility of imposing only a fine and provide stringent p< enalties for conspiracy and aiding and abetting in this crime93. Undertake awareness-raising campaigns, including through the media, on forced bride-kidnapping, early marriage, polygamy and unregistered marriages94. Set up procedures enabling the compilation of statistics on domestic violence, including through the classification of domestic violence as a separate crime in police and prosecution records94. Particularly in respect of rural women, undertake comprehensive research and compile statistics on violence against women, including economic and occupational indicators, access to public services and reproductive healthM94. Gather data on the prevalence and types of abuses faced by girls under 1894. Conduct a study on human trafficking patterns and dynamics, both internal and abroad, to gather statistics and information on the methods of trafficking networks, better monitor the situation of migrant women and identify and prevent trafficking and exploitative situations94. Support research on the prevalence and forms of sexual violence, including sexual harassment in the workplace, with a view to formulating appropriate responses95. The Special Rapporteur acknowledges the support provided to date by international organizations and donor agencies in the promotion of gender equality and encourages them to continue working with the Government of Kyrgyzstan in order to ensure a sustainable gender action plan and concrete Government strategies and measures to eliminate all forms of violence against women, its causes and consequencesSR-T80. (a) Amend, as a matter of priority, article 305-1 of the Criminal Code to ensure that torture is defined as a serious crime in accordance with article 1 of the Convention against Torture, sanctioned with penalties commensurate with the gravity of the crime; And ensure in the Law on Amnesty that no person convicted for the crime of torture will be entitled to benefit from an act of amnestyp80. (b) Ensure that legislation concerning evidence presented in judicial proceedings is brought into line with the provisions of article 15 of the Convention against Torture in order to exclude explicitly any evidence or extrajudicial statement obtained under duress, unless the person interrogated affirms the veracity of the statement before a judge, and that persons convicted on the basis of such evidence are acquitted and released; and ensure that any allegation of torture and ill-treatment made in court is promptly dealt with by the judicial authorities without the need for a specific motion by the defence lawyer80. (c) Amend the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Law on Procedure and Conditions of the Detention of Persons Suspected or Accused of Crime to include a provision on the right of the suspect to one free telephone call with family members or relatives; and reduce the 12-hour period envisaged for notification of arrest by the investigator to the family stipulated in article 99 of the Code of Criminal Procedure80. (d) Amend the Code of Criminal Procedure and other legislative acts (including the law on operational investigations and search activities) with a view to ensure that the time period starting from the moment of actual arrest until the formal initiation of the criminal case is in accordance with international standards, with clear designation of procedural status, rights and safeguards81. (b) Overhaul the system of State-appointed lawyers completely and replace it with an open and transparent process of fairly remunerated independent lawyers, a process that is not controlled in practice by the investigating officers; and foresee the establishment of national legal aid programmes that guarantee access to a lawyer for all detainees, including prior to interrogation?81. (c) Set in legislation a minimum timeline within which medical examination is to be provided without delay, in conformity with the Manual on Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Istanbul Protocol); ensure timely access to independent medical examination at all stages of the criminal process, in particular when the suspect is placed in a temporary police detention facility, when taken out for any investigative activity, and upon return ensure that a forensic examination is conducted on the basis of the victim s application or his/her lawyer s motion for forensic service as a matter of law subject to judicial review in the event of delay or refusal, and that reports of independent forensics are attributed the same evidentiary weight as reports prepared by State-appointed forensic experts; and ensure that independent forensic reports are admissible in court upon submission by a defence counsel without any prior approval by an investigator or a State prosecutor to include them in the case filew81. (d) Expedite a prompt, impartial and thorough investigation into all allegations of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and undertake public prosecutions without delay where the evidence warrants them; unless the allegation is manifestly unfounded, those involved should be suspended from their duties during the investigation and proceedings81. (e) Increase the number of qualified health personnel in temporary and pretrial detention facilities and ensure that medical staff in places of detention are independent by transferring them from the State Service for the Execution of Punishments and the Ministry of the Interior to the Ministry of Health; and provide forensic medical services with training in the medical investigation of torture and other forms of ill-treatment81. (f) Recall that evidentiary rules  and their incorrect interpretation - should not reward police and investigator misconduct; the exclusion of evidence at trial is one effective means to combat misconduct and abuses in the course of a criminal investigation81. (g) Ensure that defence lawyers are given procedural opportunities to collect evidence independently of investigators through, inter alia, the deposition of witnesses and experts directly before a judge81. (h) Shift the burden of proof to prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt that a confession or other evidence has not been obtained under any kind of duress, and consider filming and audiotaping interrogations<81. (i) Encourage judges and prosecutors to routinely ask persons arriving from police custody how they have been treated and to order an independent medical examination if they suspect that the detainee has been subjected to ill-treatment; an ex officio investigation should be initiated whenever there are reasonable grounds to believe that a confession has been obtained through the use of torture and illtreatment; these cases tried under article 305-1 of the Cr< iminal Code are prosecutable ex officio and should not be subject to termination upon the victim s request81. (k) Establish clearly set out enforcement mechanisms to provide victims with effective remedy and redress, including compensation and as full rehabilitation as possible by allocating funds in the national budget; and fulfil the right of the victim to obtain redress through civil litigation regardless of whether the guilt of a public agent has been determined by a court on a criminal case|81. (l) Establish an effective national preventive mechanism in accordance with the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture, ensure budgetary allocations and equip the mechanism with sufficient human and other resources to enable it to inspect all places of detention regularly, to receive complaints, initiate prosecutions and follow them through to their conclusions81. (m) Consider adopting a law to allow regular inspections of all places of detention by an independent monitoring mechanism (in addition to the national preventive mechanism); ensure that oversight mechanisms, inter alia, public advisory councils, are able to conduct unimpeded and effective oversight of places of detention and that their findings and recommendations are made public; and introduce independent, effective and accessible complaint mechanisms to all places of detention through the installation of telephone hotlines or confidential complaints boxes, and ensure that every detainee has unimpeded and unsupervised access to the prosecutor upon request and that complainants do not suffer any reprisals81. (n) Ensure that pretrial detainees are transferred from temporary detention facilities to pretrial detention centres at the expiration of the 48-hour period-83. (a) Complete the ongoing reform of the police apparatus, and have the highest authorities, in particular those responsible for law enforcement activities, declare unambiguously that they will not tolerate torture or ill-treatment by their subordinates and that perpetrators will be held to account83. (d) Strengthen the training of the judiciary in relation to torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and ensure effective follow-upD84. The Special Rapporteur recommends that appropriate bodies use institutionalization as a last resort and provide alternatives, including non-custodial psychiatric assistance available at local hospitals, and ensure the patient s right to free and informed consent to treatment in compliance with international standards. V84. The Special Rapporteur requests the international community to support the efforts of Kyrgyzstan in implementing the above-mentioned recommendations, in particular in its efforts to reform its legal system, establish a preventive framework against torture and ill-treatment and provide appropriate training for police and prison personnel SR-SCCPCPb101. (a) To pursue the full harmonization of domestic laws with ratified international instruments101. (b) To ensure child-friendly justice procedures that provide child victims with specific and prompt protection and assistance that prevent further hardship and trauma and take into account the views and special needs and vulnerabilities of children during judicial processes101. (c) To implement a child-sensitive approach to justice by providing child victims with free legal assistance, thereby ensuring the safety and protection of child victims]101. (d) To strengthen the investigation and prosecution of crimes committed against childreny101. (e) To provide those charged with implementing legislation with adequate training and appropriate logistical support101. (f) To carry out awareness-raising initiatives on laws, in particular with a view to break down taboos about child victims of sexual crimesA101. (g) To take decisive action to fight corruption and impunity102. (a) Establish child-sensitive complaint mechanisms that guarantee the protection and safety of children by strengthening access to well publicized hotlines and child-sensitive support centres)102. (d) Develop and provide appropriate training to all persons working with children, and standardizing practices by developing protocols and guidelines to ensure that all persons working with child victims operate within a rights-based framework that prioritizes the best interests of the child103. (a) Invest and develop family strengthening programmes for both parents and relatives of children, including by ensuring greater economic support and empowerment, psychosocial support and parenting to families at risk103. (b) Promote protective social perceptions and norms, through media outreach, and community-based programmes, in particular with regard to early and forced marriage, domestic violence and child labour103. (c) Provide communities with information, thereby helping to break down taboos about child victims of sexual crimes and sexual offences against children in generalY103. (d) Provide online programmes on sex education, reproductive health and child safety104. (a) Establish clear categories and norms for shelters, and ensure that all residential institutions are properly registered4104. (b) Implement the inter-agency plan on optimizing the management and financing of residential institutions (2012 2014), including by providing an adequate budget and, in particular, ensuring the development and monitoring of minimum standards of care for all residential centres, both public and private104. (c) Ensure ready access to social services for families and children living in difficult circumstances with the aim of ensuring that children remain in familiar surroundings, preventing further psychological trauma and preserving child-parent relationships104. (d) Favour family- or community-based environments, including foster families and other caregivers, and incorporating family support and counselling over institutional or residential care?104. (e) Register all institutions, which must be required to provide monthly reports on the children, and detailed information on their care and transfer. (f) Create an independent monitoring and supervision system for the above-mentioned centres, assessing the degree of compliance with standards of children s rightsj106. (a) Expand child-friendly spaces and mechanisms for the exchange of information and for consultations106. (b) Ensure the systematic participation of child in the design of and follow-up activities to programmes and strategies relating to their rights106. (c) Promote with the participation of children, sustainable education and awareness-raising campaigns in schools and communities, including rural and remote communities, by all forms of media, information and communication technologies, including social networking toolsJ108. (a) Involve Internet service providers and telecommunication companies in the protection of children against online sexual exploitation, by restricting access to harmful or illegal content by filtering, blocking and monitoring programmes; providing tools that allow parents and ca< regivers to control the content of users; providing children and their parents with information and user-friendly tools; ending the use of the Internet and new technologies for the grooming of children; reporting offending content to police; and establishing accessible telephone or web-based hotlines108. (b) Encourage tourism and travel agencies to adopt the Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism109. (a) Strengthen transnational cooperation among law enforcement and justice agencies by sharing information relating to the detection of crimes, the identification of child victims and the prosecution of offenders109. (b) Strengthen institutional capacities and implement effective child protection systems through the ongoing technical and logistical assistance of United Nations agencies and the international communitySPT6. The SPT requests the authorities of Kyrgyzstan to provide it with a Reply within six months from the date of transmission of this report, giving a full account of the State Party s actions taken to implement the recommendations{8. The SPT recommends that Kyrgyzstan requests the publication of the present report in accordance with OPCAT article 16(2)R12. The SPT wishes to emphasise that any form of intimidation or reprisals against persons deprived of their liberty constitutes a violation of the State Party s obligation to cooperate with the work of the SPT under the OPCAT. The SPT calls upon the authorities of Kyrgyzstan to ensure that there are no reprisals following the SPT visitN18. The SPT urges the State Party to ensure that the composition of the NPM includes multidisciplinary expertise in torture prevention and adequately represents the country s key ethnic and minority groups. In line with the principle of cooperation and constructive dialogue with States parties and in conformity with article 11 (b)(iv) of OPCAT, the SPT expresses its willingness to further assist the State Party, by means of a prompt advisory visit, which would seek to make recommendations and observations with a view to strengthening the capacity and the mandate of the designated NPM36. The SPT recommends that the relevant authorities take the necessary measures to put in place adequate complaints mechanisms and ensure that they operate fairly and effectively89. The SPT urges the Government to take all necessary measures to prevent abuses and to protect the most vulnerable detainees from stigmatisation and improve their living conditions in line with international human rights norms+24. The SPT categorically condemns all acts of torture and ill-treatment and recalls that torture and ill-treatment cannot be justified under any circumstance, and must be completely prohibited. The SPT urges the authorities to ensure that amnesty is not applied to acts of torture and ill-treatment 25. The SPT also recommends that all necessary steps be taken to ensure that any statement which is established to have been made as a result of torture shall not be invoked as evidence in any proceedings, except against a person accused of torture as evidence that the statement was made35. The SPT also recommends that the problem of impunity be addressed as a matter of urgency, not only at the practical but also institutional level. In addition, the SPT recommends that allegations of torture be promptly investigated and alleged perpetrators prosecuted under the provision in the Criminal Code relating to torture (art. 305-1). The SPT wishes to receive further information from the ProsecutorGeneral on the current functioning of the Specialized Prosecutors Unit. The SPT urges the Prosecutor-General to establish clear procedures as to how torture complaints should be investigated, in accordance with the Manual on Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Istanbul Protocol). It recommends that allegations of torture and ill-treatment in the south of the country be handled with particular attention and that independent review and oversight is provided for;37. The SPT recommends that the authorities establish a mechanism within the Office of the Prosecutor-General to supervise and ensure the strict compliance of prosecutors with the instructions of April, September and October 2011, with a view to strengthening prosecutors efforts to prevent and investigate torture38. The SPT also recommends that the authorities consider deploying supervisory bodies of the Office of the Prosecutor-General within prosecutors offices in Osh and Jalal-Abad to assess performances and compliance with anti-torture regulations39. The SPT urges the judiciary to take a more pro-active role as guardian of the protection of the rights of individuals and in the fight against impunity in cases of torture and ill-treatment. The SPT calls upon the judiciary to clearly spell out measures to be taken by courts should evidence appear to have been obtained through torture or ill-treatment. It further urges judicial authorities to ensure inadmissibility of evidence obtained through torture or in the absence of the lawyer, in compliance with article 81 (4) of the CPC40. The SPT recommends that the State allocate sufficient budget to ensure that law enforcement officers receive proper training on human rights of persons deprived of their liberty, including the prevention of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. Such training should be also delivered to other persons with responsibility for the supervision and management of detainees, including training prison personnel, prison guards and managers, as well as judges and prosecutors43. The SPT recommends that urgent measures be taken to ensure that all persons arrested are immediately informed of the reasons for their arrest, as well as their rights as detainees, at the very outset of their deprivation of liberty. Information on rights should be posted at every police station and in the temporary holding facilities in the relevant languages, including Kyrgyz, Russian and UzbekM46. The SPT recommends that persons deprived of their liberty be able to inform a family member or third party of their detention from the outset. Meetings of arrestees with their relatives and other means of communication with the outside world should be allowed, unless the court decides otherwise, for objective reasons related to the investigation of < the case, at the request of the investigative body. Any institution, upon admission of persons deprived of their liberty, should officially notify their family (or at the request of the detainee another person) about their whereaboutsO50. The SPT was informed about a draft law on the Bar Association and wishes to receive further information on the content and current status of this draft law. The SPT recommends that the system of duty lawyers be reformed and that an effective and independent public defence system be established, with proper remuneration for defence lawyers. The authorities should ensure that all detainees are provided with access to independent legal counsel from the very outset of their deprivation of liberty. The SPT also recommends that investigations into cases of alleged corruption be launched51. The SPT recommends that any person deprived of liberty has access to legal counsel from the moment of apprehension as established by article 24 (5) of the Constitution56. The SPT recommends that the maximum period of police custody provided for by law be strictly respected and that this be rigorously monitored by the relevant authorities, including through effective judicial review of the detention. The SPT urges the adoption of measures that would allow for the effective exercise of the right to challenge the legality of the detention. The SPT also recommends that specialized oversight mechanisms for judicial review and due process be established\61. The SPT recommends that any person brought to a closed institution must be examined by a competent independent medical practitioner upon admission. In addition, measures should be taken to establish access to alternative independent forensic expertise, the conclusion of which should have the same evidential power as the  official examinationJ67. The SPT recommends that all persons under the control of the relevant law enforcement bodies are immediately registered and that registers are scrupulously maintained with the following information: (1) exact date and time of apprehension; (2) exact time of arrival at the facility; (3) reasons for the arrest; (4) authority ordering the arrest; (5) identity of the arresting officer/s; (6) date, time and reasons for transfer/s or release; (7) precise information about where the person was held during the whole period of detention (e.g. cell number); (8) date, time and identity of the person notified of the detention, including the signature of the officer who proceeded to this notification; (9) date and time of a family visit; (10) date and time of request and/or meeting with a lawyer; (11) date and time of request and/or visit of a health professional; and (12) date and time of the detained person s first appearance before a judicial or other authority22. Police and custodial officers should be properly trained in the maintenance of registers, and should enter the information upon arrival of the detainee. Registries should be regularly inspected by prosecutors and by internal oversight bodies of the police and the penitentiary system. Disciplinary sanctions should be provided for breaches of keeping complete and timely registers68. The SPT recommends that electronic registers be progressively established throughout the country, and that registers be harmonised. The SPT also recommends that a standard national database be set up to be updated with systematic case information, which would enable the authorities to track each detainee. The SPT suggests that in the future this software be also rolled out to the courts as well as centrally at ministerial level=77. The SPT recommends that minimum conditions of detention be ensured in respect of human dignity and in accordance with international standards, and in particular that all cells have natural light and ventilation, sufficient access be given to toilets and bathing facilities and that minors be separated from adults81. The SPT urges the Government to improve conditions of detention in accordance with international standards and respect for human dignity and to close the underground cells immediately82. The SPT recommends that authorities in Kyrgyzstan ensure that food-quality inspections are undertaken and that all meals are prepared in a hygienic manner, in sufficient quantity, and with the nutrition quality and variety87. The conditions of detention and regime in the disciplinary cells in SIZOs and colonies should be revised as a matter of priority. All facilities should maintain a specific register of disciplinary measures that must indicate all data about the identity of the inmate, the infraction committed, the authority that imposed the sanction, date and hour of the commencement and completion of the sanction and whether the decision and sanction was approved by a second authority193. The SPT recommends that the State Party urgently conduct a country-wide audit of the needs of all institutions, in order to facilitate the provision of sufficient medical supplies. The poor conditions and out-dated equipment at the penitentiary hospital should also be addressed as a matter of urgency96. The SPT recommends that the modes of transportation be reviewed, in particular to prevent the transportation of healthy detainees together with detainees suffering tuberculosisz100. The SPT urges the authorities to improve material conditions for prisoners sentenced to life and to ensure that prisoners serving life sentences are treated on an equal basis with other detainees and without discrimination. The SPT also calls upon the authorities to immediately close the former death row cells in SIZO No. 1 where prisoners serving life sentences are heldz103. The SPT urges the authorities to take appropriate measures towards the functional and institutional separation between responsibility for investigation and detention, as to avert the risk of torture or ill-treatment. The SPT recommends that access to the detention places under the SCNS be granted on a permanent basis to relevant oversight bodies, as well as civil societyO108. The SPT recommends that children and adolescents only be deprived of their liberty as a measure of last resort, for the shortest possible period of time, and that the imprisonment be reviewed on a regular basis with a view to its withdrawal. The SPT urges the authorities to close the punishment cells in Colony No. 14 immediately113. The SPT recommends that living conditions in Chim-Korgon be impro< ved and that Unit No. 10 be closed immediately. The SPT also recommends that Chim-Korgon and other mental institutions be transformed into predominantly open institutions with adequate recreational and occupational facilities. The SPT further recommends that adequate human and financial resources be allocated to the area of mental health and that more fully qualified psychiatrists be employed. Domestic legislation should be reviewed in order to guarantee the rights of patients in respect to the so-called "voluntary" placements and the non-functioning review proceduresG114. The SPT also recommends that the relevant authorities update the national program  Mental Health of the Population of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2001-2010", calling for a community-based mental health care system and ensuring that the necessary financial resources be allocated for the effective implementation of such program119. The SPT recommends that appropriate human and financial resources be allocated for services provided to persons with disabilities. The SPT also recommends that salaries be increased in order to attract qualified staff and that regular training programmes for staff be established120. The SPT urges the relevant authorities to regularly review the diagnosis of individuals placed in psychiatric or psycho-neurological institutions in order to ensure that no mentally and physically healthy individuals are referred to such institutions. The proposed review should include a personal examination of patients and revision of cases, to be conducted by independent medical expertsM126. The SPT urges the Government to work towards fully functioning law enforcement, judiciary, prison and health and mental health systems free from corruption and other outside influences. To this end, the Government should ensure adequate remuneration and equitable pay scales for police, prison, judicial and health staff members127. The SPT recommends that the Government regularly provide human rights training programmes for civil servants, including to enhance their awareness of the risks of corruption128. The SPT encourages the State Party to establish procedures requiring law enforcement officials to declare additional income in order to avoid conflict of interest in respect to their functions as public officials129. The SPT recommends that the problem of corruption also be systematically addressed in the legal profession, inter alia in the context of the draft law on the Bar Association130. Although the SPT notes that a new Anti-Corruption Agency was established within the SCNS in 2012, the SPT urges the State Party to create an independent investigative body on allegations of corruption in places of detention132. In accordance with article 15 of OPCAT, the SPT calls upon the relevant authorities in Kyrgyzstan to ensure that there are no reprisals following the SPT visit. The SPT requests the State Party to provide detailed information in its Reply on what it has done to prevent the possibility of reprisals against anyone who was visited by, met with or provided information to the SPT during the course of its visit.E17. The SPT calls upon the Government to disburse the full amount allocated to the NPM in 2013, despite the delay in establishing the Centre. The SPT also urges the Government to increase the funding in the future so as to enable effective execution of the NPM mandate, as per article 21 of the law, without cutting down the Ombudsman s budget. In this context, it recalls article 2 of the national law whereby the NPM should complement rather than replace existing systems of oversight, such as the Ombudsman and NGOs, which have mandates to visit places of deprivation of liberty526. The SPT recommends that thorough, independent and impartial investigations into allegations of torture be undertaken without regard to the ethnicity of alleged perpetrators. The SPT encourages an independent review of trials related to the June 2010 inter-ethnic violence, and further recommends the reopening of proceedings in cases where the authorities have not properly investigated allegations of torture or cases with serious violations of fair trial guarantees, particularly for long term imprisonment and life sentences related to the June 2010 violence94. The existing infrastructure and human resources should be improved and training of staff be enhanced. In this context, the SPT recommends that all health professionals working with persons deprived of their liberty are given basic training in the description and assessment of injuries, and in how to report torture and to refer victims of expert examinations, based on the principles of the Istanbul Protocol109. The SPT recommends that the necessary financial resources be allocated for the improvement of living conditions at the prison colony for juveniles as well as the schools for social adaptation and rehabilitation. The SPT further recommends that specific psychological intervention and follow-up as well as rehabilitation services for these children be strengthened to prepare them for reintegration in their communities and to avoid recidivismL9. The Committee recommends that the State party take the necessary steps to ensure that its national laws and policies are in line with the provisions of the Convention, including in particular amending legislation to ensure protection of the rights of all migrant workers both in regular and irregular situations, in accordance with the Convention. The Committee also recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to improve the coordination among ministries and agencies at all levels of government for the effective implementation of the rights protected under the Convention11. The Committee invites the State party to provide information on the application of the Convention by domestic courts in its next periodic report13. The Committee recommends that the State party consider making the declarations provided for in articles 76 and 77 of the Convention`15. The Committee recommends that the State party consider ratifying or acceding the followong instruments the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Migration Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1975 (No.143), the Private Employment Agencies Convention, 1997 (No.181) and the Domestic Workers Convention, 2011 (No. 189)as soon as possible17. The Committee recommends that the State party provide the Ombudsperson of Kyrgyzstan with a broad mandate to effectively carry out the promotion and protection of the rights of migrant workers and members of their families under the Convention. The Committee also recommends that the State party provide adequate support to the Office of the Ombudsperson to enable it to effectively discharge this mandate19. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to ensure that the system for the compilation of migration-related statistics covers all aspects of the Convention and that detailed data is collected on the status of migrant workers in the State party. It encourages the State party to compile both qualitative and quantitative information and statistics that are disaggregated by sex, age, reason for entry and departure from the country, and the type of work perfor< med. In cases where it is not possible to obtain precise information, for example, in the case of migrant workers in an irregular situation, the Committee would appreciate being provided with information based on studies or estimates21. The Committee recommends that the State party develop continuing education and training programmes on the Convention and that such training be made available to all officials and others who work in migration-related areas. The Committee also CMW/C/KGZ/CO/1 4 recommends that the State party ensure that migrant workers have access to information about their rights under the Convention and to work with civil society organizations to disseminate information on the Convention and promote its implementation723. The Committee recommends that the State party take more effective measures to address all instances of corruption relating to the migrant workers and members of their families, and undertake appropriate inquiries into allegations of corruption. The Committee also recommends that the State party conduct information campaigns with a view to encouraging migrant workers and members of their families who claim to be victims of corruption to report the corruption, and raise awareness among migrant workers and their families as to which services are free of charge025. (a) Ensure that all migrant workers and members of their families both in regular and irregular situation within its territory or subject to its jurisdiction enjoy, without discrimination, the rights recognized by the Convention, in accordance with article 7 thereof, both in law and in practice; and 25. (b) Intensify its efforts by promoting information campaigns for public officials working in the area of migration, especially at the local level, and for the general public on the elimination of discrimination against migrant workers and members of their families!29. The Committee recommends that the State party take the necessary steps to ensure that its consular services can effectively meet the needs of Kyrgyz migrant workers and members of their families in terms of protecting their rights and providing them with assistance. Those steps should include the allocation of sufficient human resources and funding, and the development of continuing training programmes, including gender and children's rights sensitization training for consular officials on the Convention and other human rights treaties31. The Committee recommends that, in accordance with articles 28 of the Convention, the State party adopt concrete and effective measures to ensure access to emergency medical care for all migrant workers and members of their families`33. The Committee recommends that, in accordance with articles 30 of the Convention, the State party adopt concrete and effective measures, for example through specific programmes, to ensure access to education, and to make it possible to enter and remain in the education system, including for the children of migrant workers in an irregular situationU35. The Committee recommends that the State party take appropriate measures to disseminate information on the rights of migrant workers under the Convention, as CMW/C/KGZ/CO/1 6 well as conditions of their admission and employment and their rights and obligations under the law and practice of States of employment. The Committee also recommends that the State party develops targeted pre-departure and awarenessraising programmes, including in consultation with relevant non-governmental organizations, migrant domestic workers and their families, and recognized and reliable recruitment agencies37. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to guarantee the rights to vote of Kyrgyz migrant workers living abroad by facilitating their registration and participation in the next national elections39. The Committee recommends that the State party take necessary measures to ensure that frontier workers enjoy the same rights as the national workers and invites the State party to provide information in its next periodic report on the measures taken to ensure that frontier and seasonal workers may enjoy the rights to which they are entitled by reason of their presence and work in the territory of the State party, in accordance with article 57 of the Convention41. The Committee recommends that the State party provide consular assistance to Kyrgyz migrant workers who are victims of discrimination and violence, to protect their rights and interest in the counties of employment with a view to promoting the investigation, prosecution and sentencing perpetrators of crimes against Kyrgyz migrant workers. It also recommends that the State party raise awareness among its nationals about the potential risks of migration43. (a) Effectively implement its Programme to Combat Trafficking in Persons 2013-2016, ensuring its full compatibility with the Convention43. (b) Evaluate the phenomenon of trafficking in persons and compile systematic disaggregated data to better combat trafficking in persons, especially of women and children, and to bring perpetrators to justice'44. The Committee recommends that the State party should take all appropriate measures to ensure that these recommendations are implemented, including by transmitting them for consideration and action to members of the Government and Parliament (Zhogorku Kenesh), as well as to local authorities45. The Committee also requests the State party to involve civil society organizations more closely in the implementation of the recommendations contained in the present concluding observations46. The Committee requests the State party to provide, within two years, i.e. 24 April 2017, written information on the follow-up to the recommendations contained in paragraphs 27, 29, 31 and 33 abovey47. The Committee also requests the State party to disseminate the Convention and the present concluding observations widely, including to public agencies, the judiciary, non-governmental organizations and other members of civil society, so as to increase awareness thereof among the judicial, legislative and administrative authorities, civil society and the public in general49. The Committee requests the State party to submit its second periodic reports by 24 April 2020 and to include therein information on the implementation of the present concluding observations. Alternatively, the State party may follow the simplified reporting procedure, whereby the Committee draws up and adopts a list of issues that is transmitted to the State party prior to the submission of its next report. The replies of the State party to that list of issues will constitute its report under article 73 of the Convention. In that way, the State party does not submit its report in the traditional manner. This new optional procedure was adopted by the Committee at its fourteenth session in April 2011 (see A/66/48, para. 26)51. The Committee requests the State party to ensure the wide participation of all ministries and public bodies in the preparation of its next periodic report (or replies to the list of issues, in the case of the simplified reporting procedure) and, at the same time, to consult broadly with all relevant stakeholders, including civil society, migrant workers and human rights organizations52. The Committee also invites the State party to submit an updated common core document, not exceeding 42,400 words, in accordance with the requirements in the harmonized guidelines on reporting under the international human rights treaties, including guidelines on a common core document and treaty-specific documents, approved at the fifth inter-committee meeting of the human rights treaty bodies in June 2006 (HRI/MC/2006/3 and Corr.1).48. The Committee recommends that the State party avails itself of international assistance, including technical assistance to develop a comprehensive programme aimed at the implementation of the above recommendations and the Convention as a whole. The Committee also calls upon the State party to continue its cooperation with specialized agencies and programmes of the United Nations system_25. The State part< y should compile and provide to the Committee statistical data relevant to the monitoring of the implementation of the Convention at the national level, including the type of bodies engaged in such monitoring, disaggregated, inter alia, by sex, ethnicity, age, crime and geographical location, including information on complaints, investigations, prosecutions and convictions of cases of torture and ill-treatment, deaths in custody, trafficking, domestic and sexual violence, and the outcomes of all such complaints and cases, including compensation and rehabilitation provided to victims}26. The Committee recommends that the State party consider making the declarations under articles 21 and 22 of the Convention27. The Committee invites the State party to ratify United Nations human rights treaties to which it is not yet a party, particularly the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities28. The State party is requested to disseminate widely the report submitted to the Committee and the Committee s concluding observations, in appropriate languages, through official websites, the media and non-governmental organizations29. The Committee requests the State party to provide, by 23 November 2014, follow-up information in response to the Committee s recommendations related to (a) ensuring the respect of fundamental legal safeguards; (b) conducting prompt, impartial and effective investigations; and (c) prohibiting the use of evidence obtained through torture, as contained in paragraphs 7, 8, 10 and 14 of the present document[30. The State party is invited to submit its next report, which will be the third periodic report, by 23 November 2017. For that purpose, the Committee will, in due course, submit to the State party a list of issues prior to reporting, considering that the State party has accepted to report to the Committee under the optional reporting procedure84. The Special Rapporteur calls on Kyrgyzstan to develop and implement, in close consultation with the affected local communities, programmes aimed at improving the socio-economic conditions in villages and towns that once relied heavily on the uranium and mercury ore mining and processing industries. Priority actions should include the creation of new employment opportunities and the improvement of access to education, health care and safe drinking waterg85. The Special Rapporteur calls on Kyrgyzstan to finalize the adoption of the draft environmental code43. (c) Afford protection and assistance to all victims of human trafficking, particularly by providing shelters, medical care, psycho-social support and other measures to assist in their reintegration into society43. (d) Strengthen training for law enforcement officials, judges, prosecutors, labour inspectors, teachers, health care workers and the staff of the State party s embassies and consulates, and disseminating more widely information on trafficking in persons and assistance to victims78. The Special Rapporteur recommends that Kyrgyzstan take, as a matter of priority and with the assistance and support of the international community, all appropriate measures to eliminate, or reduce to a minimum, the threats that uranium tailings, toxic waste dumps, obsolete or banned pesticides and mercury waste pose to the enjoyment of human rights of thousands of people living close to these sites. Such measures should include the relocation of the most dangerous uraniumtailings and persistent-organic-pollutant pesticides to more secure locations and therehabilitation of abandoned mines, uranium tailings and waste storage facilities to prevent soil and water contamination caused by the seepage and leaking of radioactiveand toxic materials86. The Committee stresses the crucial role of the legislative power in ensuring the full implementation of the Convention. It invites the Zhogorku Kenesh to take the necessary steps regarding the implementation of the present concluding observations between now and the next reporting period under the Convention36. (a) Expedite the adoption of the amendment to the Act on Religious Belief and Practice so that religious marriages can be administrated only after formal marriages have taken place, so as to ensure the registration of all marriages, in line with the State party s Constitution 42.The Committee recalls the obligation of the State party to systematically and continuously implement the provisions of the Convention. It urges the State party to give priority attention to the implementation of the present concluding observations and recommendations between now and the submission of the next periodic report. The Committee therefore requests the timely dissemination of the concluding observations, in the official language(s) of the State party, to the relevant state institutions at all levels (national, regional, local), in particular to the Government, the ministries, the Zhogorku Kenesh and to the judiciary, to enable their full implementation. It encourages the State party to collaborate with all stakeholders concerned, such as employers associations, trade unions, human rights and women s organisations, universities and research institutions, media, etc. It further recommends that its concluding observations be disseminated in an appropriate form at the local community level, to enable their implementation. In addition, the Committee requests the State party to continue to disseminate the Convention, its Optional Protocol and jurisprudence, and the Committee s General Recommendations to all stakeholders. 6. (c) Ensure that all health professionals who encounter signs of torture and< ill-treatment are under a legal obligation to document such abuses, in line with the Manual on Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Istanbul Protocol), that all persons deprived of their liberty are guaranteed timely access to a qualified and independent medical investigator upon their request, and that all medical examinations are carried out in private; and consider transferring responsibility for oversight of medical staff of detention facilities to the Ministry of Health; 17. (a) Promptly, thoroughly and impartially investigate all incidents of death in custody; and prosecute those responsible for acts of torture, ill-treatment or wilful negligence and punish them with appropriate penaltieso18. (b) Protect victims of domestic violence, including by establishing appropriate shelters across the country674. The Committee also invites the State party to submit an updated core document in accordance with the requirements of the common core document in the harmonized guidelines on reporting, approved at the fifth Inter-Committee Meeting of the human rights treaty bodies in June 2006 (HRI/GEN/2/Rev.6, chap. I). 27. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that, in law and in practice, migrant workers and members of their families, including those in an irregular situation, have equal opportunities to nationals of the State party to file complaints and obtain effective redress in the courts in cases where their rights under the Convention are violated. The Committee also recommends that the State party take additional measures to inform migrant workers and members of their families, including those in an irregular situation, about the judicial and other remedies available to them in case of a violation of their rights under the Convention`50. The Committee draws the State party s attention to its harmonized treaty-specific guidelines (CMW/C/2008/1) and reminds it that periodic reports should be in compliance with the guidelines and not exceed 21,200 words (General Assembly resolution 68/268). In the event that a report exceeding the established word limit is submitted, the State party will be asked to shorten the report in accordance with the above-mentioned guidelines. If the State party is not in a position to review and resubmit the report, translation of the report for purposes of examination by the treaty body cannot be guaranteed]83. The Special Rapporteur encourages the Government of Kyrgyzstan to implement, as a matter of priority and with the technical support of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research and the United Nations Environment Programme, the action plan on primary mercury mining in Kyrgyzstan. In view of the serious adverse impact that mercury may have on public health and the environment, the Special Rapporteur urges the country to consider closing, as soon as reasonably practicable, the mine in Khaidarkan, and replacing the present mercury mining operations with other viable economic activities81. (a) Ensure strict adherence to registration from the very moment of apprehension, abolish unacknowledged custodies and ensure strict surveillance devices in police stations; make police station chiefs and investigating and operative officers criminally accountable for any unacknowledged detention and make it a serious crime; define clearly the ability and obligation of judges to inspect places of detention and enforce the prohibition on unacknowledged detention and torture by initiating criminal prosecutions; ensure that access to lawyers of the suspect s own choosing is granted from the very moment of apprehension; and repeal the recent restrictions on access by lawyers to their defendants requiring multiple authorizationsu78. The SPT also recommends that the practice of using handcuffing as a means of punishment be eliminated immediately-25. (a) Ensure that all migrant workers and members of their families both in regular and irregular situation within its territory or subject to its jurisdiction enjoy, without discrimination, the rights recognized by the Convention, in accordance with article 7 thereof, both in law and in practice; (All) Grand Total723. The Committee recommends that the State party take more effective measures to address all instances of corruption relating to the migrant workers and members of their families, and undertake appropriate inquiries into allegations of corruption. The Committee also recommends that the State party conduct information campaigns with a view to encouraging migrant workers and members of their families who claim to be victims of corruption to report the corruption, and raise awareness among migrant workers and their families as to which services are free of charge-Freedoms of peaceful assembly and association"National Human Rights InstitutionsInstitution buildingCESCR5. The Committee recommends that the State party adopt a comprehensive anti-discrimination law that provides a definition of direct and indirect discrimination, and to withdraw bill number 6-11804/145. The Committee recommends that the State party adopt a comprehensive anti-discrimination law that provides a definition of direct and indirect discrimination, and to withdraw bill number 6-11804/15`5. (a) Carry out public education campaigns to eradicate common misperceptions and stereotypes; H5. (b) Make access to services independent from residence registration; 5. (c) Ensure that persons irrespective of their sexual orientation can fully enjoy economic social and cultural rights without discrimination;]5. (d) Accelerate efforts to ratify the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities6. The Committee recommends that the State party discard the draft bill on  foreign agents , and instead support the work of NGOs who are active in the field of economic, social and cultural rights7. The Committee recommends that the State party increase efforts to combat corruption, and as a matter of priority, address the root causes of corruption and adopt all necessary legislative and policy measures to combat corruption and related impunity effectively with a particular emphasis on those areas where corruption hampers the full enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights}8. The Committee recommends that the State party increase efforts to promote gender equality, inter alia by adopting a comprehensive strategy which includes time-bound goals and quotas as well as the use of temporary special measures, with a view to achieving full equality of women and men, with a particula< r focus on those areas where women are underrepresented and disadvantaged8. (a) Ensure that women in a non-registered marriage can prove guardianship of their children without their husband s confirmation and that women are fully protected upon dissolution of non-registered marriages;8. (b) Adopt the amendment to the Act on Religious Belief and Practice ensuring that a religious marriage is administered only after the conclusion of a formal marriage; 8. (c) Ensure women s equal access in law and in practice to property and inheritance rights, and ensure that access to rights and services is not made dependent upon their marital status;8. (d) Carry out awareness-raising campaigns to eliminate patriarchal attitudes and gender stereotypes and to inform women on their rights/9. The Committee recommends that the State party take effective measures to address the root causes of unemployment and to adopt targeted measures, including programmes aimed at reducing unemployment among women, youth, persons with disabilities and disadvantaged and marginalized individuals and groupsB11. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that labour and trade union rights fully apply in the informal economy, and be subject to labour inspection on a regular basis. Furthermore, the Committee recommends that the State party gradually regularize the situation of persons employed in the informal economyc12. The Committee recommends that the State party verify and ensure the implementation of labour legislation regarding occupational health and safety conditions, including through regular inspections and training of employers and employees, and to ensure access to adequate compensation for injury and work-related diseases by employees and their families13. The Committee recommends that the State party step up its efforts to conclude bilateral and multilateral agreements with a view to extending protection to Kyrgyz migrant workers abroad, and to providing counselling and legal advice to potential migrant workers. The Committee also recommends that the State party take all necessary efforts to ensure that the spouses and children of Kyrgyz migrant workers obtain adequate residence permits in the country of employment. Furthermore, the Committee recommends that the State party increase efforts to protect children without parental care from sexual exploitation and abuse, to ensure that perpetrators are prosecuted and punished, and to provide access to recovery and reintegration to child victims of sexual abuse14.The Committee recommends that the State party intensify its efforts to combat child labour exploitation, with a particular focus on forced labour. The Committee also recommends that the State party ensure that child labour and the recruitment of children into labour is explicitly prohibited and criminalized in accordance with international standards. Furthermore, the Committee recommends that the State party inter alia ensure the increase of labour inspections in agriculture and the informal sector, ensure that employers are held accountable, as well as carry out awareness-raising campaigns to eradicate socially accepted child labour15. The Committee recommends that the State party step up its efforts to establish a social protection floor as an initial step towards a universal comprehensive social security system. In this regard the Committee draws the attention of the State party to its general comment No. 19 on the right to social security as well as its statement on social protection floors adopted on 6 March 2015 (E/C.12/54/3). The Committee further recommends that the State party progressively increase the amounts of old age pensions, so as to ensure that pensioners and their families enjoy a decent standard of living. The Committee further recommends that adequate social assistance and basic healthcare are extended to refugees and asylum seekers as appropriate.16. The Committee recommends that the State party take the necessary legal amendments to ensure that all forms of domestic violence are criminalized, that victims have access to effective remedies as well as to adequate shelter and support, that judges, prosecutors and law enforcement officials receive mandatory training on addressing domestic violence cases, and that these cases are always referred to criminal courts. The Committee also recommends to encourage reporting of domestic violence including by ensuring that healthcare providers and other relevant professionals are sensitized to domestic violence and that victims are adequately protected against retaliationf17. The Committee urges that the State party increase its efforts to enforce the criminalization of bride kidnapping as well as carry out awareness-raising campaigns on the illegality of bride kidnapping. The Committee further recommends that the State party provide shelters and support for kidnapped girls and women who have been rejected by their families18. The Committee recommends that the State party ameliorate living conditions in prison including by allocating the necessary funds to ensure sufficient food and safe drinking water. The Committee also recommends that the State party set up a specialized reintegration system for former detainees, which provides them with assistance, including vocational training, to reintegrate into the labour economy19. The Committee recommends that the State party implement a national strategy for reduction of homelessness that includes measurable goals and timetables19. (a) Ensure that in cases where eviction or relocation is considered to be justified, it is carried out in strict compliance with the relevant provisions of international human rights law; 19. (b) Invest more resources for the improvement of basic infrastructures and ensure access by everyone to safe drinking water and sanitation, electricity, gas, heating and sewage and garbage disposal21. The Committee recommends that the State party expeditiously address chronic food insecurity and malnutrition, including the critical nutritional needs of children and pregnant women. The Committee furthermore recommends that the State party set up a public food distribution system for disadvantaged and marginalized individuals and groups and remote regions, to significantly strengthen the school feeding programs in the country by increased funding, and to effectively tackle structural problems related to food insecurity. In this regard, the Committee draws the State party s attention to its general comment No. 12 (1999) on the right to adequate food and to the Voluntary Guidelines to support the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security, adopted by the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 200422. The Committee recommends that the State party increase human< , technical and financial resources allocated to the health sector22. (a) Monitor discrimination in access to health services and ensure that health professionals hampering a person s access are duly sanctioned;22. (b) Provide confidential access for everyone, including adolescents, to contraceptives and safe abortion services, which are fully covered by health insurance; 22. (c) Disseminate information on patients rights and ensure the availability of adequate implementation mechanisms, with a particular focus on access to appropriate compensation in the event of medical errors&23. The Committee recommends that the State party adequately monitor and sanction discrimination in the access to health services vis vis persons with a drug addiction. Furthermore, the Committee recommends that the State party increase full access to free and adequate drug substitution therapies which respect the dignity of patients. The Committee also recommends that the State party ensure that persons with a drug-addiction and providers of harm reduction services are not subjected to any harassment or arbitrary detention by the authorities|24. The Committee recommends that the State party step up its efforts and address as a matter of priority the problem of maternal mortality, including by significantly increasing access to maternal health services, in particular in remote and rural areas, and establish community-based maternal health-care systems and referral systems for obstetric emergencies. The Committee furthermore recommends that the State party expeditiously address the underlying causes of maternal mortality, which may be connected to the low social status of women, poverty, lack of independence or the remoteness of their home. In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take into account the OHCHR Technical guidance note on the application of a human rights based approach to the implementation of policies and programmes to reduce preventable maternal morbidity and mortality (A/HRC/21/22)V26. (a) Relocate uranium tailings, POP pesticides and radioactive and hazardous waste;t26. (b) Close the mine in Khaidarkan and take measures to provide access to other economic activities in the region;X26. (c) Ensure that residential areas are not built on, or close to contaminated ground;V26. (d) Reduce industrial pollution and enforce the prohibition of certain pesticides;26. (e) Establish a normative framework on radiation and nuclear safety, as well as on pollution and chemicals management, which are in line with international standards;26. (f) Carry out awareness raising campaigns on the presence and risks of radioactive and toxic substances as well as on safety measures to minimize risks|27. The Committee raises attention to its general comment No. 13 (1999) on the right to education (article 13) and recommends that the State party increase budgetary allocations to education to ensure free access to quality education, including to inclusive education, as well as to provide families who live in poverty with adequate support to cover the hidden costs of education128. The Committee recommends that the State party allocate specific budgetary resources to promote the cultural diversity of ethnic minorities, and to allow mother tongue education and minority language press, and to enable all groups to express and develop their culture, language, traditions and customs29. The Committee encourages the State party to consider ratifying the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights30. The Committee encourages the State party to consider ratifying as soon as possible the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities31. The Committee encourages the State party to extend standing invitations to Special Rapporteurs with mandates relevant to economic, social and cultural rights32. The Committee requests that the State party disseminate the present concluding observations widely among all levels of society, particularly among government officials, members of Parliament, judicial authorities and civil society organizations, and to inform the Committee, in its next periodic report, on all steps taken to implement them. It also encourages the State party to engage non-governmental organizations and other members of civil society in the process of discussion at the national level prior to the submission of its next periodic report and in the consultation on follow-up measures to the present concluding observations33. The Committee encourages the State party to engage civil society organizations in a constructive cooperation in order to implement at the national level these concluding observations as well as for the preparation and submission of its next periodic report34. The Committee requests the State party to submit its 4th periodic report by 30 June 2020, and invites the State party to update its common core document in accordance with the harmonized guidelines on reporting under the international human rights treaties (HRI/GEN/2/Rev.6, chap. I). The Committee also invites the State party to take efforts to update its data on all issues which are relevant to the Covenant. 10. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to increase the minimum wage, in order to ensure that it allows all workers and families to enjoy a decent standard of living, and ensure that it is enforced20. The Committee recommends that the State party implement a poverty reduction strategy that integrates economic, social and cultural rights, in line with the Committee s Statement on Poverty adopted on 4 May 2001 (E/2002/22 E/C.12/2001/17, Annex VII), giving particular attention to members of disadvantaged and marginalized individuals and groups and to women, as well as to regions which are particularly affected by poverty. Furthermore, the Committee recommends that the State party provide adequate child benefits for families living in poverty, and to ensure that insufficient economic means of a family do not result in the institutionalization of children7.1. Ratify CRPD*7.3. Accelerate its efforts to ratify CRPD/7.4. Complete the ratification process for CRPD47.5. Take the necessary steps towards ratifying CRPDF7.6. Speed up the process for ratifying CRPD and its Optional Protocol7.12. That any changes in legislation uphold fundamental freedoms and ensure non-discrimination, including on the basis of religion or sexual orientatin~7.17. Establish an intra-state reporting mechanism on violence against women and provide its victims with appropriate servicesu7.18. Review the Law on Religion in order to guarantee freedom of religion in compliance with international standards7.24. Conform the recently adopted amendments to the Criminal Code to international human rights standards, promptly investigate attacks on journalists and human rights defenders and hold accountable its perpetrators 7.28. Cease harassment and discrimination by police of members of ethnic minorities and peaceful religious adherents under the pretext of combatting violent extremism, and grant< registration to peaceful religious groups84. The Special Rapporteur calls on Kyrgyzstan to develop and implement, in close consultation with the affected local communities, programmes aimed at improving thesocio-economic conditions in villages and towns that once relied heavily on theuranium and mercury ore mining and processing industries. Priority actions shouldinclude the creation of new employment opportunities and the improvement of accessto education, health care and safe drinking waterA97. The Special Rapporteur recommends that Kyrgyzstan ensure, through public information and awarenessraising campaigns, access to information on the status of tailings and waste dumps, on the adverse effects of exposure to radioactive materials or hazardous substances, and on the safety measures to minimize these risks82. (b) Allocate sufficient budgetary resources to improve conditions in detention facilities with a view to provide adequate health care, improve food quality and ensure the separation of minors from adults and of pretrial prisoners from convicts; and design the system of execution of punishments in a way that truly aims at rehabilitating and reintegrating offenders by abolishing restrictive regimes and creating work opportunities and recreational activities for inmates82. (c)Eliminate the complete isolation of inmates sentenced to life imprisonment and move them to open or semi-open facilities82. (a) Appoint a high-level commission of multidisciplinary, credible specialists to conduct an urgent inspection of all detention centres with the aim of closing down immediately all facilities that are declared unfit for human habitation83. (b) Take measures to transfer authority over temporary detention facilities from the Ministry of the Interior to the State Service for the Execution of Punishments. $83. (c)Raise the awareness of personnel of the Prosecutor General s Office and investigating officers of the Ministry of the Interior of their role in preventing torture and ill-treatment, by means of mandatory training on international standards on the prohibition of torture, the provisions governing investigations of torture and illtreatment, and interrogation techniques and develop training programmes for health and legal professionals on detecting, reporting and preventing torture, to be delivered during professional qualification courses]102. (b) Improve monitoring of places where child sexual exploitation may potentially occur. ~102. (c) Improve child safety online by blocking access to pornographic websites and implementing awareness-raising programmes102. (e) Strengthen the family and child support department at the local level, including by providing a larger and more sustainable budget for the recruitment of social workers, increasing the number of inspectors of children s affairs, and improving the training of teachers in schools. These positions should be accompanied by clear job descriptions, and include ongoing training in areas of key competences. For individuals and agencies working with children at the local level, the Government should make an effort to lighten the bureaucratic workload and focus on more direct and sustainable work with children, families and communities104. (f) Creating an independent monitoring and supervision system for the above-mentioned centres, assessing the degree of compliance with standards of children s rights105. (a) Strengthen the national statistics committee and training local actors to collect data on child victims and children at risk. 105. (b) Establish a standardized, computerized and centralized information-gathering system capable of disaggregating data by sex, age, type of violation and measures taken, as well as harmonizing data collection and processing methods.105. (c) Conduct surveys to ensure better understanding and knowledge of the evolution of risk factors and trends in the sale and sexual exploitation of children107. (b) Establish child protection indicators to follow up policies and measure their impact on the situation of children s rights.107. (a) Strengthen the Office of the Ombudsman at the central and district levels with a view to making it more accessible to children, and facilitating its capacity to conduct independent monitoring. 107. (c) Develop effective accountability mechanisms through the effective regulation and monitoring of child protection standards at all levels87. The conditions of detention and regime in the disciplinary cells in SIZOs and colonies should be revised as a matter of priority. All facilities should maintain a specific register of disciplinary measures that must indicate all data about the identity of the inmate, the infraction committed, the authority that imposed the sanction, date and hour of the commencement and completion of the sanction and whether the decision and sanction was approved by a second authority82 (b) Allocate sufficient budgetary resources to improve conditions in detention facilities with a view to provide adequate health care, improve food quality and ensure the separation of minors from adults and of pretrial prisoners from convicts; and design the system of execution of punishments in a way that truly aims at rehabilitating and reintegrating offenders by abolishing restrictive regimes and creating work opportunities and recreational activities for inmates.82. (a) Appoint a high-level commission of multidisciplinary, credible specialists to conduct an urgent inspection of all detention centres with the aim of closing down immediately all facilities that are declared unfit for human habitation. #83 (c)Raise the awareness of personnel of the Prosecutor General s Office and investigating officers of the Ministry of the Interior of their role in preventing torture and ill-treatment, by means of mandatory training on international standards on the prohibition of torture, the provisions governing investigations of torture and illtreatment, and interrogation techniques and develop training programmes for health and legal professionals on detecting, reporting and preventing torture, to be delivered during professional < qualification courses104. (e) Register all institutions, which must be required to provide monthly reports on the children, and detailed information on their care and transfer. 104. (f) Create an independent monitoring and supervision system for the above-mentioned centres, assessing the degree of compliance with standards of children s rights32. (b) To ensure the participation of rural women in decision-making processes at the community level on an equal basis with men.38. The Committee calls upon the State party to develop a gender indicator system to improve the collection of data disaggregated by sex and other relevant factors necessary to assess the impact and effectiveness of policies and programmes aimed at mainstreaming gender equality and enhancing women s enjoyment of their human rights. In this regard, the Committee draws the State party s attention to its General Recommendation No. 9 (1989) on statistical data concerning the situation of women and encourages the State party to seek technical assistance from relevant United Nations agencies and to enhance its collaboration with women s associations that could assist in securing the collection of accurate data12. The State party should strengthen the independence and impartiality of the judiciary for the performance of its duties in accordance with international standards, notably the Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary, inter alia by guaranteeing judges security of tenure. The State party should implement the recommendations regarding Kyrgyzstan made by the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers 23. The State party should take all necessary measures to ensure the principle of non-refoulement, inter alia by bringing its current procedures and practices into line with article 3 of the Convention; and to ensure adequate judicial mechanisms for the review of decisions, sufficient legal defence for persons subject to extradition, and effective post-return monitoring arrangements89. Recalling its general recommendation No. 32 (2009) on the meaning and scope of special measures in the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and in line with its previous recommendation (CERD/C/KGZ/CO//4/, para. 11), the Committee encourages the State party to take concrete and comprehensive measures to ensure that persons belonging to minority ethnic groups are adequately represented in elected and executive bodies, in the police and in the judiciary, at all levels. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that minority representation is as closely in line with their proportion in the population of the State party in accordance with article 5 of the Convention, bearing also in mind the necessity to build trust in the State for all parts of the populationa12. The Committee encourages the State party to strengthen its efforts to promote education in minority languages for children belonging to minority ethnic groups in particular in the regions of Osh and Jalal-Abad. The Committee also recommends that the State party review its decision to introduce high school testing in Kyrgyz and take appropriate measures to ensure that children belonging to minorities be tested in languages in which they were mainly educated. The Committee reiterates its previous recommendation (CERD/C/KGZ/CO/4, para. 14) that the State party include in curricula and textbooks for primary and secondary schools information about the history and culture of different ethnic groups living in its territory. The Committee requests that the State party provide information on follow-up given to this recommendation in its next periodic report.8. The State party should review its domestic legislation and bring it into line with the principle of non-discrimination to ensure that it includes a comprehensive prohibition of discrimination on all the grounds set out in the Covenant. The State party should also ensure that reliable and public data is systematically collected on cases of discrimination and their treatment by the competent judicial authorities12. The State party should continue its efforts to prevent and eradicate trafficking in persons, including by effectively implementing the relevant legislation and harmonizing the child adoption legislation with the requirements of international law. It should also establish proper mechanisms for identifying victims of trafficking and referring them to appropriate services, and continue training law enforcement officials and other relevant professionals on identification and assistance to victims of trafficking24. Furthermore, the State party should ensure that threats, intimidation and violence against human rights defenders and journalists are investigated, that perpetrators are prosecuted and punished, if convicted, and that victims are provided with compensation. The State party should ensure that all individuals or organizations can freely provide information to the Committee and should protect them against any reprisals for providing such information.9. The Committee urges the State party to continue its efforts to bring its legislation into line with the Convention and ensure that such laws are fully and effectively implemented. It recommends that the State party provide information on the evaluation of the implementation of its laws and regulations in the area of children s rights. The Committee also recommends that the State party ensure that the Convention is directly applied and referred to in judgements by its courts&21.The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to ensure that the right is appropriately integrated and consistently applied in all legislative, administrative and judicial proceedings, as well as in all policies, programmes and projects relevant to and with an impact on childrenIn that regard, the State party is encouraged to develop procedures and criteria to provide guidance to all relevant persons in authority for determining the best interests of the child in every area, giving them the appropriate weight as a primary consideration. Such procedures and criteria should be disseminated to courts of law, administrative authorities and legislative bodies, public and private social welfare institutions, as well as traditional and religious leaders and the public at largea27. The Com< mittee recommends that the State party amend its Citizenship Act and establish safeguards to prevent children born and living in its territory from becoming stateless. It also recommends that the State party ratify the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons of 1954 and the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness of 196117. The Committee recommends that the State party provide the Ombudsperson of Kyrgyzstan with a broad mandate to effectively carry out the promotion and protection of the rights of migrant workers and members of their families under the Convention. The Committee also recommends that the State party provide adequate support to the Office of the Ombudsperson to enable it to effectively discharge this mandate'44. The Committee recommends that the State party should take all appropriate measures to ensure that these recommendations are implemented, including by transmitting them for consideration and action to members of the Government and Parliament (Zhogorku Kenesh), as well as to local authorities12.The State party should strengthen the independence and impartiality of the judiciary for the performance of its duties in accordance with international standards, notably the Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary, inter alia by guaranteeing judges security of tenure. The State party should implement the recommendations regarding Kyrgyzstan made by the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers 23. The State party should take all necessary measures to ensure the principle of non-refoulement, inter alia by bringing its current procedures and practices into line with article 3 of the Convention; and to ensure adequate judicial mechanisms for the review of decisions, sufficient legal defence for persons subject to extradition, and effective post-return monitoring arrangementsTotalCMWLGBT;82. Appoint a high-level commission of multidisciplinary, credible specialists to conduct an urgent inspection of all detention centres with the aim of closing down immediately all facilities that are declared unfit for human habitation. Allocate sufficient budgetary resources to improve conditions in detention facilities with a view to provide adequate health care, improve food quality and ensure the separation of minors from adults and of pretrial prisoners from convicts; and design the system of execution of punishments in a way that truly aims at rehabilitating and reintegrating offenders by abolishing restrictive regimes and creating work opportunities and recreational activities for inmates. Eliminate the complete isolation of inmates sentenced to life imprisonment and move them to open or semi-open facilities102. (b) Improve monitoring of places where child sexual exploitation may potentially occur. (c) Improve child safety online by blocking access to pornographic websites and implementing awareness-raising programmes107. (a) Strengthen the Office of the Ombudsman at the central and district levels with a view to making it more accessible to children, and facilitating its capacity to conduct independent monitoring84. The Special Rapporteur calls on Kyrgyzstan to develop and implement, in closeconsultation with the affected local communities, programmes aimed at improving thesocio-economic conditions in villages and towns that once relied heavily on theuranium and mercury ore mining and processing industries. Priority actions shouldinclude the creation of new employment opportunities and the improvement of accessto education, health care and safe drinking waterInternational obligationsNGO7.12. That any changes in legislation uphold fundamental freedoms and ensure non-discrimination, including on the basis of religion or sexual orientationNGOsN38. The Committee calls upon the State party to develop a gender indicator system to improve the collection of data disaggregated by sex and other relevant factors necessary to assess the impact and effectiveness of policies and programmes aimed at mainstreaming gender equality and enhancing women s enjoyment of their human rights. HIV/AIDS88. Considering that the country is situated at the upper portion of the region s water basins, and taking into account the transboundary threat posed by radioactive and toxic wastes stored on its territory, the Special Rapporteur calls on the Government of Kyrgyzstan to consider ratifying the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes and its Protocol on Water and Health5.84. Strengthen the implementation of programmes aiming at the rehabilitation of victims of trafficking in person, including providing advice, shelter and legal aid and rehabilitation services78. The Special Rapporteur recommends that Kyrgyzstan take, as a matter of priority and with the assistance and support of the international community, all appropriate measures to eliminate, or reduce to a minimum, the threats that uranium tailings, toxic waste dumps, obsolete or banned pesticides and mercury waste pose to the enjoyment of human rights of thousands of people living close to these sites. Such measures should include the relocation of the most dangerous uranium tailings and persistent-organic-pollutant pesticides to more secure locations and the rehabilitation of abandoned mines, uranium tailings and waste storage facilities to prevent soil and water contamination caused by the seepage and leaking of radioactive and toxic materials84. The Special Rapporteur calls on Kyrgyzstan to develop and implement, in close consultation with the affected local communities, programmes aimed at improving the socio-economic conditions in villages and towns that once relied heavily on theuranium and mercury ore mining and processing industries. Priority actions shouldinclude the creation of new employment opportunities and the improvement of accessto education, health care and safe drinking water104. (e) Register all institutions, which must be required to provide monthly reports on the children, and detailed information on their care and transfer105. (a) Strengthen the national statistics committee and training local actors to collect data on child victims and children at risk12.The State party should strengthen the independence and impartiality of the judiciary for the performance of its duties in accordance with international standards, notably the Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary, inter alia by guaranteeing judges security of tenure. The State party should implement the< recommendations regarding Kyrgyzstan made by the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers (E/CN.4/2006/52/Add.3).23. The State party should take all necessary measures to ensure the principle of non-refoulement, inter alia by bringing its current procedures and practices into line with article 3 of the Convention;NPM MECHANISMRECOMMENDATIONS PROTECTION DETENTIONGIRLS CAMPAINGSVIOLENCELABOUR EDUCATION REGISTRATIONREMEDIESVICTIMS EMPOYMENTHEALTH TRAFFICKINGCAREADOPTION INVESTIGATION PROSECUTIONTORTURE FAIR TRIAL 2010 EVENTS MINORITIES LEGISLATIONWOMENCHILDRENGENDERSUPORT TO VICTIMSTRAINING INDEPENDENCECONSTITUTIONAL COURTFUNDEMENTAL FREEDOMSACCESS TO JUSTICEDISCRIMINATION JOURNALISTSHUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS GUARANTEESDOCTORSCONDITION OF DETENTIONSPERSONS WITH DISABILITIESMIGRANTS CORRUPTIONGENERALEQUALITYNATIONAL LEGISLATIONSEXUAL ORIENTATIONRACIAL DISCRIMINATION RELIGIOUSSERVICESLANGUAGEMEDIAFREEDOM OF ASSOCIATIONDRUGLAWYERSJUDICIAL SYSTEM}6. (c) Ensure that all health professionals who encounter signs of torture and ill-treatment are under a legal obligation to document such abuses, in line with the Manual on Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Istanbul Protocol), that all persons deprived of their liberty are guaranteed timely access to a qualified and independent medical investigator upon their request, and that all medical examinations are carried out in private; and consider transferring responsibility for oversight of medical staff of detention facilities to the Ministry of HealthJUSTICE SYSTEMACCESSFINANCEHUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION CURRICULUMTOXIC WASTE POLLUTION EMPLOYMENTHEALTH AND SAFETYWATERPOLICYELDERSSOCIAL PROTECTIONPOVERTYJUSTICEINTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONSHUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS ASSOCIATIONASSEMBLY HATE SPEECH COMPENSATIONCOUNTER TERRORISM INTOLERANCEAWARENESS RAISINGINTERNATIONAL MECHANISMSANTI-DISCRIMINATIONSUPPORT TO VICTIMSBUDGETREPRODUCTIVE HEALTHCHILDREN/ADOLESCENTS NUTRITIONHOUSING POLLUTIONMENTAL HEALTH CARELIVING CONDITIONSHEALTH EDUCATIONHOUSING RIGHTSREDUCTION OF HOMELESSNESSRECONSTRUCTIONINTERNATIONAL COOPERATION HARRASSMENT CAMPAIGNSSTUDIESDEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONSEXISTING MECHANISMS COORDINATIONLAW ENFORCEMENTSESTABLISH MECHANISMSSTUDYREMEDYFULLFILL OBLIGATIONSSPECIAL RAPPORTEURSFUNDEMENTOFREEDOMSDIALOGUEREFUGEES RATIFICATIONSENFORCED DISAPPEARANCE REPORTING JUDICIARYLABOR TOXIC WASTE TERRORISMPUBLIC CAMPAINGSREFRAIN/ABOLISHANTI-DICRIMINATIONFUNDEMENTAL RIGHTSACCESS TO HEALTHCAREINSTITUTION STRENTHENINGDATA COLLECTION & REGISTRATIONFOREIGN POLICYCONSITUTIONAL CHAMBERREPRESENTATIONSOCIO-ECONOMIC EVICTIONS PARTICPATION OMBUDSMANPARIS PRINCIPLESFINANCIAL RESOURCESDISADVANTAGED GROUPSDECISION-MAKINGCIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGTHS CIVIL SOCIETY WOMEN/GIRLS UNEMPLOYMENT RESOURCESPOLICE CONDITIONSSEXUAL VIOLENCE MECHANISMS EMPOWERMENT PARTICIPATIONDOMESTIC VIOLENCEBRIDE KIDNAPPINGFORCED 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" # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~  !user" M1ϡ@aYEAR|@t@x@h@p@ HR MECHANISMSUPRCEDAWCATCERDCCPRCRCCESCRCMW SR-TDW SR-VAWSR-T SR-SCCPCPSPTRECOMMENDATIONTOPIC LegislationInternational obligationsFreedom of religionInstitution building%"National Human Rights Institutions Gender Torture CorruptionWomen Children Persons with disabilitiesESCRHuman rights defenders0-Freedoms of peaceful assembly and associationParticipation in public lifeAnti-DiscriminationAdministration of justiceMinority communities EducationHuman trafficking MigrantsFreedom of expression Environment Housing Healthmj5.1. Continue harmonizing national legislation with the Constitution and international human rights norms wt5.2. Take measures to ensure that all legislation is in full compliance with international human rights obligations kh5.3. Continue the work to bring the national legal framework in line with its international obligations 5.4. Continue to fulfil its international obligations and commitments it has made in the field of human rights taking account the country s development and its historical, cultural and religious background 5.4. Continue to fulfil its international obligations and commitments it has made in the field of human rights taking account the country s development and its historical, cultural and religious background SP5.5. Review the compliance of national legislation with the provisions of ICCPR 5.6. Empower legal advisors in parliament to review draft laws and policies, incorporate input from civil society and experts in the international community, and oppose legislation that is inconsistent with international human rights obligations and commi|y5.7. Continue to strengthen democratic institutions with a clear separation of powers ahead of the coming election cycle EB5.8. Continue strengthening its national human rights institutionspm5.9. Take the necessary steps to ensure that the National Council on Gender issues becomes fully operational pm5.9. Take the necessary steps to ensure that the National Council on Gender issues becomes fully operational xu5.10. Improve intra-state mechanisms for the implementation of international obligations in the area of human rights qn5.11. Take the necessary steps to bring the Office of the Ombudsman into compliance with the Paris Principles }5.12. Accelerate the process of bringing the statues of the Office of Ombudsman in full conformity with the Paris Principles 5.13. Complete the process of ensuring that the Ombudsman Institution is fully compliant with the Paris Principles, at the earliest fc5.14. Intensify efforts to bring the office of the Ombudsman into compliance with Paris Principles ]Z5.15. Ensure that the office of the Ombudsman is brought in line with the Paris Principles5.16. Grant to the National Centre for the Prevention of Torture the necessary financial resources to ensure its functioning and independence in accordance with OP-CAT 5.16. Grant to the National Centre for the Prevention of Torture the necessary financial resources to ensure its functioning and independence in accordance with OP-CAT 5.17. Provide the National Centre for the Prevention of Torture with the necessary resources for its adequate functioning, and ensure its full independence 5.17. Provide the National Centre for the Prevention of Torture with the necessary resources for its adequate functioning, and ensure its full independence 5.18. Take comprehensive measures to improve the level of public security in the country and to combat terrorism and extremism JG5.19. Continue efforts to combat drug trafficking/trade and corruption FC5.20. Provide a comprehensive support to the institution of family 5.21. Strengthen national procedures for the protection of rights of socially vulnerable groups of the population, including women, children, persons with disabilities and the older persons  5.21. Strengthen national procedures for the protection of rights of socially vulnerable groups of the population, including women, children, persons with disabilities and the older persons  5.21. Strengthen national procedures for the protection of rights of socially vulnerable groups of the population, including women, children, persons with disabilities and the older persons  5.21. Strengthen national procedures for the protection of rights of socially vulnerable groups of the population, including women, children, persons with disabilities and the older persons  5.22. Improve further the child protection system and create conditions for ensuring the rights of the child to grow and develop in the family environment  DA5.23. Continue its policies on improving the rights of the child  O5.24. Take further steps to improve the system of children s rights protection  ^[5.25. Continue strengthening legal mechanisms for the protection of the rights of children  eb5.26. Effectively cooperate with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenderseb5.26. Effectively cooperate with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders |y5.27. Effectively cooperate with the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association |y5.27. Effectively cooperate with the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association 5.28. Analyse the possibility of creating a monitoring system for the implementation of international obligations in order to facilitate the systematization and follow-up of the recommendations made by the treaty bodies and the Human Rights Council da5.29. Engage the civil society in the implementation process of the accepted UPR recommendations c`5.30. Continue efforts in implementing CAT and its Optional Protocol with more concrete actions c`5.30. Continue efforts in implementing CAT and its Optional Protocol with more concrete actions 15.31. Continue to adopt effective legislative measures to ensure women s security and rights, and strengthen the national mechanism on gender policies 15.31. Continue to adopt effective legislative measures to ensure women s security and rights, and strengthen the national mechanism on gender policies 15.31. Continue to adopt effective legislative measures to ensure women s security and rights, and strengthen the national mechanism on gender policies NK5.32. Continue to implement the National Strategy for Gender Equality 2020 jg5.33. Take steps to ensure that laws on gender equality and domestic violence are enforced effectively _\5.34. Continue the implementation of measures aimed to empower women and their contribution 5.35. Redouble the efforts to increase women s participation in society, in particular by increasing the number of women in decision-making5.35. Redouble the efforts to increase women s participation in society, in particular by increasing the number of women in decision-makingzw5.36. Continue to promote gender equality through the empowerment of women in decision-making and public administrationzw5.36. Continue to promote gender equality through the empowerment of women in decision-making and public administration^5.37. Empower women s social development and their participation in political decision-making ^5.37. Empower women s social development and their participation in political decision-making 5.38. Strengthen anti-discrimination laws and policies, and intensify the implementation of measures to protect all women from discrimination and violence, including through nationwide public-awareness campaigns 5.38. Strengthen anti-discrimination laws and policies, and intensify the implementation of measures to protect all women from discrimination and violence, including through nationwide public-awareness campaigns ^[5.39. Take all necessary measures to fight effectively against all forms of discrimination 5.40. Ensure that national legislation conforms to international human rights standards on non-discrimination, particularly concerning sexual orientation and gender identity, gender and racial discrimination 5.40. Ensure that national legislation conforms to international human rights standards on non-discrimination, particularly concerning sexual orientation and gender identity, gender and racial discrimination 5.40. Ensure that national legislation conforms to international human rights standards on non-discrimination, particularly concerning sexual orientation and gender identity, gender and racial discrimination 5.41. Ensure equal rights and opportunities to all persons without distinction and promote policies to prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity 5.41. Ensure equal rights and opportunities to all persons without distinction and promote policies to prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity 5.42. Ensure that allegations of violence, torture, inhumane and degrading treatment of LGBT persons, by government and non-government actors, are investigated promptly and efficiently and that perpetrators are brought to justice 5.42. Ensure that allegations of violence, torture, inhumane and degrading treatment of LGBT persons, by government and non-government actors, are investigated promptly and efficiently and that perpetrators are brought to justice 5.42. Ensure that allegations of violence, torture, inhumane and degrading treatment of LGBT persons, by government and non-government actors, are investigated promptly and efficiently and that perpetrators are brought to justice gd5.43. Undertake all necessary measures to prevent discrimination and violence against LGBTI persons e5.44. Further strengthen the implementation of Kyrgyzstan s international commitments with regard to CAT and investigate all allegations of torture and ill treatment in custody e5.44. Further strengthen the implementation of Kyrgyzstan s international commitments with regard to CAT and investigate all allegations of torture and ill treatment in custody RO5.45. Take necessary measures to implement the National Plan to Combat Torture 5.46. Implement without delay the recently adopted Action Plan on Torture and ensure that safeguards against torture are effectively granted in practice 5.47. Adopt measures, including recommendations by the Committee against Torture, to combat torture and ill-treatment, by ensuring that the National Centre receives adequate resources and access; and by implementing an effective Anti-Torture Action Plan 5.47. Adopt measures, including recommendations by the Committee against Torture, to combat torture and ill-treatment, by ensuring that the National Centre receives adequate resources and access; and by implementing an effective Anti-Torture Action Plan 5.48. Examine allegations of ill-treatment and torture in custody and failures to ensure fair trial guarantees to those arrested and prosecuted following the 2010 violence 5.48. Examine allegations of ill-treatment and torture in custody and failures to ensure fair trial guarantees to those arrested and prosecuted following the 2010 violence 5.49. Ensure that allegations of torture and other ill-treatments are investigated promptly and effectively and that the perpetrators of these acts are prosecuted and punished according to the standards required by international norms 5.49. Ensure that allegations of torture and other ill-treatments are investigated promptly and effectively and that the perpetrators of these acts are prosecuted and punished according to the standards required by international norms 5.50. Increase the capacity for investigation and prosecution of all complaints of torture, attach special attention to allegations of torture of persons belonging to ethnic minorities, and bring the definition of torture in the Criminal Code fully in lin5.50. Increase the capacity for investigation and prosecution of all complaints of torture, attach special attention to allegations of torture of persons belonging to ethnic minorities, and bring the definition of torture in the Criminal Code fully in lin5.50. Increase the capacity for investigation and prosecution of all complaints of torture, attach special attention to allegations of torture of persons belonging to ethnic minorities, and bring the definition of torture in the Criminal Code fully in lin5.50. Increase the capacity for investigation and prosecution of all complaints of torture, attach special attention to allegations of torture of persons belonging to ethnic minorities, and bring the definition of torture in the Criminal Code fully in lin5.51. Prevent acts of torture and ensure that allegations of torture and ill-treatment are investigated promptly and efficiently 5.51. Prevent acts of torture and ensure that allegations of torture and ill-treatment are investigated promptly and efficiently vs5.52. Prevent all acts of torture and ill-treatment and ensure prompt and impartial investigations into complaints vs5.52. Prevent all acts of torture and ill-treatment and ensure prompt and impartial investigations into complaints 5.53. Ensure that all allegations of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment, including those related to the June 2010 violence, are thoroughly investigated and that the perpetrators are brought to justice 5.53. Ensure that all allegations of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment, including those related to the June 2010 violence, are thoroughly investigated and that the perpetrators are brought to justice }z5.54. Ensure accountability and guarantee prompt and effective investigation of torture and of all cases of ill treatment }z5.54. Ensure accountability and guarantee prompt and effective investigation of torture and of all cases of ill treatment 5.55. Take all necessary measures to effectively fight against torture and ill-treatment, particularly in the police and penitentiary domains 5.56. Further improve life conditions and preventions of ill-treatment of detainees in states penitentiaries in compliance with international standards  5.57. Provide guarantees for children in detention, including by removing the use of solitary confinement and by separating adults and children &#5.58. Combat violence against women5.59. Continue its efforts in combatting violence against women by, inter alia, raising awareness of the victims rights, increasing public understanding to avoid social exclusion of the victims and empowering women and girls by enhancing access to educat5.59. Continue its efforts in combatting violence against women by, inter alia, raising awareness of the victims rights, increasing public understanding to avoid social exclusion of the victims and empowering women and girls by enhancing access to educat5.60. Adopt the National Action Plan to combat violence against women, by investigating complaints and instituting criminal proceedings against perpetrators, even in the absence of formal complains 5.60. Adopt the National Action Plan to combat violence against women, by investigating complaints and instituting criminal proceedings against perpetrators, even in the absence of formal complains fc5.61. Adopt a national action plan to combat violence against women and a law on domestic violence fc5.61. Adopt a national action plan to combat violence against women and a law on domestic violence 5.62. Take further legislative and practical measures to end violence against women, including the phenomenon of bride kidnapping as well as early and forced marriage 5.62. Take further legislative and practical measures to end violence against women, including the phenomenon of bride kidnapping as well as early and forced marriage 5.63. Strengthen the implementation of legislation aimed at the elimination of violence against women and increase funding for assistance to the victims, in particular with regard to domestic violence and bride kidnapping 5.63. Strengthen the implementation of legislation aimed at the elimination of violence against women and increase funding for assistance to the victims, in particular with regard to domestic violence and bride kidnapping 5.64. Enforce existing criminal laws including ensuring that perpetrators of gender-based violence and bride-kidnapping and abductions are brought to justice 5.64. Enforce existing criminal laws including ensuring that perpetrators of gender-based violence and bride-kidnapping and abductions are brought to justice qn5.65. Adopt legislation to monitor and eliminate violence against women and girls, including child kidnapping qn5.65. Adopt legislation to monitor and eliminate violence against women and girls, including child kidnapping  qn5.65. Adopt legislation to monitor and eliminate violence against women and girls, including child kidnapping 5.66. Continue the active fight against domestic violence and violence against women, paying a special attention to preventive and prophylactic measures 5.67. Take further steps to address gender based violence, including guaranteeing that the cases of violence are thoroughly investigated and rights to fair trial ensured 5.67. Take further steps to address gender based violence, including guaranteeing that the cases of violence are thoroughly investigated and rights to fair trial ensured 5.68. Strengthen mechanisms to detect, investigate and punish cases of gender-based violence and bride kidnapping, train law enforcement officials to deal with such cases, and provide legal and medical support to victims 5.68. Strengthen mechanisms to detect, investigate and punish cases of gender-based violence and bride kidnapping, train law enforcement officials to deal with such cases, and provide legal and medical support to victims 5.68. Strengthen mechanisms to detect, investigate and punish cases of gender-based violence and bride kidnapping, train law enforcement officials to deal with such cases, and provide legal and medical support to victims NK5.69. Prosecute perpetrators of gender-based violence and bride-kidnapping NK5.69. Prosecute perpetrators of gender-based violence and bride-kidnapping  KH5.70. Introduce more effective policies to combat child forced marriage @=5.71. Strengthen measures to combat forced or early marriages @=5.71. Strengthen measures to combat forced or early marriagesli5.72. Strengthen efforts that are in place to put an end early and forced marriages and bride kidnapping  li5.72. Strengthen efforts that are in place to put an end early and forced marriages and bride kidnapping a^5.73. Take further measures to combat bridal kidnappings and child, early and forced marriage  a^5.73. Take further measures to combat bridal kidnappings and child, early and forced marriage 5.74. Strengthen the public campaigns and raise awareness regarding the unacceptability of the practice of child, early and forced marriage 5.74. Strengthen the public campaigns and raise awareness regarding the unacceptability of the practice of child, early and forced marriage b_5.75. Continue to take steps to put an end to practices of bride-kidnapping and early marriage  b_5.75. Continue to take steps to put an end to practices of bride-kidnapping and early marriage 5.76. Ensure full implementation of the law increasing the penalty for bride-kidnapping in order to eliminate violence against women, in particular bride-kidnapping of underage girls, polygamous unions and early marriage of girls  5.76. Ensure full implementation of the law increasing the penalty for bride-kidnapping in order to eliminate violence against women, in particular bride-kidnapping of underage girls, polygamous unions and early marriage of girls 5.76. Ensure full implementation of the law increasing the penalty for bride-kidnapping in order to eliminate violence against women, in particular bride-kidnapping of underage girls, polygamous unions and early marriage of girls  OL5.77. Develop a comprehensive strategy to address violence against children  `]5.78. Fully prohibit corporal punishment against children in all settings, including at home  5.79. Take all measures necessary to prevent violence against children in all its forms and to put mechanisms in place to protect especially girls who are more vulnerable to sexual abuse and violence  da5.80. Further enhance its efforts to effectively prevent and prosecute violence against children da5.80. Further enhance its efforts to effectively prevent and prosecute violence against children  JG5.81. Expedite efforts towards prohibition of all forms of child labour5.82. Completely eliminate the practice of child labour and ensure that all children have access to free and compulsory education  5.82. Completely eliminate the practice of child labour and ensure that all children have access to free and compulsory education XU5.83. Continue its efforts directed towards the fight against trafficking in persons 5.84. Strengthen the implementation of programmes aiming at the rehabilitation of victims of trafficking in person, including providing advice, shelter and legal aid and rehabilitation services a^5.85. Launch a campaign to raise public awareness on the issue of human trafficking in person 5.86. Continue working with the ongoing reform on the judicial system to promote compliance by the courts with international standards ?<5.87. Continue to implement judicial reforms in the country a^5.88. Take further steps to ensure, in law and in practice, the independence of the judiciary vs5.89. Continue reforms to ensure full independence of judges and application of fair trial guarantees for everyone 5.90. Ensure the full independence of the judiciary, including the establishment of objective criteria for selecting and dismissing judges and guarantee the respect of a fair trial for everyone }z5.91. Ensure that the justice system functions with independence and in full compliance with relevant international norms 5.92. Take further requisite measures to ensure full independence of the judiciary, which will have a meaningful contribution to their democracy and instil confidence with the people of Kyrgyzstan 5.93. Ensure due process and accountability in the administration of justice, and hold perpetrators of any ill-treatment of prisoners to account 5.93. Ensure due process and accountability in the administration of justice, and hold perpetrators of any ill-treatment of prisoners to account 5.94. Strengthen the position and the independence of the Constitutional Court in order to ensure that fundamental freedoms and minority rights, as guaranteed in the Constitution, are fully respected in newly adopted legislation 5.94. Strengthen the position and the independence of the Constitutional Court in order to ensure that fundamental freedoms and minority rights, as guaranteed in the Constitution, are fully respected in newly adopted legislation 5.94. Strengthen the position and the independence of the Constitutional Court in order to ensure that fundamental freedoms and minority rights, as guaranteed in the Constitution, are fully respected in newly adopted legislation e5.95. Facilitate citizens access to judicial appeal in cases of restrictions of freedom of assembly  e5.95. Facilitate citizens access to judicial appeal in cases of restrictions of freedom of assembly FC5.96. Continue developing a comprehensive juvenile judicial system  FC5.96. Continue developing a comprehensive juvenile judicial system 5.97. Commit to ensuring the full and impartial investigation of complaints of many of those arrested in the aftermath of the June 2010 violencesp5.98. Strengthen the investigation and punishment of human rights violations related to the 2010 ethnic conflictwt5.99. Investigate all allegations of torture and sexual violence committed in the context of the June 2010 conflict wt5.99. Investigate all allegations of torture and sexual violence committed in the context of the June 2010 conflict wt5.99. Investigate all allegations of torture and sexual violence committed in the context of the June 2010 conflict  5.100. Simplify the procedure for birth registration and ensure that all children born in its territory are registered and provided with birth certificates, irrespective of the availability of their parents identity documents or residence permits 5.100. Simplify the procedure for birth registration and ensure that all children born in its territory are registered and provided with birth certificates, irrespective of the availability of their parents identity documents or residence permits  5.101. Take the necessary measures for the proper civil registration of migrant children and birth registration of children of migrants 5.101. Take the necessary measures for the proper civil registration of migrant children and birth registration of children of migrants  5.102. Ensure that relevant legislation guarantees the exercise of the rights to freedom of expression and association for all individuals, including human rights defenders and journalists 5.102. Ensure that relevant legislation guarantees the exercise of the rights to freedom of expression and association for all individuals, including human rights defenders and journalists  5.102. Ensure that relevant legislation guarantees the exercise of the rights to freedom of expression and association for all individuals, including human rights defenders and journalists 5.102. Ensure that relevant legislation guarantees the exercise of the rights to freedom of expression and association for all individuals, including human rights defenders and journalists  a^5.103. Refrain from adopting legislation that would limit the right to freedom of association a^5.103. Refrain from adopting legislation that would limit the right to freedom of association  =5.104. Ensure that any legislation on NGO s is fully in line with international human rights law, including freedom of expression and freedom of association =5.104. Ensure that any legislation on NGO s is fully in line with international human rights law, including freedom of expression and freedom of association =5.104. Ensure that any legislation on NGO s is fully in line with international human rights law, including freedom of expression and freedom of association =5.104. Ensure that any legislation on NGO s is fully in line with international human rights law, including freedom of expression and freedom of association  5.105. Carefully consider the proposed law on restrictions of the activities of non-governmental organizations to ensure that it does not impede the valuable work they are doing, together with Kyrgyz authorities, to combat human rights abuses and uphold i5.105. Carefully consider the proposed law on restrictions of the activities of non-governmental organizations to ensure that it does not impede the valuable work they are doing, together with Kyrgyz authorities, to combat human rights abuses and uphold i5.106. Ensure that its legislation protects the rights of everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity, minority status or any other basis, to freedom of expression and assembly, freedom from discrimination and equality before the 5.106. Ensure that its legislation protects the rights of everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity, minority status or any other basis, to freedom of expression and assembly, freedom from discrimination and equality before the 5.106. Ensure that its legislation protects the rights of everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity, minority status or any other basis, to freedom of expression and assembly, freedom from discrimination and equality before the 5.106. Ensure that its legislation protects the rights of everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity, minority status or any other basis, to freedom of expression and assembly, freedom from discrimination and equality before the 5.106. Ensure that its legislation protects the rights of everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity, minority status or any other basis, to freedom of expression and assembly, freedom from discrimination and equality before the 5.106. Ensure that its legislation protects the rights of everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity, minority status or any other basis, to freedom of expression and assembly, freedom from discrimination and equality before the  5.106. Ensure that its legislation protects the rights of everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity, minority status or any other basis, to freedom of expression and assembly, freedom from discrimination and equality before the da5.107. Ensure respect for freedom of expression, freedom of the press and freedom of association  da5.107. Ensure respect for freedom of expression, freedom of the press and freedom of association  KH5.108. Guarantee freedom of assembly and association in line with ICCPR ~5.109. Ensure in law and practice that journalists and other persons can freely exercise their right to freedom of expression 5.110. Ensure that attacks on journalists are promptly investigated and the perpetrators held accountable, as recommended in the 1st cycle 5.110. Ensure that attacks on journalists are promptly investigated and the perpetrators held accountable, as recommended in the 1st cycle  5.111. Guarantee freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly for journalists, activists, human rights defenders and for participants in demonstrations 5.111. Guarantee freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly for journalists, activists, human rights defenders and for participants in demonstrations  5.111. Guarantee freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly for journalists, activists, human rights defenders and for participants in demonstrations 5.112. Ensure that journalists, human rights defenders and other members of civil society can seek, receive and impart information and carry out their legitimate peaceful activities without hindrance, intimidation, harassment or pressure 5.112. Ensure that journalists, human rights defenders and other members of civil society can seek, receive and impart information and carry out their legitimate peaceful activities without hindrance, intimidation, harassment or pressure 5.113. Take the necessary measures to ensure that human rights defenders and civil society actors can carry out their legislative work in a safe environment without threats and harassment by state and non-sate actors  5.114. Protect human rights defenders from intimidation and violence and ensure prompt, impartial and thorough investigation of allegations of harassment, torture and ill-treatment of human rights defenders5.114. Protect human rights defenders from intimidation and violence and ensure prompt, impartial and thorough investigation of allegations of harassment, torture and ill-treatment of human rights defenders5.114. Protect human rights defenders from intimidation and violence and ensure prompt, impartial and thorough investigation of allegations of harassment, torture and ill-treatment of human rights defenders|5.115. Increase the level of political participation and decision making of women and minority groups at Governmental level |5.115. Increase the level of political participation and decision making of women and minority groups at Governmental level |5.115. Increase the level of political participation and decision making of women and minority groups at Governmental level  da5.116. Continue working for the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights in the country  5.117. Continue strengthening the programs carried out for the social protection of all the Kyrgyz people in the fight against poverty and social inequity  I5.118. Ensure the integration and effective implementation of strategies on poverty alleviation, social security, gender equality and protection of child s rights I5.118. Ensure the integration and effective implementation of strategies on poverty alleviation, social security, gender equality and protection of child s rights  I5.118. Ensure the integration and effective implementation of strategies on poverty alleviation, social security, gender equality and protection of child s rights  KH5.119. Continue to improve socio-economic condition to eradicate poverty 5.120. Continue to implement its poverty reduction strategy, to enable its people to better enjoy the right to development, providing the necessary foundation for the enjoyment of the other rights  jg5.121. Continue implementing the National Sustainable Development Strategy as a means to fight poverty 5.122. Further develop policies and programmes to alleviate and eradicate poverty with special emphasis on vulnerable groups by taking forward initiatives such as the National Action plan and Programme against Corruption  5.122. Further develop policies and programmes to alleviate and eradicate poverty with special emphasis on vulnerable groups by taking forward initiatives such as the National Action plan and Programme against Corruption  5.123. Continue its exceptional efforts in combatting poverty and developing the education system, and in addition, continue to enhance its efforts related to preserving the environment 5.123. Continue its exceptional efforts in combatting poverty and developing the education system, and in addition, continue to enhance its efforts related to preserving the environment 5.123. Continue its exceptional efforts in combatting poverty and developing the education system, and in addition, continue to enhance its efforts related to preserving the environment 5.124. Develop efforts to formulate a national strategy to ensure the full realization of the right to adequate housing, that incorporates social housing and also the reconstruction of the housing areas destroyed during the violence of June 2010 5.125. Improve reproductive health education and access to adequate health care and treatment for the HIV positive mothers to prevent the mother to child transmission EB5.126. Increases investment in and maintain school infrastructure sp5.127. Provide inclusive education for children with disabilities and include human rights education in schools  sp5.127. Provide inclusive education for children with disabilities and include human rights education in schools  sp5.127. Provide inclusive education for children with disabilities and include human rights education in schools \Y5.128. Allocate enough resources for education in order to ensure the right of education  \Y5.129. Implement strategies to promote better access to education of girls at all levels \Y5.129. Implement strategies to promote better access to education of girls at all levels  5.130. Implement the series of measures to ensure the rights of and improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities for 2014-2017 5.131. Continue the initiatives for the promotion of tolerance and diversity with the aim of the protection of the rights of national and ethnic minorities of the country 5.132. Continue its efforts in giving due attention to the inter-ethnic issues including by ensuring effective implementation of its Policy Framework on Strengthening National Unity and Inter-Ethnic Relations ~5.133. Continue the efforts in the framework of the inter-ethnic policy and the protection of the rights of ethnic minorities 5.134. Continue to make progress towards the full recognition of ethnic and cultural diversity that characterizes the Kyrgyz people 5.135. Intensify the work related to inter-ethnic reconciliation, with special attention to the integration of ethnic minorities into public service and law enforcement bodieshe5.136. Actively combat all indications of interethnic strife, and national and religious intolerance he5.136. Actively combat all indications of interethnic strife, and national and religious intolerance ur5.137. Adopt additional measures to protect religious, cultural and ethnic minorities subjected to discrimination ur5.137. Adopt additional measures to protect religious, cultural and ethnic minorities subjected to discrimination ur5.137. Adopt additional measures to protect religious, cultural and ethnic minorities subjected to discrimination 5.138. Adopt norms and procedures to ensure the implementation of the principle of non-refoulement as established by the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees fc5.139. Strengthen its judicial system in order to ensure that most citizens have access to justice  7.1. Ratify CRPD -*7.3. Accelerate its efforts to ratify CRPD 2/7.4. Complete the ratification process for CRPD 747.5. Take the necessary steps towards ratifying CRPD IF7.6. Speed up the process for ratifying CRPD and its Optional Protocol7.12. That any changes in legislation uphold fundamental freedoms and ensure non-discrimination, including on the basis of religion or sexual orientatin7.12. That any changes in legislation uphold fundamental freedoms and ensure non-discrimination, including on the basis of religion or sexual orientation7.12. That any changes in legislation uphold fundamental freedoms and ensure non-discrimination, including on the basis of religion or sexual orientatin~7.17. Establish an intra-state reporting mechanism on violence against women and provide its victims with appropriate services~7.17. Establish an intra-state reporting mechanism on violence against women and provide its victims with appropriate servicesxu7.18. Review the Law on Religion in order to guarantee freedom of religion in compliance with international standardsxu7.18. Review the Law on Religion in order to guarantee freedom of religion in compliance with international standards7.24. Conform the recently adopted amendments to the Criminal Code to international human rights standards, promptly investigate attacks on journalists and human rights defenders and hold accountable its perpetrators  7.24. Conform the recently adopted amendments to the Criminal Code to international human rights standards, promptly investigate attacks on journalists and human rights defenders and hold accountable its perpetrators 7.24. Conform the recently adopted amendments to the Criminal Code to international human rights standards, promptly investigate attacks on journalists and human rights defenders and hold accountable its perpetrators 7.28. Cease harassment and discrimination by police of members of ethnic minorities and peaceful religious adherents under the pretext of combatting violent extremism, and grant registration to peaceful religious groups7.28. Cease harassment and discrimination by police of members of ethnic minorities and peaceful religious adherents under the pretext of combatting violent extremism, and grant registration to peaceful religious groups7.28. Cease harassment and discrimination by police of members of ethnic minorities and peaceful religious adherents under the pretext of combatting violent extremism, and grant registration to peaceful religious groups6. The Committee stresses the crucial role of the legislative power in ensuring the full implementation of the Convention. It invites the Zhogorku Kenesh to take the necessary steps regarding the implementation of the present concluding observations betwe8. (a) Ensure that the Convention, its Optional Protocol, and the Committee s General Recommendations are sufficiently known and applied by all branches of government, including the judiciary, as a framework for laws, court decisions and policies on gende8. (a) Ensure that the Convention, its Optional Protocol, and the Committee s General Recommendations are sufficiently known and applied by all branches of government, including the judiciary, as a framework for laws, court decisions and policies on gende8. (a) Ensure that the Convention, its Optional Protocol, and the Committee s General Recommendations are sufficiently known and applied by all branches of government, including the judiciary, as a framework for laws, court decisions and policies on gende8. (b) Enhance women s awareness of their rights and the remedies available to them to claim violations of their rights under the Convention, and ensure that information on the Convention, its Optional Protocol and the Committee s general recommendations QN10. (a) Ensure that the discriminatory draft law No. 6-11804/14 is not adoptedQN10. (a) Ensure that the discriminatory draft law No. 6-11804/14 is not adoptedzw10. (b) Adopt comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation which prohibits discrimination against women on all groundszw10. (b) Adopt comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation which prohibits discrimination against women on all groundszw10. (b) Adopt comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation which prohibits discrimination against women on all grounds12. (a) Take steps to accord greater visibility, increased capacity and authority to all the components of the national machinery for the advancement of women by upgrading its status, clarifying its mandate and ensuring the provision of sufficient and sus12. (a) Take steps to accord greater visibility, increased capacity and authority to all the components of the national machinery for the advancement of women by upgrading its status, clarifying its mandate and ensuring the provision of sufficient and sus12. (b) Develop a gender mainstreaming strategy which includes gender responsive budgeting, and which can be applied in the formulation of all policies and programmes to address various aspects of women s lives12. (b) Develop a gender mainstreaming strategy which includes gender responsive budgeting, and which can be applied in the formulation of all policies and programmes to address various aspects of women s lives14. (a) Familiarize all relevant State officials and policy-makers with the concept of temporary special measures, adopt and implement temporary special measures, including time-bound goals and quotas, directed towards the achievement of de facto or subst14. (a) Familiarize all relevant State officials and policy-makers with the concept of temporary special measures, adopt and implement temporary special measures, including time-bound goals and quotas, directed towards the achievement of de facto or subst14. (a) Familiarize all relevant State officials and policy-makers with the concept of temporary special measures, adopt and implement temporary special measures, including time-bound goals and quotas, directed towards the achievement of de facto or subst14. (b) Address the root causes of the weak implementation of the existing temporary special measures and introduce in its legislation provisions to encourage the use of temporary special measures in both the public and private sectors14. (b) Address the root causes of the weak implementation of the existing temporary special measures and introduce in its legislation provisions to encourage the use of temporary special measures in both the public and private sectors16. (a) Put in place, without delay, a comprehensive strategy with proactive and sustained measures, targeting women and men at all levels of society, including religious leaders, to eliminate stereotypes and patriarchal attitudes concerning the roles and16. (a) Put in place, without delay, a comprehensive strategy with proactive and sustained measures, targeting women and men at all levels of society, including religious leaders, to eliminate stereotypes and patriarchal attitudes concerning the roles and16. (a) Put in place, without delay, a comprehensive strategy with proactive and sustained measures, targeting women and men at all levels of society, including religious leaders, to eliminate stereotypes and patriarchal attitudes concerning the roles and16. (b) Expand public education programmes on the criminal nature and adverse effects on women of harmful practices such as child marriage and bride kidnapping, in particular in rural and remote areas 16. (b) Expand public education programmes on the criminal nature and adverse effects on women of harmful practices such as child marriage and bride kidnapping, in particular in rural and remote areas16. (b) Expand public education programmes on the criminal nature and adverse effects on women of harmful practices such as child marriage and bride kidnapping, in particular in rural and remote areas16. (c) Use innovative measures targeting the media to strengthen understanding of substantive equality of women and men and use the education system to enhance positive and non-stereotypical portrayals of women; 16. (c) Use innovative measures targeting the media to strengthen understanding of substantive equality of women and men and use the education system to enhance positive and non-stereotypical portrayals of women; 16. (c) Use innovative measures targeting the media to strengthen understanding of substantive equality of women and men and use the education system to enhance positive and non-stereotypical portrayals of women; 16. (c) Use innovative measures targeting the media to strengthen understanding of substantive equality of women and men and use the education system to enhance positive and non-stereotypical portrayals of women; ol16. (d) To monitor and review the measures taken so as to assess their impact and to take appropriate action18. (a) Put in place comprehensive measures to prevent and address violence against women and girls, and ensure that women and girls who are victims of violence have access to immediate means of redress and protection and that perpetrators are prosecuted 18. (a) Put in place comprehensive measures to prevent and address violence against women and girls, and ensure that women and girls who are victims of violence have access to immediate means of redress and protection and that perpetrators are prosecuted  18. (a) Put in place comprehensive measures to prevent and address violence against women and girls, and ensure that women and girls who are victims of violence have access to immediate means of redress and protection and that perpetrators are prosecuted 18. (a) Put in place comprehensive measures to prevent and address violence against women and girls, and ensure that women and girls who are victims of violence have access to immediate means of redress and protection and that perpetrators are prosecuted 18. (b) Provide mandatory training for judges, prosecutors, the police and other law enforcement officials on the strict application of criminal law provisions dealing with violence against women and on gender-sensitive procedures to deal with women victi18. (b) Provide mandatory training for judges, prosecutors, the police and other law enforcement officials on the strict application of criminal law provisions dealing with violence against women and on gender-sensitive procedures to deal with women victi18. (b) Provide mandatory training for judges, prosecutors, the police and other law enforcement officials on the strict application of criminal law provisions dealing with violence against women and on gender-sensitive procedures to deal with women victi18. (c) Encourage women to report incidents of domestic and sexual violence to the law enforcement bodies and not to aksakals courts by de-stigmatizing victims and sensitizing the police and raising awareness about the criminal nature of such acts;18. (c) Encourage women to report incidents of domestic and sexual violence to the law enforcement bodies and not to aksakals courts by de-stigmatizing victims and sensitizing the police and raising awareness about the criminal nature of such acts;18. (d) Provide adequate assistance and protection to women victims of violence by establishing shelters, including in rural areas, and enhancing its cooperation with non-governmental organizations providing shelter and rehabilitation to victims;18. (d) Provide adequate assistance and protection to women victims of violence by establishing shelters, including in rural areas, and enhancing its cooperation with non-governmental organizations providing shelter and rehabilitation to victims;18. (e) Collect statistical data on domestic and sexual violence disaggregated by sex, age, nationality and relationship between the victim and the perpetrator20. (a) Conduct research on the extent of the practice of abduction of girls for purposes of forced marriage and develop a comprehensive strategy to address this practice to ensure the effective investigation, prosecution and conviction of perpetrators as20. (a) Conduct research on the extent of the practice of abduction of girls for purposes of forced marriage and develop a comprehensive strategy to address this practice to ensure the effective investigation, prosecution and conviction of perpetrators as 20. (a) Conduct research on the extent of the practice of abduction of girls for purposes of forced marriage and develop a comprehensive strategy to address this practice to ensure the effective investigation, prosecution and conviction of perpetrators as20. (b) Strengthen the efficiency of law enforcement agencies to ensure that they protect women and girls from violence and bride kidnapping, and adopt standardized procedures for the police in all regions of the State party on gender-sensitive investigat 20. (b) Strengthen the efficiency of law enforcement agencies to ensure that they protect women and girls from violence and bride kidnapping, and adopt standardized procedures for the police in all regions of the State party on gender-sensitive investigat20. (b) Strengthen the efficiency of law enforcement agencies to ensure that they protect women and girls from violence and bride kidnapping, and adopt standardized procedures for the police in all regions of the State party on gender-sensitive investigat20. (b) Strengthen the efficiency of law enforcement agencies to ensure that they protect women and girls from violence and bride kidnapping, and adopt standardized procedures for the police in all regions of the State party on gender-sensitive investigat_20. (c) Provide systematic training on the criminal nature of bride kidnapping and its adverse effects on women s rights to judges, law enforcement officers and medical staff_20. (c) Provide systematic training on the criminal nature of bride kidnapping and its adverse effects on women s rights to judges, law enforcement officers and medical staffyv20. (d) Ensure that women victims of bride kidnapping may report cases without having to fear retribution or stigma; yv20. (d) Ensure that women victims of bride kidnapping may report cases without having to fear retribution or stigma; 20. (e) Address the traditional cultural attitudes and underlying causes of bride kidnapping, including through education and awareness-raising campaigns for the general public22. (a) Establish a coordinating body responsible for the implementation of programmes and actions plans to combat trafficking in human beings as well as for the coordination of relevant state structures22. (a) Establish a coordinating body responsible for the implementation of programmes and actions plans to combat trafficking in human beings as well as for the coordination of relevant state structures22. (b) Conduct comparative studies on trafficking and exploitation of prostitution, including by collecting data, disaggregated by sex, ethnicity and age, to identify and address the root causes of trafficking and include such data in its next periodic r22. (c) Establish an oversight mechanism allowing the monitoring of violence against women involved in prostitution by the police, and stop illegal forced testing for HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases of women involved in prostitution which22. (c) Establish an oversight mechanism allowing the monitoring of violence against women involved in prostitution by the police, and stop illegal forced testing for HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases of women involved in prostitution which22. (c) Establish an oversight mechanism allowing the monitoring of violence against women involved in prostitution by the police, and stop illegal forced testing for HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases of women involved in prostitution which22. (d) Adopt a comprehensive approach to address the phenomenon of prostitution, provide specific shelters and crisis centres, exit and reintegration programmes, as well as alternative income generating opportunities, for women who wish to leave prostitu 22. (d) Adopt a comprehensive approach to address the phenomenon of prostitution, provide specific shelters and crisis centres, exit and reintegration programmes, as well as alternative income generating opportunities, for women who wish to leave prostitu24. (a) Take measures to increase the participation of women in political and public life at all levels, including by adopting temporary special measures, such as statutory quotas, in accordance with article 4 (1) of the Convention and the Committee s Gen24. (a) Take measures to increase the participation of women in political and public life at all levels, including by adopting temporary special measures, such as statutory quotas, in accordance with article 4 (1) of the Convention and the Committee s Gen24. (b) Build capacity of and enhance access to campaign financing for women politicians to enable them to compete effectively with their male counterparts; 24. (b) Build capacity of and enhance access to campaign financing for women politicians to enable them to compete effectively with their male counterparts; 24. (c) Conduct awareness raising activities for politicians, community leaders, journalists and the general public on the importance of women s participation in decision-making in order to enhance the understanding that full, equal, free and democratic p24. (c) Conduct awareness raising activities for politicians, community leaders, journalists and the general public on the importance of women s participation in decision-making in order to enhance the understanding that full, equal, free and democratic p26. (a) Give priority to eliminating negative stereotypes and structural barriers to enrolment of girls in non-traditional fields of education at the secondary and tertiary levels, and provide career counselling for girls on non-traditional career paths s26. (a) Give priority to eliminating negative stereotypes and structural barriers to enrolment of girls in non-traditional fields of education at the secondary and tertiary levels, and provide career counselling for girls on non-traditional career paths s 26. (a) Give priority to eliminating negative stereotypes and structural barriers to enrolment of girls in non-traditional fields of education at the secondary and tertiary levels, and provide career counselling for girls on non-traditional career paths szw26. (b) Intensify its efforts in reviewing school textbooks and curricula to eliminate any stereotyped roles of women; zw26. (b) Intensify its efforts in reviewing school textbooks and curricula to eliminate any stereotyped roles of women; wt26. (c) Provide in its next periodic report updated disaggregated data on the educational choices of women and girlswt26. (c) Provide in its next periodic report updated disaggregated data on the educational choices of women and girls wt26. (c) Provide in its next periodic report updated disaggregated data on the educational choices of women and girls28. (a) Intensify its efforts to create an enabling environment for women to become economically more independent, including by sensitizing employers in the public and private sectors on the prohibition of discrimination against women in employment, and i28. (a) Intensify its efforts to create an enabling environment for women to become economically more independent, including by sensitizing employers in the public and private sectors on the prohibition of discrimination against women in employment, and i 28. (a) Intensify its efforts to create an enabling environment for women to become economically more independent, including by sensitizing employers in the public and private sectors on the prohibition of discrimination against women in employment, and i 28. (a) Intensify its efforts to create an enabling environment for women to become economically more independent, including by sensitizing employers in the public and private sectors on the prohibition of discrimination against women in employment, and i28. (a) Intensify its efforts to create an enabling environment for women to become economically more independent, including by sensitizing employers in the public and private sectors on the prohibition of discrimination against women in employment, and ijg28. (b) Adopt comprehensive legislation to combat discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplacejg28. (b) Adopt comprehensive legislation to combat discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplacejg28. (b) Adopt comprehensive legislation to combat discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace28. (c) Adopt and effectively apply legislation guaranteeing equal pay for work of equal value in order to narrow and close the gender wage gap, and regularly review wages in sectors where women are concentrated; 28. (c) Adopt and effectively apply legislation guaranteeing equal pay for work of equal value in order to narrow and close the gender wage gap, and regularly review wages in sectors where women are concentrated; 28. (c) Adopt and effectively apply legislation guaranteeing equal pay for work of equal value in order to narrow and close the gender wage gap, and regularly review wages in sectors where women are concentrated; 28. (d) Consider introducing basic rights and the right to maternity leave in the informal sector and ratifying the International Labour Organization Convention No. 189 (2011) concerning Decent Work for Domestic Workers28. (d) Consider introducing basic rights and the right to maternity leave in the informal sector and ratifying the International Labour Organization Convention No. 189 (2011) concerning Decent Work for Domestic Workers 28. (d) Consider introducing basic rights and the right to maternity leave in the informal sector and ratifying the International Labour Organization Convention No. 189 (2011) concerning Decent Work for Domestic Workers30. (a) Strengthen the programme for the reduction of maternal, new-born and child mortality, and ensure the effective implementation and adequate funding of relevant state programmes, as well as access to health-care facilities and trained medical person30. (a) Strengthen the programme for the reduction of maternal, new-born and child mortality, and ensure the effective implementation and adequate funding of relevant state programmes, as well as access to health-care facilities and trained medical person 30. (a) Strengthen the programme for the reduction of maternal, new-born and child mortality, and ensure the effective implementation and adequate funding of relevant state programmes, as well as access to health-care facilities and trained medical personxu30. (b) Increase access for all women and girls, in particular rural women and girls, to basic health care services;  xu30. (b) Increase access for all women and girls, in particular rural women and girls, to basic health care services; xu30. (b) Increase access for all women and girls, in particular rural women and girls, to basic health care services; 30. (c) Widely promote age appropriate education on sexual and reproductive health and rights; and increase access to affordable and safe modern contraceptives and information on family planning for women and men and girls and boys throughout the State pa30. (c) Widely promote age appropriate education on sexual and reproductive health and rights; and increase access to affordable and safe modern contraceptives and information on family planning for women and men and girls and boys throughout the State pa30. (c) Widely promote age appropriate education on sexual and reproductive health and rights; and increase access to affordable and safe modern contraceptives and information on family planning for women and men and girls and boys throughout the State pa 30. (c) Widely promote age appropriate education on sexual and reproductive health and rights; and increase access to affordable and safe modern contraceptives and information on family planning for women and men and girls and boys throughout the State pa30. (c) Widely promote age appropriate education on sexual and reproductive health and rights; and increase access to affordable and safe modern contraceptives and information on family planning for women and men and girls and boys throughout the State pa32. (a) To formulate and implement specific measures to combat poverty among rural women, including effective measures to ensure rural women s access to justice, education, housing, safe drinking water, sanitation, formal employment, skills development a32. (a) To formulate and implement specific measures to combat poverty among rural women, including effective measures to ensure rural women s access to justice, education, housing, safe drinking water, sanitation, formal employment, skills development a32. (a) To formulate and implement specific measures to combat poverty among rural women, including effective measures to ensure rural women s access to justice, education, housing, safe drinking water, sanitation, formal employment, skills development a 32. (a) To formulate and implement specific measures to combat poverty among rural women, including effective measures to ensure rural women s access to justice, education, housing, safe drinking water, sanitation, formal employment, skills development a32. (b) To ensure the participation of rural women in decision-making processes at the community level on an equal basis with men.32. (b) To ensure the participation of rural women in decision-making processes at the community level on an equal basis with men.34. (a) Adopt measures, including temporary special measures within the meaning of article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention and the Committee s General Recommendation No. 25 (2004) on temporary special measures, to ensure equal rights and opportunities f34. (a) Adopt measures, including temporary special measures within the meaning of article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention and the Committee s General Recommendation No. 25 (2004) on temporary special measures, to ensure equal rights and opportunities f34. (a) Adopt measures, including temporary special measures within the meaning of article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention and the Committee s General Recommendation No. 25 (2004) on temporary special measures, to ensure equal rights and opportunities f34. (a) Adopt measures, including temporary special measures within the meaning of article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention and the Committee s General Recommendation No. 25 (2004) on temporary special measures, to ensure equal rights and opportunities f34. (b) Ensure access to sustainable, non-discriminatory and non-prejudiced services, such as shelters, sexual and reproductive health services, legal aid and counselling, employment, for all women, in particular women facing intersecting forms of discrim34. (b) Ensure access to sustainable, non-discriminatory and non-prejudiced services, such as shelters, sexual and reproductive health services, legal aid and counselling, employment, for all women, in particular women facing intersecting forms of discrim34. (b) Ensure access to sustainable, non-discriminatory and non-prejudiced services, such as shelters, sexual and reproductive health services, legal aid and counselling, employment, for all women, in particular women facing intersecting forms of discrim34. (c) Adopt necessary legislative measures, as well as targeted policies to address multiple forms of discrimination and promote the integration into society of disadvantaged and marginalized groups of women facing intersecting forms of discrimination34. (c) Adopt necessary legislative measures, as well as targeted policies to address multiple forms of discrimination and promote the integration into society of disadvantaged and marginalized groups of women facing intersecting forms of discrimination34. (c) Adopt necessary legislative measures, as well as targeted policies to address multiple forms of discrimination and promote the integration into society of disadvantaged and marginalized groups of women facing intersecting forms of discrimination34. (d) Finalize and adopt an expeditious, transparent and accessible official procedure of gender marker change in identity documents of transgender women who wish to obtain legal recognition of their gender34. (d) Finalize and adopt an expeditious, transparent and accessible official procedure of gender marker change in identity documents of transgender women who wish to obtain legal recognition of their gender34. (d) Finalize and adopt an expeditious, transparent and accessible official procedure of gender marker change in identity documents of transgender women who wish to obtain legal recognition of their gender36. (a) Expedite the adoption of the amendment to the Act on Religious Belief and Practice so that religious marriages can be administrated only after formal marriages have taken place, so as to ensure the registration of all marriages, in line with the S36. (a) Expedite the adoption of the amendment to the Act on Religious Belief and Practice so that religious marriages can be administrated only after formal marriages have taken place, so as to ensure the registration of all marriages, in line with the S36. (b) Adopt all necessary legislative means to protect the rights of women upon dissolution of such religious or customary marriages regardless of their registration status, in line with the Committee s General Recommendation No. 29 (2013) on the econom36. (b) Adopt all necessary legislative means to protect the rights of women upon dissolution of such religious or customary marriages regardless of their registration status, in line with the Committee s General Recommendation No. 29 (2013) on the econom36. (b) Adopt all necessary legislative means to protect the rights of women upon dissolution of such religious or customary marriages regardless of their registration status, in line with the Committee s General Recommendation No. 29 (2013) on the econom 36. (b) Adopt all necessary legislative means to protect the rights of women upon dissolution of such religious or customary marriages regardless of their registration status, in line with the Committee s General Recommendation No. 29 (2013) on the econom 36. (c) Take proactive measures to combat child and forced marriages, in accordance with the joint General Recommendation/General Comment No.31 of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and No.18 of the Committee on the Rights of36. (c) Take proactive measures to combat child and forced marriages, in accordance with the joint General Recommendation/General Comment No.31 of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and No.18 of the Committee on the Rights of38. The Committee calls upon the State party to develop a gender indicator system to improve the collection of data disaggregated by sex and other relevant factors necessary to assess the impact and effectiveness of policies and programmes aimed at mainst38. The Committee calls upon the State party to develop a gender indicator system to improve the collection of data disaggregated by sex and other relevant factors necessary to assess the impact and effectiveness of policies and programmes aimed at mainst39. The Committee encourages the State party to accept, as soon as possible, the amendment to article 20, paragraph 1, of the Convention concerning the meeting time of the Committee40. The Committee calls upon the State party to utilize the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, in its efforts to implement the provisions of the Convention41. The Committee calls for the integration of a gender perspective, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, into all efforts aimed at the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and into the post-2015 development framework 41. The Committee calls for the integration of a gender perspective, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, into all efforts aimed at the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and into the post-2015 development framework42.The Committee recalls the obligation of the State party to systematically and continuously implement the provisions of the Convention. It urges the State party to give priority attention to the implementation of the present concluding observations and 43. The Committee notes that the adherence of the State party to the nine major international human rights instruments would enhance the enjoyment by women of their human rights and fundamental freedoms in all aspects of life. The Committee therefore enco44. The Committee requests the State party to provide, within two years, written information on the steps undertaken to implement the recommendations contained in paragraphs 22 (c) and 28 (b) and (d) above^[45. The Committee invites the State party to submit its fifth periodic report in March 201946. The Committee requests the State party to follow the  Harmonized guidelines on reporting under the international human rights treaties, including guidelines on a common core document and treaty-specific documents (HRI/MC/2006/3 and Corr.1)6. As a matter of urgency, the State party should take immediate and effective measures to prevent acts of torture and ill-treatment throughout the country, including by implementing policies that would eliminate impunity for perpetrators of torture and i6. As a matter of urgency, the State party should take immediate and effective measures to prevent acts of torture and ill-treatment throughout the country, including by implementing policies that would eliminate impunity for perpetrators of torture and i6. (a) Publicly and unambiguously condemn the use of all forms of torture, warning that any person ordering, committing, instigating, acquiescing to or acting as an accomplice to such acts shall be criminally prosecuted and punished6. (a) Publicly and unambiguously condemn the use of all forms of torture, warning that any person ordering, committing, instigating, acquiescing to or acting as an accomplice to such acts shall be criminally prosecuted and punished6. (b) Establish an independent and effective mechanism to facilitate the submission of complaints by victims of torture and ill-treatment to public authorities; and ensure that complaint mechanisms are available and that complainants are protected in pra6. (b) Establish an independent and effective mechanism to facilitate the submission of complaints by victims of torture and ill-treatment to public authorities; and ensure that complaint mechanisms are available and that complainants are protected in pra6. (b) Establish an independent and effective mechanism to facilitate the submission of complaints by victims of torture and ill-treatment to public authorities; and ensure that complaint mechanisms are available and that complainants are protected in pra6. (c) Ensure that all health professionals who encounter signs of torture and ill-treatment are under a legal obligation to document such abuses, in line with the Manual on Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or 6. (c) Ensure that all health professionals who encounter signs of torture and ill-treatment are under a legal obligation to document such abuses, in line with the Manual on Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or 6. (c) Ensure that all health professionals who encounter signs of torture and ill-treatment are under a legal obligation to document such abuses, in line with the Manual on Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or 6. (d) Ensure that investigations into allegations of torture are not undertaken by or under the authority of the police, but by an independent body, that preliminary enquiries into complaints of torture are undertaken and concluded promptly upon receipt 6. (d) Ensure that investigations into allegations of torture are not undertaken by or under the authority of the police, but by an independent body, that preliminary enquiries into complaints of torture are undertaken and concluded promptly upon receipt  7. As a matter of urgency, the State party should: (a) undertake a full, effective and independent investigation into the claims of torture made by Azimjan Askarov; (b) ensure that Azimjan Askarov receives adequate medical care; and (c) review the grounds7. As a matter of urgency, the State party should: (a) undertake a full, effective and independent investigation into the claims of torture made by Azimjan Askarov; (b) ensure that Azimjan Askarov receives adequate medical care; and (c) review the grounds7. The State party should also ensure that torture claims made by Nargiza Turdieva and Dilmurat Khaidarov are fully, impartially and effectively investigated7. The State party should also ensure that torture claims made by Nargiza Turdieva and Dilmurat Khaidarov are fully, impartially and effectively investigated8. The State party should take effective measures to ensure that all allegations of torture or ill-treatment, related to the June 2010 violence, by security or law enforcement officials are fully and impartially investigated, and that the officials respon8. The State party should take effective measures to ensure that all allegations of torture or ill-treatment, related to the June 2010 violence, by security or law enforcement officials are fully and impartially investigated, and that the officials respon8. (a) A thorough and impartial review of 995 criminal cases related to the June 2010 violence is conducted, and, when appropriate, proceedings are reopened in cases in which torture allegations have not been fully investigated or in which serious violati8. (a) A thorough and impartial review of 995 criminal cases related to the June 2010 violence is conducted, and, when appropriate, proceedings are reopened in cases in which torture allegations have not been fully investigated or in which serious violati8. (b) Security or law enforcement officials found responsible are subjected to disciplinary and/or criminal penalties for torture and ill-treatment; and8. (b) Security or law enforcement officials found responsible are subjected to disciplinary and/or criminal penalties for torture and ill-treatment; and8. (c) Allegations of any public official s infliction of, ordering of, or acquiescence to torture or ill-treatment against ethnic Uzbeks is fully and effectively investigated and, as appropriate, prosecuted8. (c) Allegations of any public official s infliction of, ordering of, or acquiescence to torture or ill-treatment against ethnic Uzbeks is fully and effectively investigated and, as appropriate, prosecuted8. (c) Allegations of any public official s infliction of, ordering of, or acquiescence to torture or ill-treatment against ethnic Uzbeks is fully and effectively investigated and, as appropriate, prosecuted9. (a) All persons deprived of liberty are afforded, in law and in practice, all fundamental legal safeguards from the very outset of their deprivation of liberty, including the rights to prompt access to a lawyer of their choice, to request a medical exa9. (a) All persons deprived of liberty are afforded, in law and in practice, all fundamental legal safeguards from the very outset of their deprivation of liberty, including the rights to prompt access to a lawyer of their choice, to request a medical exa9. (b) All persons deprived of their liberty have prompt access to assistance from independent lawyers, and can communicate privately with them9. (c) All detainees, including minors, are included in a central register of persons deprived of liberty, in which relevant information about fundamental safeguards is immediately recorded, and which can be accessed by the lawyers and family members of t 9. (c) All detainees, including minors, are included in a central register of persons deprived of liberty, in which relevant information about fundamental safeguards is immediately recorded, and which can be accessed by the lawyers and family members of t10. The State party should continue its efforts to bring its domestic law into accordance with the Convention, inter alia by ensuring that the definition of torture in article 305(1) of the Criminal Code covers all the elements contained in article 1 of t10. The State party should continue its efforts to bring its domestic law into accordance with the Convention, inter alia by ensuring that the definition of torture in article 305(1) of the Criminal Code covers all the elements contained in article 1 of t11. The State party should take necessary measures to ensure de facto applicability of the provisions of the Convention in its domestic legal order, inter alia by training the judiciary and law enforcement personnel on the provisions of the Convention11. The State party should take necessary measures to ensure de facto applicability of the provisions of the Convention in its domestic legal order, inter alia by training the judiciary and law enforcement personnel on the provisions of the Convention12.The State party should strengthen the independence and impartiality of the judiciary for the performance of its duties in accordance with international standards, notably the Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary, inter alia by guarante12. The State party should strengthen the independence and impartiality of the judiciary for the performance of its duties in accordance with international standards, notably the Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary, inter alia by guarant13.(a) Adopt legislation explicitly prohibiting the use of evidence obtained through torture, in line with article 15 of the Convention, and ensure its implementation13.(a) Adopt legislation explicitly prohibiting the use of evidence obtained through torture, in line with article 15 of the Convention, and ensure its implementation13.(a) Adopt legislation explicitly prohibiting the use of evidence obtained through torture, in line with article 15 of the Convention, and ensure its implementation13. (b) Ensure that judges and prosecutors initiate investigations and take other appropriate remedial measures ex officio whenever a criminal defendant or his or her lawyer presents reasonable grounds to believe that a confession has been obtained throug13. (b) Ensure that judges and prosecutors initiate investigations and take other appropriate remedial measures ex officio whenever a criminal defendant or his or her lawyer presents reasonable grounds to believe that a confession has been obtained throug13. (c) Ensure that the findings of independent forensic medical examinations of criminal defendants who allege that they were tortured are considered admissible as evidence in court proceedings and given evidentiary weight equivalent to that given to the13. (c) Ensure that the findings of independent forensic medical examinations of criminal defendants who allege that they were tortured are considered admissible as evidence in court proceedings and given evidentiary weight equivalent to that given to the14. The State party should bring the Office of the Ombudsman into compliance with the Paris Principles, inter alia by ensuring its independence and providing adequate resources for its operation15. The State should ensure that: (a) the National Centre for the Prevention of Torture has the necessary financial, human and material resources to fulfil its mandate independently and effectively; and (b) all persons involved in the administration of pl15. The State should ensure that: (a) the National Centre for the Prevention of Torture has the necessary financial, human and material resources to fulfil its mandate independently and effectively; and (b) all persons involved in the administration of pl 16. (a) Ensure that human rights defenders and independent lawyers are protected from intimidation or violence as a result of their activities16. (a) Ensure that human rights defenders and independent lawyers are protected from intimidation or violence as a result of their activities 16. (b) Ensure the prompt, impartial and thorough investigation of all allegations of harassment, torture or ill-treatment of human rights defenders, including Askarov, Tomina, and Usmanov, and prosecute and punish the perpetrators with appropriate penalt16. (b) Ensure the prompt, impartial and thorough investigation of all allegations of harassment, torture or ill-treatment of human rights defenders, including Askarov, Tomina, and Usmanov, and prosecute and punish the perpetrators with appropriate penalt16. (b) Ensure the prompt, impartial and thorough investigation of all allegations of harassment, torture or ill-treatment of human rights defenders, including Askarov, Tomina, and Usmanov, and prosecute and punish the perpetrators with appropriate penalt 16. (c) Consider accepting the request for a visit by the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders (A/HRC/22/47/Add.4, para. 250)16. (c) Consider accepting the request for a visit by the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders (A/HRC/22/47/Add.4, para. 250)16. (d) Refrain from enacting legislation that would impede the ability of human rights defenders to conduct their activities in line with the provisions of the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Pr 16. (d) Refrain from enacting legislation that would impede the ability of human rights defenders to conduct their activities in line with the provisions of the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Pr17. (a) Promptly, thoroughly and impartially investigate all incidents of death in custody; and prosecute those responsible for acts of torture, ill-treatment or wilful negligence and punish them with appropriate penalties17. (a) Promptly, thoroughly and impartially investigate all incidents of death in custody; and prosecute those responsible for acts of torture, ill-treatment or wilful negligence and punish them with appropriate penalties17. (b) Ensure independent forensic examinations in all cases of death in custody; permit family members of the deceased to commission independent autopsies; and ensure that the State party s courts accept the results of such independent autopsies as evid17. (b) Ensure independent forensic examinations in all cases of death in custody; permit family members of the deceased to commission independent autopsies; and ensure that the State party s courts accept the results of such independent autopsies as evid18. (a) Effectively combat violence against women, inter alia by promptly investigating complaints related to such violence, including domestic violence and bride-kidnapping, and institute criminal proceedings against perpetrators and those aiding and abe18. (a) Effectively combat violence against women, inter alia by promptly investigating complaints related to such violence, including domestic violence and bride-kidnapping, and institute criminal proceedings against perpetrators and those aiding and abero18. (b) Protect victims of domestic violence, including by establishing appropriate shelters across the countryro18. (b) Protect victims of domestic violence, including by establishing appropriate shelters across the country`]18. (c) Step up its awareness-raising campaigns to sensitize the population to these problems19. The State party should ensure prompt, impartial, and thorough investigations of all allegations of ill-treatment and torture committed by police and detention officials against LGBT persons or others on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender 19. The State party should ensure prompt, impartial, and thorough investigations of all allegations of ill-treatment and torture committed by police and detention officials against LGBT persons or others on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender 19. The State party should ensure prompt, impartial, and thorough investigations of all allegations of ill-treatment and torture committed by police and detention officials against LGBT persons or others on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender 19. The State party should ensure prompt, impartial, and thorough investigations of all allegations of ill-treatment and torture committed by police and detention officials against LGBT persons or others on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender 20. The State party should intensify efforts to improve the conditions of detention in places of deprivation of liberty, including detention facilities for inmates serving life terms, bringing them into line with international standards, inter alia the St20. The State party should intensify efforts to improve the conditions of detention in places of deprivation of liberty, including detention facilities for inmates serving life terms, bringing them into line with international standards, inter alia the St 21. The State party should explicitly prohibit corporal punishment of children in all settings, including at home and in institutions and alternative care settings, and ensure awareness-raising and public education measures22. Noting the Committee s general comment no. 3 (2012) on implementation of article 14 by States parties, the State party should ensure de jure and de facto access to timely and effective redress for all victims of torture and ill-treatment22. Noting the Committee s general comment no. 3 (2012) on implementation of article 14 by States parties, the State party should ensure de jure and de facto access to timely and effective redress for all victims of torture and ill-treatment22. (a) Adopting and implementing legislation and policies explicitly providing for the right to remedy and reparation for victims of torture and ill-treatment22. (a) Adopting and implementing legislation and policies explicitly providing for the right to remedy and reparation for victims of torture and ill-treatment22. (b) Ensuring that effective rehabilitation services and programmes are established in the State that are accessible to all victims without discrimination, and are not dependent upon the victim pursuing judicial remedies22. (b) Ensuring that effective rehabilitation services and programmes are established in the State that are accessible to all victims without discrimination, and are not dependent upon the victim pursuing judicial remedies22. (b) Ensuring that effective rehabilitation services and programmes are established in the State that are accessible to all victims without discrimination, and are not dependent upon the victim pursuing judicial remedies22. (c) Taking necessary measures to protect the safety and personal integrity of victims and their families seeking compensation or rehabilitation servicesro22. (d) Complying with the Views of the Human Rights Committee relating to rights to remedy for torture victimsro22. (d) Complying with the Views of the Human Rights Committee relating to rights to remedy for torture victimsro22. (d) Complying with the Views of the Human Rights Committee relating to rights to remedy for torture victims23. The State party should take all necessary measures to ensure the principle of non-refoulement, inter alia by bringing its current procedures and practices into line with article 3 of the Convention; and to ensure adequate judicial mechanisms for the r23. The State party should take all necessary measures to ensure the principle of non-refoulement, inter alia by bringing its current procedures and practices into line with article 3 of the Convention; and to ensure adequate judicial mechanisms for the 24. (a) Reinforce training programmes on the absolute prohibition of torture and the State party s obligations under the Convention, taking a gender-sensitive approach, for all personnel involved in custody, detention, interrogation and treatment of detai24. (a) Reinforce training programmes on the absolute prohibition of torture and the State party s obligations under the Convention, taking a gender-sensitive approach, for all personnel involved in custody, detention, interrogation and treatment of detai24. (a) Reinforce training programmes on the absolute prohibition of torture and the State party s obligations under the Convention, taking a gender-sensitive approach, for all personnel involved in custody, detention, interrogation and treatment of detai24. (b) Provide all relevant personnel, especially medical personnel, with training on how to identify signs of torture and ill-treatment and how to use the Istanbul Protocol24. (b) Provide all relevant personnel, especially medical personnel, with training on how to identify signs of torture and ill-treatment and how to use the Istanbul Protocol25. The State party should compile and provide to the Committee statistical data relevant to the monitoring of the implementation of the Convention at the national level, including the type of bodies engaged in such monitoring, disaggregated, inter alia, }26. The Committee recommends that the State party consider making the declarations under articles 21 and 22 of the Convention27. The Committee invites the State party to ratify United Nations human rights treaties to which it is not yet a party, particularly the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance and the Convention on the Righ 27. The Committee invites the State party to ratify United Nations human rights treaties to which it is not yet a party, particularly the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance and the Convention on the Righ28. The State party is requested to disseminate widely the report submitted to the Committee and the Committee s concluding observations, in appropriate languages, through official websites, the media and non-governmental organizations29. The Committee requests the State party to provide, by 23 November 2014, follow-up information in response to the Committee s recommendations related to (a) ensuring the respect of fundamental legal safeguards; (b) conducting prompt, impartial and effe29. The Committee requests the State party to provide, by 23 November 2014, follow-up information in response to the Committee s recommendations related to (a) ensuring the respect of fundamental legal safeguards; (b) conducting prompt, impartial and effe29. The Committee requests the State party to provide, by 23 November 2014, follow-up information in response to the Committee s recommendations related to (a) ensuring the respect of fundamental legal safeguards; (b) conducting prompt, impartial and effe30. The State party is invited to submit its next report, which will be the third periodic report, by 23 November 2017. For that purpose, the Committee will, in due course, submit to the State party a list of issues prior to reporting, considering that th5. The Committee recommends that the State party, as a matter of urgency, take effective measures to address the fundamental problems and the root causes that constitute an obstacle to the peaceful coexistence between different ethnic groups living in its5. (a) Pursue its initiatives and reforms aimed at building a democratic society in which all ethnic groups will be involved, respected and enjoy full rightsda5. (b) Address socio-economic disparities between ethnic groups and between rural and urban areasjg5. (c) Take urgent measures to increase the participation of minorities in political and public affairsjg5. (c) Take urgent measures to increase the participation of minorities in political and public affairs5. (d) Consider adopting a special law on the rights of persons belonging to minority groups and establishing an institution with a special mandate to address racial discrimination issues5. (d) Consider adopting a special law on the rights of persons belonging to minority groups and establishing an institution with a special mandate to address racial discrimination issues5. (d) Consider adopting a special law on the rights of persons belonging to minority groups and establishing an institution with a special mandate to address racial discrimination issues5. (e) Redouble its efforts to collect weapons still held by the population, in particular in the Osh and Jalal Abad regions, bearing in mind the need to build trust between the majority and other ethnic groups6. (a) Initiate or set up a mechanism to review all cases of persons condemned in connection with the June 2010 events, from the point of view of respecting all necessary guarantees for a fair trial6. (b) Investigate, prosecute and condemn, as appropriate, all persons responsible for human rights violations during the June 2010 events, irrespective of their ethnic origin and their status6. (b) Investigate, prosecute and condemn, as appropriate, all persons responsible for human rights violations during the June 2010 events, irrespective of their ethnic origin and their statusur6. (c) Provide compensation to those who were victims of miscarriage of justice, regardless of their ethnic origin6. (d) Pursue the reform of the judicial system and the security and police forces, having in mind the necessity to ensure the reconciliation between different ethnic groups and to build trust of the population in the judicial system6. (d) Pursue the reform of the judicial system and the security and police forces, having in mind the necessity to ensure the reconciliation between different ethnic groups and to build trust of the population in the judicial system 6. (e) Review the case of Askharov, respecting all requirements for a fair trial and avoid any threats against human rights defenders, irrespective of their ethnic origin6. (e) Review the case of Askharov, respecting all requirements for a fair trial and avoid any threats against human rights defenders, irrespective of their ethnic origin6. (e) Review the case of Askharov, respecting all requirements for a fair trial and avoid any threats against human rights defenders, irrespective of their ethnic origin6. (e) Review the case of Askharov, respecting all requirements for a fair trial and avoid any threats against human rights defenders, irrespective of their ethnic origin7. (a) Register and document all cases of torture, ill-treatment and violence against women from minority groups, including rape7. (a) Register and document all cases of torture, ill-treatment and violence against women from minority groups, including rape7. (a) Register and document all cases of torture, ill-treatment and violence against women from minority groups, including rape?<7. (b) Conduct prompt, thorough and impartial investigationsUR7. (c) Prosecute and punish those responsible, including police or security forces'$7. (d) Provide reparation to victimsZW7. (e) Take all necessary measures to prevent the occurrence of such acts in the future7. With regard to violence against women from minority groups, the Committee, recalling its general recommendation No. 25 (2000) on gender-related dimensions of racial discrimination, recommends that the State party adopt and implement without further del7. With regard to violence against women from minority groups, the Committee, recalling its general recommendation No. 25 (2000) on gender-related dimensions of racial discrimination, recommends that the State party adopt and implement without further del7. With regard to violence against women from minority groups, the Committee, recalling its general recommendation No. 25 (2000) on gender-related dimensions of racial discrimination, recommends that the State party adopt and implement without further del7. With regard to violence against women from minority groups, the Committee, recalling its general recommendation No. 25 (2000) on gender-related dimensions of racial discrimination, recommends that the State party adopt and implement without further del8. (a) Investigate and review all cases of persons who were arbitrarily dismissed from their positions in the administration or local governments on ethnic grounds, and as appropriate, reinstate them8. (a) Investigate and review all cases of persons who were arbitrarily dismissed from their positions in the administration or local governments on ethnic grounds, and as appropriate, reinstate them8. (b) Investigate and review cases of forced evictions of minority groups of their enterprises and provide them, as appropriate, with restitution or compensation8. (b) Investigate and review cases of forced evictions of minority groups of their enterprises and provide them, as appropriate, with restitution or compensation8. (c) Continue to provide assistance to those who have lost their income-related activities due to the June 2010 ethnic conflict, irrespective of their ethnic origin9. Recalling its general recommendation No. 32 (2009) on the meaning and scope of special measures in the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and in line with its previous recommendation (CERD/C/KGZ/CO//4/, pa9. Recalling its general recommendation No. 32 (2009) on the meaning and scope of special measures in the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and in line with its previous recommendation (CERD/C/KGZ/CO//4/, pa9. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that minority representation is as closely in line with their proportion in the population of the State party in accordance with article 5 of the Convention, bearing also in mind the necessity to bui9. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that minority representation is as closely in line with their proportion in the population of the State party in accordance with article 5 of the Convention, bearing also in mind the necessity to bui 10. The Committee encourages the State party to take all measures aimed at addressing socio-economic disparities between different ethnic communities and between rural and urban areas, and at promoting equal enjoyment by all of economic, social and cultur10. The Committee encourages the State party to take all measures aimed at addressing socio-economic disparities between different ethnic communities and between rural and urban areas, and at promoting equal enjoyment by all of economic, social and cultur11. The Committee encourages the State party to pursue its efforts to provide full assistance to internally displaced persons who returned to their places of origin in Osh and Jalal Abad regions and to ensure their full reintegration, in particular with r11. The Committee encourages the State party to pursue its efforts to provide full assistance to internally displaced persons who returned to their places of origin in Osh and Jalal Abad regions and to ensure their full reintegration, in particular with r12. The Committee encourages the State party to strengthen its efforts to promote education in minority languages for children belonging to minority ethnic groups in particular in the regions of Osh and Jalal-Abad12. The Committee encourages the State party to strengthen its efforts to promote education in minority languages for children belonging to minority ethnic groups in particular in the regions of Osh and Jalal-Abad12. The Committee also recommends that the State party review its decision to introduce high school testing in Kyrgyz and take appropriate measures to ensure that children belonging to minorities be tested in languages in which they were mainly educated12. The Committee also recommends that the State party review its decision to introduce high school testing in Kyrgyz and take appropriate measures to ensure that children belonging to minorities be tested in languages in which they were mainly educated12. The Committee also recommends that the State party review its decision to introduce high school testing in Kyrgyz and take appropriate measures to ensure that children belonging to minorities be tested in languages in which they were mainly educated12. The Committee reiterates its previous recommendation (CERD/C/KGZ/CO/4, para. 14) that the State party include in curricula and textbooks for primary and secondary schools information about the history and culture of different ethnic groups living in i12. The Committee reiterates its previous recommendation (CERD/C/KGZ/CO/4, para. 14) that the State party include in curricula and textbooks for primary and secondary schools information about the history and culture of different ethnic groups living in i13.The Committee encourages the State party to take appropriate measures to ensure that minority groups, in particular Uzbeks, can disseminate and have access to information in their own languages. In that vein, the Committee recommends that the State par13.The Committee encourages the State party to take appropriate measures to ensure that minority groups, in particular Uzbeks, can disseminate and have access to information in their own languages. In that vein, the Committee recommends that the State par13. The Committee also recommends that the State party provide training to journalists in human rights, including on the prohibition of incitement to racial discrimination13. The Committee also recommends that the State party provide training to journalists in human rights, including on the prohibition of incitement to racial discrimination14. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts, including through education, culture, awareness-raising campaigns, to combat racial stereotypes, discriminatory attitudes, nationalistic discourse including in media, with a view to14. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts, including through education, culture, awareness-raising campaigns, to combat racial stereotypes, discriminatory attitudes, nationalistic discourse including in media, with a view to15. The Committee recommends that the State party include in its legislation a general provision on the prohibition of racial discrimination which is in line with article 1 of the Convention.15. The Committee recommends that the State party include in its legislation a general provision on the prohibition of racial discrimination which is in line with article 1 of the Convention.16. Recalling its general recommendations Nos. 1 (1972), 7 (1985) and 15 (1993), according to which the provisions of article 4 of the Convention are of a preventive and obligatory nature, the Committee recommends that the State party amend its legislatio17. The Committee recommends that the State party continue its efforts to grant Kyrgyz citizenship to stateless persons including, through its National Action Plan to Prevent and Reduce Statelessness updated in December 2012. It also recommends that the S18. The Committee recommends that the State party strongly condemn the discriminatory statements and hate speech by politicians and media. The Committee particularly recommends that the State party take appropriate measures to investigate, prosecute and p18. The Committee recommends that the State party strongly condemn the discriminatory statements and hate speech by politicians and media. The Committee particularly recommends that the State party take appropriate measures to investigate, prosecute and p18. The Committee recommends that the State party strongly condemn the discriminatory statements and hate speech by politicians and media. The Committee particularly recommends that the State party take appropriate measures to investigate, prosecute and p19. The Committee recalls that the absence of complaints or legal proceedings brought by victims of racial discrimination can be indicative of legislation that is insufficiently specific, a lack of awareness of available remedies, fear of social censure o19. The Committee recalls that the absence of complaints or legal proceedings brought by victims of racial discrimination can be indicative of legislation that is insufficiently specific, a lack of awareness of available remedies, fear of social censure o19. The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary steps to facilitate the access of the persons belonging to all ethnic groups to justice, to disseminate legislation relating to racial discrimination to inform the population of all the 19. The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary steps to facilitate the access of the persons belonging to all ethnic groups to justice, to disseminate legislation relating to racial discrimination to inform the population of all the 20. The Committee recommends that the State party redouble its efforts to ensure that law enforcement officers receive training in human rights and in particular with regard to the provisions of the Convention20. The State party should also include human rights education in school curricula and conduct awareness-raising campaigns on human rights, including on racial discrimination21. The Committee recommends that the State party bring the institution of the Ombudsman into compliance with the Paris principles or establish a national human rights institution in a manner that is fully consistent with the Paris Principles22. Bearing in mind the indivisibility of all human rights, the Committee encourages the State party to consider ratifying those international human rights treaties which it has not yet ratified, in particular treaties the provisions of which have a direc22. Bearing in mind the indivisibility of all human rights, the Committee encourages the State party to consider ratifying those international human rights treaties which it has not yet ratified, in particular treaties the provisions of which have a direc23. In light of its general recommendation No. 33 (2009) on follow-up to the Durban Review Conference, the Committee recommends that the State party give effect to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, adopted in September 2001 by the World Conf23. In light of its general recommendation No. 33 (2009) on follow-up to the Durban Review Conference, the Committee recommends that the State party give effect to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, adopted in September 2001 by the World Conf24. The Committee recommends that the State party continue consulting and expanding its dialogue with organizations of civil society working in the area of human rights protection, in particular in combating racial discrimination, in connection with the p 24. The Committee recommends that the State party continue consulting and expanding its dialogue with organizations of civil society working in the area of human rights protection, in particular in combating racial discrimination, in connection with the p}z25. The Committee encourages the State party to make the optional declaration provided for in article 14 of the Convention26. The Committee recommends that the State party ratify the amendment to article 8, paragraph 6, of the Convention, adopted on 15 January 1992 at the fourteenth meeting of States parties to the Convention and endorsed by the General Assembly in its resol27. The Committee recommends that the State party s reports be made readily available and accessible to the public at the time of their submission, and that the observations of the Committee with respect to these reports be similarly publicized in the off28. Noting that the State party has submitted its core document in 2008 (HRI/CORE/KGZ/2008), the Committee, bearing in mind the adoption of a new Constitution in 2010 and the renewal of legislation following it, encourages the State party to submit an upd28. Noting that the State party has submitted its core document in 2008 (HRI/CORE/KGZ/2008), the Committee, bearing in mind the adoption of a new Constitution in 2010 and the renewal of legislation following it, encourages the State party to submit an upd29. In accordance with article 9, paragraph 1, of the Convention and rule 65 of its amended rules of procedure, the Committee requests the State party to provide information, within one year of the adoption of the present concluding observations, on its f30. The Committee also wishes to draw the attention of the State party to the particular importance of the recommendations in paragraphs 7, 8, 12 and 13 above, and requests the State party to provide detailed information in its next periodic report on con31. The Committee recommends that the State party submit its combined eighth to tenth periodic reports by 4 October 2016, taking into account the specific reporting guidelines adopted by the Committee during its seventy-first session (CERD/C/2007/1), and 5. The State party should take appropriate measures to raise awareness among judges, lawyers and prosecutors about the Covenant and the direct applicability of its provisions in domestic law, so as to ensure that they are taken into account before domesti5. The State party should take appropriate measures to raise awareness among judges, lawyers and prosecutors about the Covenant and the direct applicability of its provisions in domestic law, so as to ensure that they are taken into account before domesti6. The State party should take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the Views adopted by the Committee in relation to the State party. The Human Rights Coordination Council should also be mandated with monitoring the implementation 7. The State party should expeditiously bring the mandate of the Ombudsman (Akyikatchy) into full compliance with the Paris Principles and provide it with the necessary financial and human resources to ensure that it can effectively and independently impl8. The State party should review its domestic legislation and bring it into line with the principle of non-discrimination to ensure that it includes a comprehensive prohibition of discrimination on all the grounds set out in the Covenant8. The State party should review its domestic legislation and bring it into line with the principle of non-discrimination to ensure that it includes a comprehensive prohibition of discrimination on all the grounds set out in the Covenant8. The State party should also ensure that reliable and public data is systematically collected on cases of discrimination and their treatment by the competent judicial authorities8. The State party should also ensure that reliable and public data is systematically collected on cases of discrimination and their treatment by the competent judicial authorities9. The State party should ensure that violence against LGBT persons is thoroughly investigated, that perpetrators are prosecuted, and if convicted, punished with appropriate sanctions, and that the victims are adequately compensated and protected against 9. The State party should ensure that violence against LGBT persons is thoroughly investigated, that perpetrators are prosecuted, and if convicted, punished with appropriate sanctions, and that the victims are adequately compensated and protected against 10. The State party should ensure that its legislation on states of emergency and application thereof are fully compatible with the provisions of article 4 of the Covenant11. The State party should adopt a comprehensive approach to prevent and address all forms of violence against women, including bride kidnapping, spousal rape and domestic violence11. (a) Reinforce training of police on preventing and combating violence against women, especially bride kidnapping, spousal rape and other acts of domestic violence11. (a) Reinforce training of police on preventing and combating violence against women, especially bride kidnapping, spousal rape and other acts of domestic violence11. (b) Guarantee that cases of violence against women are thoroughly investigated, that the perpetrators are brought to justice and, if convicted, punished with commensurate sanctions, and that victims are adequately compensated11. (b) Guarantee that cases of violence against women are thoroughly investigated, that the perpetrators are brought to justice and, if convicted, punished with commensurate sanctions, and that victims are adequately compensatedZW11. (c) Ensure the availability of a sufficient number of adequately resourced sheltersli11. (d) Launch awareness-raising campaigns among men and women on the adverse impact of violence on women12. The State party should continue its efforts to prevent and eradicate trafficking in persons, including by effectively implementing the relevant legislation and harmonizing the child adoption legislation with the requirements of international law12. The State party should continue its efforts to prevent and eradicate trafficking in persons, including by effectively implementing the relevant legislation and harmonizing the child adoption legislation with the requirements of international law 12. The State party should continue its efforts to prevent and eradicate trafficking in persons, including by effectively implementing the relevant legislation and harmonizing the child adoption legislation with the requirements of international law12. It should also establish proper mechanisms for identifying victims of trafficking and referring them to appropriate services, and continue training law enforcement officials and other relevant professionals on identification and assistance to victims 12. It should also establish proper mechanisms for identifying victims of trafficking and referring them to appropriate services, and continue training law enforcement officials and other relevant professionals on identification and assistance to victims 13. The State party should ensure, as a matter of urgency that its anti-terrorism legislation and its application thereof, especially the use of force, is in conformity with the provisions of the Covenant, particularly with respect to the right to life13. The State party should ensure, as a matter of urgency that its anti-terrorism legislation and its application thereof, especially the use of force, is in conformity with the provisions of the Covenant, particularly with respect to the right to lifei13. The State party should promptly investigate allegations of excessive use of force by the special services, prosecute perpetrators and provide compensation to victims families14. The State party should take effective measures to ensure that all alleged human rights violations related to the 2010 ethnic conflict are fully and impartially investigated, that those responsible are prosecuted, and that victims are compensated witho14. The State party should take effective measures to ensure that all alleged human rights violations related to the 2010 ethnic conflict are fully and impartially investigated, that those responsible are prosecuted, and that victims are compensated witho14. The State party should take effective measures to ensure that all alleged human rights violations related to the 2010 ethnic conflict are fully and impartially investigated, that those responsible are prosecuted, and that victims are compensated witho14. The State party should urgently strengthen its efforts to address the root causes of obstacles to the peaceful coexistence between different ethnic groups on its territory and to promote ethnic tolerance and mutual trust15. The State party should urgently strengthen its efforts to take measures to prevent acts of torture and ill-treatment and ensure prompt and impartial investigation of complaints of torture or ill-treatment, including the case of Azimjan Askarov; initia15. The State party should urgently strengthen its efforts to take measures to prevent acts of torture and ill-treatment and ensure prompt and impartial investigation of complaints of torture or ill-treatment, including the case of Azimjan Askarov; initia 15. The State party should urgently strengthen its efforts to take measures to prevent acts of torture and ill-treatment and ensure prompt and impartial investigation of complaints of torture or ill-treatment, including the case of Azimjan Askarov; initia15. The State party should also expedite operationalization of the National Centre for the Prevention of Torture through providing the necessary resources to enable it to fulfil its mandate independently and effectively15. The State party should also expedite operationalization of the National Centre for the Prevention of Torture through providing the necessary resources to enable it to fulfil its mandate independently and effectively16. The State party should ensure registration of all detainees immediately following their apprehension in the central register, a medical examination and access to a lawyer of their choice as well as access to medical assistance17. The State party should strengthen its efforts to improve conditions of detention to bring them into line with the provisions of article 10 of the Covenant18. The State party should pursue judicial reforms to ensure a fully independent and impartial judiciary, including the establishment of objective and transparent criteria for the selection and dismissal of judges in accordance with international standard19. The State party should ensure that the Elders courts function in full compliance with provisions of the Covenant, in particular the safeguard of fair trial guarantees and non-discrimination, and that their members are provided with training on the ri19. The State party should ensure that the Elders courts function in full compliance with provisions of the Covenant, in particular the safeguard of fair trial guarantees and non-discrimination, and that their members are provided with training on the ri~20. The State party should without further delay remove the power to exercise jurisdiction over civilians from military courts21. The State party should take practical steps, including through legislative measures, where appropriate, to put an end to corporal punishment in all settings. It should encourage non-violent forms of discipline as alternatives to corporal punishment, a22. The State party should ensure that the legislative amendments to the 2008 Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic remove all restrictions that are incompatible with article 18 of the Covenant, by providing for a22. The State party should ensure that the legislative amendments to the 2008 Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic remove all restrictions that are incompatible with article 18 of the Covenant, by providing for a22. The State party should ensure that the legislative amendments to the 2008 Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic remove all restrictions that are incompatible with article 18 of the Covenant, by providing for a22. The State party should ensure that the legislative amendments to the 2008 Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic remove all restrictions that are incompatible with article 18 of the Covenant, by providing for a23. The State party should ensure that amendments to the Law on Universal Conscription of Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, on Military and Alternative Service provide for conscientious objections in a manner consistent with articles 18 and 26 of the Coven23. The State party should ensure that amendments to the Law on Universal Conscription of Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, on Military and Alternative Service provide for conscientious objections in a manner consistent with articles 18 and 26 of the Coven24. The State party should ensure that journalists, human rights defenders and other individuals are able to freely exercise their right to freedom of expression, in accordance with article 19 of the Covenant and the Committee s general comment no. 34 (20 24. The State party should ensure that journalists, human rights defenders and other individuals are able to freely exercise their right to freedom of expression, in accordance with article 19 of the Covenant and the Committee s general comment no. 34 (20 24. Furthermore, the State party should ensure that threats, intimidation and violence against human rights defenders and journalists are investigated, that perpetrators are prosecuted and punished, if convicted, and that victims are provided with compens24. Furthermore, the State party should ensure that threats, intimidation and violence against human rights defenders and journalists are investigated, that perpetrators are prosecuted and punished, if convicted, and that victims are provided with compens24. Furthermore, the State party should ensure that threats, intimidation and violence against human rights defenders and journalists are investigated, that perpetrators are prosecuted and punished, if convicted, and that victims are provided with compens24. The State party should ensure that all individuals or organizations can freely provide information to the Committee and should protect them against any reprisals for providing such information 25. The State party should ensure freedom of association, in accordance with article 22 of the Covenant, and refrain from imposing disproportionate or discriminatory restrictions on the freedom of association25. The State party should ensure freedom of association, in accordance with article 22 of the Covenant, and refrain from imposing disproportionate or discriminatory restrictions on the freedom of association 26. The State party should ensure that every child is registered immediately after birth, and take measures, including awareness-raising, to facilitate the registration process with regard to children of parents who may have particular difficulties provid27. The State party should strengthen its efforts to ensure representation of minorities in political and public bodies at all levels, including the judiciary and law enforcement, to facilitate education in minority languages for children belonging to min27. The State party should strengthen its efforts to ensure representation of minorities in political and public bodies at all levels, including the judiciary and law enforcement, to facilitate education in minority languages for children belonging to min27. The State party should strengthen its efforts to ensure representation of minorities in political and public bodies at all levels, including the judiciary and law enforcement, to facilitate education in minority languages for children belonging to min27. The State party should strengthen its efforts to ensure representation of minorities in political and public bodies at all levels, including the judiciary and law enforcement, to facilitate education in minority languages for children belonging to min27. The State party should strengthen its efforts to ensure representation of minorities in political and public bodies at all levels, including the judiciary and law enforcement, to facilitate education in minority languages for children belonging to min28. The State party should widely disseminate the Covenant, the two Optional Protocols to the Covenant, the text of its second periodic report, the written replies to the list of issues drawn up by the Committee, and the present concluding observations am28. The Committee also suggests that the report and the concluding observations be translated into the other official language of the State party (art. 2).29. In accordance with rule 71, paragraph 5, of the Committee s rules of procedure, the State party should provide, within one year, relevant information on its implementation of the Committee s recommendations made in paragraphs 14, 15 and 24 above30. The Committee requests the State party to provide in its next periodic report, due to be submitted on 28 March 2018, specific, up-to-date information on all its recommendations and on the Covenant as a whole30. The Committee also requests the State party, when preparing its next periodic report, to broadly consult with civil society and non-governmental organizations operating in the country 7. (a) Establish a comprehensive policy with a view to strengthening its efforts to ensure that the provisions and principles of the Convention are widely known and understood by adults and children alike, and reinforce adequate and systematic training of7. (a) Establish a comprehensive policy with a view to strengthening its efforts to ensure that the provisions and principles of the Convention are widely known and understood by adults and children alike, and reinforce adequate and systematic training of 7. (b) Develop a comprehensive system for collecting disaggregated data covering all those under the age of 18 years; that data can be used as a basis for assessing progress achieved in the realization of children s rights and to help design policies to i 7. (c) Strengthen the role of the Office of the Ombudsman, in particular the Deputy Ombudsman for Children, in accordance with the principles relating to the status of national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights (the Paris Princ7. (c) Strengthen the role of the Office of the Ombudsman, in particular the Deputy Ombudsman for Children, in accordance with the principles relating to the status of national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights (the Paris Princ 7. (d) Involve non-governmental organizations, especially rights-based ones, and other sectors of civil society working with and for children more systematically throughout all stages of the implementation of the Convention 7. (e) Undertake measures to ensure that children s views are given due consideration in schools, courts, within the family and during relevant administrative processes concerning children through, inter alia, adoption of appropriate legislation, training7. (e) Undertake measures to ensure that children s views are given due consideration in schools, courts, within the family and during relevant administrative processes concerning children through, inter alia, adoption of appropriate legislation, training7. (e) Undertake measures to ensure that children s views are given due consideration in schools, courts, within the family and during relevant administrative processes concerning children through, inter alia, adoption of appropriate legislation, training9. The Committee urges the State party to continue its efforts to bring its legislation into line with the Convention and ensure that such laws are fully and effectively implementedA9. It recommends that the State party provide information on the evaluation of the implementation of its laws and regulations in the area of children s rights. A9. It recommends that the State party provide information on the evaluation of the implementation of its laws and regulations in the area of children s rights.9. The Committee also recommends that the State party ensure that the Convention is directly applied and referred to in judgements by its courts 11. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that its programmes, plans and strategies are effectively implemented and include practical measures that clearly indicate the roles and responsibilities of relevant bodies at national, regional and 13. The Committee recommends that the State party take the necessary measures to provide its coordinating mechanism with sufficient authority and adequate human, technical and financial resources to ensure effective coordination of activities on children  15. The Committee recommends that the State Party (a) Earmark sufficient budget resources specifically targeted at the implementation of the rights of children 15. The Committee recommends that the State Party (b) Establish an effective system for tracking, monitoring and evaluating the allocation and use of resources for children by all relevant sectors throughout the budget, thus making investment benefiting 17. The Committee recommends that the State party take measures to harmonize its legislation and policies in relation to its definition of a child in order to ensure that all children below the age of 18 years are afforded the same rights and entitlements 17. The Committee recommends that the State party take measures to harmonize its legislation and policies in relation to its definition of a child in order to ensure that all children below the age of 18 years are afforded the same rights and entitlements19. The Committee urges the State party to take urgent measures to prevent discrimination against children in marginalized and disadvantaged situations, such as children belonging to minority groups, including Lyuli children, children in care institutions 19. The Committee urges the State party to take urgent measures to prevent discrimination against children in marginalized and disadvantaged situations, such as children belonging to minority groups, including Lyuli children, children in care institutions19. The Committee urges the State party to take urgent measures to prevent discrimination against children in marginalized and disadvantaged situations, such as children belonging to minority groups, including Lyuli children, children in care institutions 19. The Committee urges the State party to take urgent measures to prevent discrimination against children in marginalized and disadvantaged situations, such as children belonging to minority groups, including Lyuli children, children in care institutions19. The Committee urges the State party to take urgent measures to prevent discrimination against children in marginalized and disadvantaged situations, such as children belonging to minority groups, including Lyuli children, children in care institutions 19. The Committee also recommends that the State party include information in its next periodic report on measures and programmes relevant to the Convention and undertaken by the State party in follow-up to the Declaration and Programme of Action adopted 19. The Committee also recommends that the State party include information in its next periodic report on measures and programmes relevant to the Convention and undertaken by the State party in follow-up to the Declaration and Programme of Action adopted  21. In the light of its general comment No. 14 (2013) on the right of the child to have his or her best interests taken as a primary consideration, the Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to ensure that the right is appropriat21. In that regard, the State party is encouraged to develop procedures and criteria to provide guidance to all relevant persons in authority for determining the best interests of the child in every area, giving them the appropriate weight as a primary co21. In that regard, the State party is encouraged to develop procedures and criteria to provide guidance to all relevant persons in authority for determining the best interests of the child in every area, giving them the appropriate weight as a primary co 23. The Committee recommends that the State party establish mechanisms to provide rapid response to protect children in case of conflict and provide prompt, impartial and effective investigation into the killings, including of children, during the June 2023. The Committee recommends that the State party establish mechanisms to provide rapid response to protect children in case of conflict and provide prompt, impartial and effective investigation into the killings, including of children, during the June 20 25. The Committee urges the State party to ensure that all children born in its territory are registered and provided with standard birth certificates immediately without any undue barriers, irrespective of the availability of their parents identity docu 27. The Committee recommends that the State party amend its Citizenship Act and establish safeguards to prevent children born and living in its territory from becoming stateless27. It also recommends that the State party ratify the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons of 1954 and the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness of 1961 29. (a) Launch prompt and effective independent investigations into all allegations of torture and ill-treatment against children in detention facilities and closed institutions and during investigations, in particular in relation to the Nookat case, and 29. (a) Launch prompt and effective independent investigations into all allegations of torture and ill-treatment against children in detention facilities and closed institutions and during investigations, in particular in relation to the Nookat case, and 29. (a) Launch prompt and effective independent investigations into all allegations of torture and ill-treatment against children in detention facilities and closed institutions and during investigations, in particular in relation to the Nookat case, and  pm29. (b) Ensure care, recovery, compensation and rehabilitation for child victims of torture and ill-treatmentpm29. (b) Ensure care, recovery, compensation and rehabilitation for child victims of torture and ill-treatment 29. (c) Prevent incidents of torture and ill-treatment by independent monitoring and unannounced visits to places of detention and closed institutions and by undertaking comprehensive training programmes for security and police personnel29. (c) Prevent incidents of torture and ill-treatment by independent monitoring and unannounced visits to places of detention and closed institutions and by undertaking comprehensive training programmes for security and police personnel 29. (d) Establish an effective complaint and data collection system for complaints of torture or other forms of ill-treatment of children deprived of their liberty29. (d) Establish an effective complaint and data collection system for complaints of torture or other forms of ill-treatment of children deprived of their liberty i31. (a) Take all necessary measures to prevent the abuse of children by raising the awareness of the public on the negative impacts of such abuse on child s health and developmenti31. (a) Take all necessary measures to prevent the abuse of children by raising the awareness of the public on the negative impacts of such abuse on child s health and development 31. (b) Investigate and prosecute those responsible for child abuse in families, alternative care settings and schools and ensure that victims of abuse have access to complaints procedures, counselling, medical care and other recovery assistance as approp31. (b) Investigate and prosecute those responsible for child abuse in families, alternative care settings and schools and ensure that victims of abuse have access to complaints procedures, counselling, medical care and other recovery assistance as approp31. (b) Investigate and prosecute those responsible for child abuse in families, alternative care settings and schools and ensure that victims of abuse have access to complaints procedures, counselling, medical care and other recovery assistance as approp 31. (c) Establish temporary foster families and crisis centres for such children and a mechanism for referring children to them, as well as allocate sufficient resources in order to provide children with the necessary medical, psychological and social sup31. (c) Establish temporary foster families and crisis centres for such children and a mechanism for referring children to them, as well as allocate sufficient resources in order to provide children with the necessary medical, psychological and social sup33. In the light of its general comment No. 8 (2008) on the right of the child to protection from corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment, the Committee urges the State party to prohibit in law the use of all forms of corporal33. In the light of its general comment No. 8 (2008) on the right of the child to protection from corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment, the Committee urges the State party to prohibit in law the use of all forms of corporal33. In the light of its general comment No. 8 (2008) on the right of the child to protection from corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment, the Committee urges the State party to prohibit in law the use of all forms of corporal 33. In the light of its general comment No. 8 (2008) on the right of the child to protection from corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment, the Committee urges the State party to prohibit in law the use of all forms of corporal 34. Recalling the recommendations of the United Nations study on violence against children of 2006 (A/61/299), the Committee recommends that the State party prioritize the elimination of all forms of violence against children. The Committee further recomm ro34. (a) Develop a comprehensive national strategy to prevent and address all forms of violence against children da34. (b) Adopt a national coordinating framework to address all forms of violence against childrenSP34. (c) Pay particular attention to and address the gender dimension of violence34. (d) Cooperate with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on violence against children and other relevant United Nations institutions 34. (d) Cooperate with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on violence against children and other relevant United Nations institutions36. (a) Prevent the sexual abuse and exploitation of children by ensuring effective pursuit of perpetrators and commensurate sanctions for perpetrators of child sexual exploitation and abuse within its jurisdiction and throughout its territory 36. (a) Prevent the sexual abuse and exploitation of children by ensuring effective pursuit of perpetrators and commensurate sanctions for perpetrators of child sexual exploitation and abuse within its jurisdiction and throughout its territory 36. (b) Raise awareness and encourage the public and children to report cases of sexual violence and exploitation against children, especially in educational and medical facilities qn36. (c) Establish effective mechanisms to identify, detect and protect children who are victims of such crimes36 (d) Ensure that law enforcement officials pay particular attention to crimes against children and be punished for inaction in registering and investigating any crimes against children as well as for the mishandling of cases 36 (d) Ensure that law enforcement officials pay particular attention to crimes against children and be punished for inaction in registering and investigating any crimes against children as well as for the mishandling of cases 36. (e) Provide children of all ages with the possibility of applying for the protection of the authorities directly, without the involvement of their parents or legal guardians38. The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure that all incidents of  bride-kidnapping are promptly, impartially and effectively investigated, that all those responsible for such abuses are held accountable, prose 38. The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure that all incidents of  bride-kidnapping are promptly, impartially and effectively investigated, that all those responsible for such abuses are held accountable, prose 38. It also recommends that the State party prevent early marriages of girls by developing and undertaking comprehensive awareness-raising programmes on the negative implications of early marriage for the girl child s rights to health, education and devel38. It also recommends that the State party prevent early marriages of girls by developing and undertaking comprehensive awareness-raising programmes on the negative implications of early marriage for the girl child s rights to health, education and devel38. It also recommends that the State party prevent early marriages of girls by developing and undertaking comprehensive awareness-raising programmes on the negative implications of early marriage for the girl child s rights to health, education and devel 40. The Committee recommends that the State party provide counselling and financial support to families with children in order to prevent children being separated from their parents. The Committee also recommends that the State party provide grandparents  42. (a) Strengthen and enforce the deinstitutionalization process, by improving support to families and ensuring that placement in institutional care is used only as a last resort KH42. (b) Increase and provide incentives for family-type alternative care}z42. (c) Ensure and monitor that children in care institutions are provided with quality nutrition sufficient for their age }z42. (c) Ensure and monitor that children in care institutions are provided with quality nutrition sufficient for their age42. (d) Ensure that children in care institutions receive timely medical services of adequate quality, including preventive treatment, by qualified medical professionals 42. (d) Ensure that children in care institutions receive timely medical services of adequate quality, including preventive treatment, by qualified medical professionals~{42. (e) Provide children in care institutions with free and regular dental care, including dental prosthetics, if necessary ~{42. (e) Provide children in care institutions with free and regular dental care, including dental prosthetics, if necessary ]Z42. (f) Improve and monitor living, sanitation and hygiene conditions in care institutions]Z42. (f) Improve and monitor living, sanitation and hygiene conditions in care institutions 42. (g) Ensure the systematic, frequent and effective monitoring and control of the situation of children residing in care institutions, including private care institutions, and in family-type alternative care {x42. (h) Provide children in alternative care settings with access to an independent and confidential complaint mechanism 42. (i) Provide children leaving care institutions with the necessary support, including accommodation, employment or further education42. (i) Provide children leaving care institutions with the necessary support, including accommodation, employment or further education44. The Committee recommends that the State party speed up the process of accession to the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption of 1993 44. The Committee recommends that the State party speed up the process of accession to the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption of 199344. It also recommends that the State party establish effective mechanisms aimed at facilitating the adoption process by removing unnecessary barriers, while at the same time ensuring proper screening of families by whom children are to be adopted 44. It also recommends that the State party establish effective mechanisms aimed at facilitating the adoption process by removing unnecessary barriers, while at the same time ensuring proper screening of families by whom children are to be adopted 44. In particular, it urges the State party to investigate all cases of corruption in the adoption process and ensure that all persons responsible are prosecuted and punished accordingly44. In particular, it urges the State party to investigate all cases of corruption in the adoption process and ensure that all persons responsible are prosecuted and punished accordingly 46. In the light of its general comment No. 9 (2006) on the rights of children with disabilities, the Committee urges the State party to ensure the conformity of its legislation, policies and practices with, inter alia, articles 23 and 27 of the Conventio 46. In the light of its general comment No. 9 (2006) on the rights of children with disabilities, the Committee urges the State party to ensure the conformity of its legislation, policies and practices with, inter alia, articles 23 and 27 of the Conventio46. In the light of its general comment No. 9 (2006) on the rights of children with disabilities, the Committee urges the State party to ensure the conformity of its legislation, policies and practices with, inter alia, articles 23 and 27 of the Conventio46. In the light of its general comment No. 9 (2006) on the rights of children with disabilities, the Committee urges the State party to ensure the conformity of its legislation, policies and practices with, inter alia, articles 23 and 27 of the Conventio 46. (a) Develop a policy on deinstitutionalization and prevent excessive institutionalization of children with disabilities by providing all the necessary support to families with children with disabilities and ensure sufficient alternative family and com 46. (a) Develop a policy on deinstitutionalization and prevent excessive institutionalization of children with disabilities by providing all the necessary support to families with children with disabilities and ensure sufficient alternative family and com 46. (b) Raise the awareness of the public, in particular children, about the rights of children with disabilities and take measures for their successful integration into society 46. (b) Raise the awareness of the public, in particular children, about the rights of children with disabilities and take measures for their successful integration into society 46. (c) Ensure that social benefits for families with children with disabilities are sufficient to cover the basic needs of such children 46. (c) Ensure that social benefits for families with children with disabilities are sufficient to cover the basic needs of such children 46. (c) Ensure that social benefits for families with children with disabilities are sufficient to cover the basic needs of such children46. (d) Provide inclusive education for children with disabilities by training teachers, providing schools with necessary equipment and raising the awareness of school personnel, children and the public in general of the rights of children with disabilit 46. (d) Provide inclusive education for children with disabilities by training teachers, providing schools with necessary equipment and raising the awareness of school personnel, children and the public in general of the rights of children with disabilit 46. (d) Provide inclusive education for children with disabilities by training teachers, providing schools with necessary equipment and raising the awareness of school personnel, children and the public in general of the rights of children with disabilit46. (e) Ensure prompt and effective investigation into cases of deaths of children with disabilities in care institutions and establish an independent monitoring of care institutions, in particular of the health-care services provided to children in such  46. (e) Ensure prompt and effective investigation into cases of deaths of children with disabilities in care institutions and establish an independent monitoring of care institutions, in particular of the health-care services provided to children in such  46. (e) Ensure prompt and effective investigation into cases of deaths of children with disabilities in care institutions and establish an independent monitoring of care institutions, in particular of the health-care services provided to children in such  qn46. (f) Ensure that all children with mental disabilities are provided with appropriate stimulating activities qn46. (f) Ensure that all children with mental disabilities are provided with appropriate stimulating activities 48. In the light of its general comment No. 15 (2013) on the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, the Committee recommends that the State party take measures to ensure that all children up to the age of 18 year48. In the light of its general comment No. 15 (2013) on the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, the Committee recommends that the State party take measures to ensure that all children up to the age of 18 year48. It recommends that the State party take measures to prevent deaths of children as a result of preventable and curable diseases, by educating parents and providing easy access to early medical intervention 48. It recommends that the State party take measures to prevent deaths of children as a result of preventable and curable diseases, by educating parents and providing easy access to early medical intervention48. Furthermore, the Committee recommends that the State party take measures to ensure that no child in the country is undernourished and that all children have access to adequate and sufficient nutritious food 48. Furthermore, the Committee recommends that the State party take measures to ensure that no child in the country is undernourished and that all children have access to adequate and sufficient nutritious food 50. In the light of its general comment No. 3 (2003) on HIV/AIDS and the rights of the child, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to prevent transmission of HIV/AIDS by raising the awareness of the public, including c50. In the light of its general comment No. 3 (2003) on HIV/AIDS and the rights of the child, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to prevent transmission of HIV/AIDS by raising the awareness of the public, including c 52. Referring to its general comment No. 4 (2003) on adolescent health and development in the context of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Committee recommends that the State party adopt a comprehensive sexual and reproductive health policy f52. Referring to its general comment No. 4 (2003) on adolescent health and development in the context of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Committee recommends that the State party adopt a comprehensive sexual and reproductive health policy f|52. It also recommends that the State party provide adolescents with confidential services and easy access to contraceptives54. The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to implement its legislation promoting breastfeeding practices and ensure that all mothers receive adequate information on the benefits of their breastmilk. It also recommends t54. The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to implement its legislation promoting breastfeeding practices and ensure that all mothers receive adequate information on the benefits of their breastmilk. It also recommends t 56. (a) Ensure that all children, including minority children, have access to free and compulsory education, which is not compromised by their involvement in the labour market56. (a) Ensure that all children, including minority children, have access to free and compulsory education, which is not compromised by their involvement in the labour market56. (a) Ensure that all children, including minority children, have access to free and compulsory education, which is not compromised by their involvement in the labour market56. (b) Take measures to improve the quality of education, by training teachers, providing incentives to attract qualified teachers, ensuring a sufficient number of textbooks and conducting independent, regular assessments of children eb56. (c) Put an end to the practice of extorting fees from the parents of children attending schooleb56. (c) Put an end to the practice of extorting fees from the parents of children attending schooleb56. (c) Put an end to the practice of extorting fees from the parents of children attending school56. (d) Take measures to invest in and maintain the infrastructure of schools, including on access to water, sewage systems, heating and electricity, and ensure that school buildings respond to high safety standards56. (e) Put an end to school racketeering by supervising the behaviour of children and sanctioning those who are involved in racketeering activities56. (f) Take measures to ensure that children from minority communities, in particular Uzbek children, have access to education in their native language without any restrictions56. (f) Take measures to ensure that children from minority communities, in particular Uzbek children, have access to education in their native language without any restrictions56. (f) Take measures to ensure that children from minority communities, in particular Uzbek children, have access to education in their native language without any restrictions58. The Committee recalls its report of the day of general discussion on the rights of all children in the context of migration (2012) and recommends that the State party ensure that children of internal migrant workers are provided with adequate living 58. The Committee recalls its report of the day of general discussion on the rights of all children in the context of migration (2012) and recommends that the State party ensure that children of internal migrant workers are provided with adequate living 58. The Committee recalls its report of the day of general discussion on the rights of all children in the context of migration (2012) and recommends that the State party ensure that children of internal migrant workers are provided with adequate living 58. The Committee recalls its report of the day of general discussion on the rights of all children in the context of migration (2012) and recommends that the State party ensure that children of internal migrant workers are provided with adequate living  58. The Committee recalls its report of the day of general discussion on the rights of all children in the context of migration (2012) and recommends that the State party ensure that children of internal migrant workers are provided with adequate living 60. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to reconcile communities and prevent discrimination against members of minority groups, through multilingual, common education and awareness-raising campaigns to promote tolerance an60. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to reconcile communities and prevent discrimination against members of minority groups, through multilingual, common education and awareness-raising campaigns to promote tolerance an60. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to reconcile communities and prevent discrimination against members of minority groups, through multilingual, common education and awareness-raising campaigns to promote tolerance an62. The Committee urges the State party to remove from its legislation the requirement of 10 days notification prior to the visit of labour inspectors and to organize regular unannounced inspection of private and State employment sites and ensure that an 62. The Committee urges the State party to remove from its legislation the requirement of 10 days notification prior to the visit of labour inspectors and to organize regular unannounced inspection of private and State employment sites and ensure that an c62. Follow up to the Committee s previous concluding observations and recommendations on the Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography 64. The Committee reiterates its previous recommendation that the State party amend the provisions with a view to including all purposes and forms of the sale of children, child pornography and child prostitution in accordance with article 3, paragraphs 164. The Committee reiterates its previous recommendation that the State party amend the provisions with a view to including all purposes and forms of the sale of children, child pornography and child prostitution in accordance with article 3, paragraphs 1 A64. Follow up to the Committee s previous concluding observations and recommendations on the Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict 67. The Committee urges the State party to establish a juvenile justice system in full compliance with the Convention, in particular articles 37, 39 and 40, and with other relevant standards, including the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Adm67. The Committee urges the State party to establish a juvenile justice system in full compliance with the Convention, in particular articles 37, 39 and 40, and with other relevant standards, including the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Adm ol67. (a) Establish a system of juvenile courts with specialized staff and with a restorative justice approachol67. (a) Establish a system of juvenile courts with specialized staff and with a restorative justice approachol67. (a) Establish a system of juvenile courts with specialized staff and with a restorative justice approachzw67. (b) Avoid unlawful detention of children and ensure that legal safeguards are implemented for the detained children zw67. (b) Avoid unlawful detention of children and ensure that legal safeguards are implemented for the detained children67. (c) Ensure independent court review of decisions on placements in the adaptation and rehabilitation centre for juveniles and Belovodsky Special Boarding School and provide children placed in those institutions with freedom of movement, including the f 67. (c) Ensure independent court review of decisions on placements in the adaptation and rehabilitation centre for juveniles and Belovodsky Special Boarding School and provide children placed in those institutions with freedom of movement, including the f67. (d) Ensure that under no circumstances are children detained together with adults and that detention of children is used as a last resort and allow regular visits from the families of children in detention 67. (d) Ensure that under no circumstances are children detained together with adults and that detention of children is used as a last resort and allow regular visits from the families of children in detention67. The State party should make use, if relevant, of the technical assistance tools developed by the Interagency Panel on Juvenile Justice and its members, including the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the United Nations Children s Fund (UNICEF) 69. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure, through adequate legal provisions and regulations, that all child victims and/or witnesses of crimes are provided with the protection required by the Convention and that the State party take fully 69. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure, through adequate legal provisions and regulations, that all child victims and/or witnesses of crimes are provided with the protection required by the Convention and that the State party take fully 70. In order to further strengthen the fulfilment of children s rights, the Committee recommends that the State party ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a communications procedure, the Optional Protocol to the Int 70. In order to further strengthen the fulfilment of children s rights, the Committee recommends that the State party ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a communications procedure, the Optional Protocol to the Int 70. In order to further strengthen the fulfilment of children s rights, the Committee recommends that the State party ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a communications procedure, the Optional Protocol to the Int 70. In order to further strengthen the fulfilment of children s rights, the Committee recommends that the State party ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a communications procedure, the Optional Protocol to the Int 71. The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure that the present concluding observations are fully implemented by, inter alia, transmitting them to the Head of State, the Parliament, the relevant ministries, the S71. The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure that the present concluding observations are fully implemented by, inter alia, transmitting them to the Head of State, the Parliament, the relevant ministries, the S72. The Committee further recommends that the combined third and fourth periodic reports, the written replies by the State party and the present concluding observations be made widely available in Russian and the minority languages of the country, includi72. The Committee further recommends that the combined third and fourth periodic reports, the written replies by the State party and the present concluding observations be made widely available in Russian and the minority languages of the country, includi73. The Committee invites the State party to submit its combined fifth and sixth periodic report by 6 November 2019 and to include therein information on the follow-up to the present concluding observations. The report should be in compliance with the Com74. The Committee also invites the State party to submit an updated core document in accordance with the requirements of the common core document in the harmonized guidelines on reporting, approved at the fifth Inter-Committee Meeting of the human rights 5. The Committee recommends that the State party adopt a comprehensive anti-discrimination law that provides a definition of direct and indirect discrimination, and to withdraw bill number 6-11804/145. The Committee recommends that the State party adopt a comprehensive anti-discrimination law that provides a definition of direct and indirect discrimination, and to withdraw bill number 6-11804/15c`5. (a) Carry out public education campaigns to eradicate common misperceptions and stereotypes;  KH5. (b) Make access to services independent from residence registration; 5. (c) Ensure that persons irrespective of their sexual orientation can fully enjoy economic social and cultural rights without discrimination; 5. (c) Ensure that persons irrespective of their sexual orientation can fully enjoy economic social and cultural rights without discrimination; `]5. (d) Accelerate efforts to ratify the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities`]5. (d) Accelerate efforts to ratify the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities6. The Committee recommends that the State party discard the draft bill on  foreign agents , and instead support the work of NGOs who are active in the field of economic, social and cultural rights 6. The Committee recommends that the State party discard the draft bill on  foreign agents , and instead support the work of NGOs who are active in the field of economic, social and cultural rights7. The Committee recommends that the State party increase efforts to combat corruption, and as a matter of priority, address the root causes of corruption and adopt all necessary legislative and policy measures to combat corruption and related impunity ef7. The Committee recommends that the State party increase efforts to combat corruption, and as a matter of priority, address the root causes of corruption and adopt all necessary legislative and policy measures to combat corruption and related impunity ef8. The Committee recommends that the State party increase efforts to promote gender equality, inter alia by adopting a comprehensive strategy which includes time-bound goals and quotas as well as the use of temporary special measures, with a view to achie8. (a) Ensure that women in a non-registered marriage can prove guardianship of their children without their husband s confirmation and that women are fully protected upon dissolution of non-registered marriages;8. (b) Adopt the amendment to the Act on Religious Belief and Practice ensuring that a religious marriage is administered only after the conclusion of a formal marriage;  8. (b) Adopt the amendment to the Act on Religious Belief and Practice ensuring that a religious marriage is administered only after the conclusion of a formal marriage; {8. (c) Ensure women s equal access in law and in practice to property and inheritance rights, and ensure that access to rights and services is not made dependent upon their marital status;{8. (c) Ensure women s equal access in law and in practice to property and inheritance rights, and ensure that access to rights and services is not made dependent upon their marital status;8. (d) Carry out awareness-raising campaigns to eliminate patriarchal attitudes and gender stereotypes and to inform women on their rights8. (d) Carry out awareness-raising campaigns to eliminate patriarchal attitudes and gender stereotypes and to inform women on their rights 9. The Committee recommends that the State party take effective measures to address the root causes of unemployment and to adopt targeted measures, including programmes aimed at reducing unemployment among women, youth, persons with disabilities and disad9. The Committee recommends that the State party take effective measures to address the root causes of unemployment and to adopt targeted measures, including programmes aimed at reducing unemployment among women, youth, persons with disabilities and disad9. The Committee recommends that the State party take effective measures to address the root causes of unemployment and to adopt targeted measures, including programmes aimed at reducing unemployment among women, youth, persons with disabilities and disad 9. The Committee recommends that the State party take effective measures to address the root causes of unemployment and to adopt targeted measures, including programmes aimed at reducing unemployment among women, youth, persons with disabilities and disad 10. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to increase the minimum wage, in order to ensure that it allows all workers and families to enjoy a decent standard of living, and ensure that it is enforced 11. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that labour and trade union rights fully apply in the informal economy, and be subject to labour inspection on a regular basis. Furthermore, the Committee recommends that the State party gradually r12. The Committee recommends that the State party verify and ensure the implementation of labour legislation regarding occupational health and safety conditions, including through regular inspections and training of employers and employees, and to ensure 12. The Committee recommends that the State party verify and ensure the implementation of labour legislation regarding occupational health and safety conditions, including through regular inspections and training of employers and employees, and to ensure  12. The Committee recommends that the State party verify and ensure the implementation of labour legislation regarding occupational health and safety conditions, including through regular inspections and training of employers and employees, and to ensure 13. The Committee recommends that the State party step up its efforts to conclude bilateral and multilateral agreements with a view to extending protection to Kyrgyz migrant workers abroad, and to providing counselling and legal advice to potential migran13. The Committee recommends that the State party step up its efforts to conclude bilateral and multilateral agreements with a view to extending protection to Kyrgyz migrant workers abroad, and to providing counselling and legal advice to potential migran 13. The Committee recommends that the State party step up its efforts to conclude bilateral and multilateral agreements with a view to extending protection to Kyrgyz migrant workers abroad, and to providing counselling and legal advice to potential migran13. The Committee recommends that the State party step up its efforts to conclude bilateral and multilateral agreements with a view to extending protection to Kyrgyz migrant workers abroad, and to providing counselling and legal advice to potential migran 14.The Committee recommends that the State party intensify its efforts to combat child labour exploitation, with a particular focus on forced labour. The Committee also recommends that the State party ensure that child labour and the recruitment of childr 14.The Committee recommends that the State party intensify its efforts to combat child labour exploitation, with a particular focus on forced labour. The Committee also recommends that the State party ensure that child labour and the recruitment of childr 15. The Committee recommends that the State party step up its efforts to establish a social protection floor as an initial step towards a universal comprehensive social security system. In this regard the Committee draws the attention of the State party t15. The Committee recommends that the State party step up its efforts to establish a social protection floor as an initial step towards a universal comprehensive social security system. In this regard the Committee draws the attention of the State party t16. The Committee recommends that the State party take the necessary legal amendments to ensure that all forms of domestic violence are criminalized, that victims have access to effective remedies as well as to adequate shelter and support, that judges, p16. The Committee recommends that the State party take the necessary legal amendments to ensure that all forms of domestic violence are criminalized, that victims have access to effective remedies as well as to adequate shelter and support, that judges, p16. The Committee recommends that the State party take the necessary legal amendments to ensure that all forms of domestic violence are criminalized, that victims have access to effective remedies as well as to adequate shelter and support, that judges, p16. The Committee recommends that the State party take the necessary legal amendments to ensure that all forms of domestic violence are criminalized, that victims have access to effective remedies as well as to adequate shelter and support, that judges, p17. The Committee urges that the State party increase its efforts to enforce the criminalization of bride kidnapping as well as carry out awareness-raising campaigns on the illegality of bride kidnapping. The Committee further recommends that the State pa17. The Committee urges that the State party increase its efforts to enforce the criminalization of bride kidnapping as well as carry out awareness-raising campaigns on the illegality of bride kidnapping. The Committee further recommends that the State pa 17. The Committee urges that the State party increase its efforts to enforce the criminalization of bride kidnapping as well as carry out awareness-raising campaigns on the illegality of bride kidnapping. The Committee further recommends that the State pa 18. The Committee recommends that the State party ameliorate living conditions in prison including by allocating the necessary funds to ensure sufficient food and safe drinking water. The Committee also recommends that the State party set up a specialized19. The Committee recommends that the State party implement a national strategy for reduction of homelessness that includes measurable goals and timetables19. The Committee recommends that the State party implement a national strategy for reduction of homelessness that includes measurable goals and timetables19. (a) Ensure that in cases where eviction or relocation is considered to be justified, it is carried out in strict compliance with the relevant provisions of international human rights law;  19. (b) Invest more resources for the improvement of basic infrastructures and ensure access by everyone to safe drinking water and sanitation, electricity, gas, heating and sewage and garbage disposal20. The Committee recommends that the State party implement a poverty reduction strategy that integrates economic, social and cultural rights, in line with the Committee s Statement on Poverty adopted on 4 May 2001 (E/2002/22 E/C.12/2001/17, Annex VII), g 20. The Committee recommends that the State party implement a poverty reduction strategy that integrates economic, social and cultural rights, in line with the Committee s Statement on Poverty adopted on 4 May 2001 (E/2002/22 E/C.12/2001/17, Annex VII), g20. The Committee recommends that the State party implement a poverty reduction strategy that integrates economic, social and cultural rights, in line with the Committee s Statement on Poverty adopted on 4 May 2001 (E/2002/22 E/C.12/2001/17, Annex VII), g 20. The Committee recommends that the State party implement a poverty reduction strategy that integrates economic, social and cultural rights, in line with the Committee s Statement on Poverty adopted on 4 May 2001 (E/2002/22 E/C.12/2001/17, Annex VII), g 21. The Committee recommends that the State party expeditiously address chronic food insecurity and malnutrition, including the critical nutritional needs of children and pregnant women. The Committee furthermore recommends that the State party set up a p21. The Committee recommends that the State party expeditiously address chronic food insecurity and malnutrition, including the critical nutritional needs of children and pregnant women. The Committee furthermore recommends that the State party set up a p 21. The Committee recommends that the State party expeditiously address chronic food insecurity and malnutrition, including the critical nutritional needs of children and pregnant women. The Committee furthermore recommends that the State party set up a p21. The Committee recommends that the State party expeditiously address chronic food insecurity and malnutrition, including the critical nutritional needs of children and pregnant women. The Committee furthermore recommends that the State party set up a p22. The Committee recommends that the State party increase human, technical and financial resources allocated to the health sector%22. (a) Monitor discrimination in access to health services and ensure that health professionals hampering a person s access are duly sanctioned;%22. (a) Monitor discrimination in access to health services and ensure that health professionals hampering a person s access are duly sanctioned;22. (b) Provide confidential access for everyone, including adolescents, to contraceptives and safe abortion services, which are fully covered by health insurance; 22. (c) Disseminate information on patients rights and ensure the availability of adequate implementation mechanisms, with a particular focus on access to appropriate compensation in the event of medical errors23. The Committee recommends that the State party adequately monitor and sanction discrimination in the access to health services vis vis persons with a drug addiction. Furthermore, the Committee recommends that the State party increase full access to f23. The Committee recommends that the State party adequately monitor and sanction discrimination in the access to health services vis vis persons with a drug addiction. Furthermore, the Committee recommends that the State party increase full access to f24. The Committee recommends that the State party step up its efforts and address as a matter of priority the problem of maternal mortality, including by significantly increasing access to maternal health services, in particular in remote and rural areas,24. The Committee recommends that the State party step up its efforts and address as a matter of priority the problem of maternal mortality, including by significantly increasing access to maternal health services, in particular in remote and rural areas,YV26. (a) Relocate uranium tailings, POP pesticides and radioactive and hazardous waste;wt26. (b) Close the mine in Khaidarkan and take measures to provide access to other economic activities in the region;[X26. (c) Ensure that residential areas are not built on, or close to contaminated ground;[X26. (c) Ensure that residential areas are not built on, or close to contaminated ground;YV26. (d) Reduce industrial pollution and enforce the prohibition of certain pesticides;26. (e) Establish a normative framework on radiation and nuclear safety, as well as on pollution and chemicals management, which are in line with international standards;26. (e) Establish a normative framework on radiation and nuclear safety, as well as on pollution and chemicals management, which are in line with international standards;26. (e) Establish a normative framework on radiation and nuclear safety, as well as on pollution and chemicals management, which are in line with international standards;26. (f) Carry out awareness raising campaigns on the presence and risks of radioactive and toxic substances as well as on safety measures to minimize risks26. (f) Carry out awareness raising campaigns on the presence and risks of radioactive and toxic substances as well as on safety measures to minimize risks27. The Committee raises attention to its general comment No. 13 (1999) on the right to education (article 13) and recommends that the State party increase budgetary allocations to education to ensure free access to quality education, including to inclusi 27. The Committee raises attention to its general comment No. 13 (1999) on the right to education (article 13) and recommends that the State party increase budgetary allocations to education to ensure free access to quality education, including to inclusi 28. The Committee recommends that the State party allocate specific budgetary resources to promote the cultural diversity of ethnic minorities, and to allow mother tongue education and minority language press, and to enable all groups to express and devel28. The Committee recommends that the State party allocate specific budgetary resources to promote the cultural diversity of ethnic minorities, and to allow mother tongue education and minority language press, and to enable all groups to express and devel28. The Committee recommends that the State party allocate specific budgetary resources to promote the cultural diversity of ethnic minorities, and to allow mother tongue education and minority language press, and to enable all groups to express and devel29. The Committee encourages the State party to consider ratifying the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights30. The Committee encourages the State party to consider ratifying as soon as possible the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 30. The Committee encourages the State party to consider ratifying as soon as possible the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 31. The Committee encourages the State party to extend standing invitations to Special Rapporteurs with mandates relevant to economic, social and cultural rights31. The Committee encourages the State party to extend standing invitations to Special Rapporteurs with mandates relevant to economic, social and cultural rights32. The Committee requests that the State party disseminate the present concluding observations widely among all levels of society, particularly among government officials, members of Parliament, judicial authorities and civil society organizations, and t33. The Committee encourages the State party to engage civil society organizations in a constructive cooperation in order to implement at the national level these concluding observations as well as for the preparation and submission of its next periodic r34. The Committee requests the State party to submit its 4th periodic report by 30 June 2020, and invites the State party to update its common core document in accordance with the harmonized guidelines on reporting under the international human rights tre9. The Committee recommends that the State party take the necessary steps to ensure that its national laws and policies are in line with the provisions of the Convention, including in particular amending legislation to ensure protection of the rights of a9. The Committee recommends that the State party take the necessary steps to ensure that its national laws and policies are in line with the provisions of the Convention, including in particular amending legislation to ensure protection of the rights of a9. The Committee recommends that the State party take the necessary steps to ensure that its national laws and policies are in line with the provisions of the Convention, including in particular amending legislation to ensure protection of the rights of a11. The Committee invites the State party to provide information on the application of the Convention by domestic courts in its next periodic report13. The Committee recommends that the State party consider making the declarations provided for in articles 76 and 77 of the Convention15. The Committee recommends that the State party consider ratifying or acceding the followong instruments the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Migration Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1975 (No.143), the Private Employment Agencies17. The Committee recommends that the State party provide the Ombudsperson of Kyrgyzstan with a broad mandate to effectively carry out the promotion and protection of the rights of migrant workers and members of their families under the Convention. The Co17. The Committee recommends that the State party provide the Ombudsperson of Kyrgyzstan with a broad mandate to effectively carry out the promotion and protection of the rights of migrant workers and members of their families under the Convention. The Co19. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to ensure that the system for the compilation of migration-related statistics covers all aspects of the Convention and that detailed data is collected on the status of migrant worker21. The Committee recommends that the State party develop continuing education and training programmes on the Convention and that such training be made available to all officials and others who work in migration-related areas. The Committee also CMW/C/KGZ23. The Committee recommends that the State party take more effective measures to address all instances of corruption relating to the migrant workers and members of their families, and undertake appropriate inquiries into allegations of corruption. The Co23. The Committee recommends that the State party take more effective measures to address all instances of corruption relating to the migrant workers and members of their families, and undertake appropriate inquiries into allegations of corruption. The Co25. (a) Ensure that all migrant workers and members of their families both in regular and irregular situation within its territory or subject to its jurisdiction enjoy, without discrimination, the rights recognized by the Convention, in accordance with ar25. (a) Ensure that all migrant workers and members of their families both in regular and irregular situation within its territory or subject to its jurisdiction enjoy, without discrimination, the rights recognized by the Convention, in accordance with ar25. (a) Ensure that all migrant workers and members of their families both in regular and irregular situation within its territory or subject to its jurisdiction enjoy, without discrimination, the rights recognized by the Convention, in accordance with ar25. (b) Intensify its efforts by promoting information campaigns for public officials working in the area of migration, especially at the local level, and for the general public on the elimination of discrimination against migrant workers and members of t25. (b) Intensify its efforts by promoting information campaigns for public officials working in the area of migration, especially at the local level, and for the general public on the elimination of discrimination against migrant workers and members of t27. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that, in law and in practice, migrant workers and members of their families, including those in an irregular situation, have equal opportunities to nationals of the State party to file complaints an27. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that, in law and in practice, migrant workers and members of their families, including those in an irregular situation, have equal opportunities to nationals of the State party to file complaints an27. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that, in law and in practice, migrant workers and members of their families, including those in an irregular situation, have equal opportunities to nationals of the State party to file complaints an29. The Committee recommends that the State party take the necessary steps to ensure that its consular services can effectively meet the needs of Kyrgyz migrant workers and members of their families in terms of protecting their rights and providing them w29. The Committee recommends that the State party take the necessary steps to ensure that its consular services can effectively meet the needs of Kyrgyz migrant workers and members of their families in terms of protecting their rights and providing them w 29. The Committee recommends that the State party take the necessary steps to ensure that its consular services can effectively meet the needs of Kyrgyz migrant workers and members of their families in terms of protecting their rights and providing them w31. The Committee recommends that, in accordance with articles 28 of the Convention, the State party adopt concrete and effective measures to ensure access to emergency medical care for all migrant workers and members of their families31. The Committee recommends that, in accordance with articles 28 of the Convention, the State party adopt concrete and effective measures to ensure access to emergency medical care for all migrant workers and members of their families33. The Committee recommends that, in accordance with articles 30 of the Convention, the State party adopt concrete and effective measures, for example through specific programmes, to ensure access to education, and to make it possible to enter and remain33. The Committee recommends that, in accordance with articles 30 of the Convention, the State party adopt concrete and effective measures, for example through specific programmes, to ensure access to education, and to make it possible to enter and remain 33. The Committee recommends that, in accordance with articles 30 of the Convention, the State party adopt concrete and effective measures, for example through specific programmes, to ensure access to education, and to make it possible to enter and remain35. The Committee recommends that the State party take appropriate measures to disseminate information on the rights of migrant workers under the Convention, as CMW/C/KGZ/CO/1 6 well as conditions of their admission and employment and their rights and obl37. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to guarantee the rights to vote of Kyrgyz migrant workers living abroad by facilitating their registration and participation in the next national elections37. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to guarantee the rights to vote of Kyrgyz migrant workers living abroad by facilitating their registration and participation in the next national elections39. The Committee recommends that the State party take necessary measures to ensure that frontier workers enjoy the same rights as the national workers and invites the State party to provide information in its next periodic report on the measures taken to39. The Committee recommends that the State party take necessary measures to ensure that frontier workers enjoy the same rights as the national workers and invites the State party to provide information in its next periodic report on the measures taken to41. The Committee recommends that the State party provide consular assistance to Kyrgyz migrant workers who are victims of discrimination and violence, to protect their rights and interest in the counties of employment with a view to promoting the investi41. The Committee recommends that the State party provide consular assistance to Kyrgyz migrant workers who are victims of discrimination and violence, to protect their rights and interest in the counties of employment with a view to promoting the investi41. The Committee recommends that the State party provide consular assistance to Kyrgyz migrant workers who are victims of discrimination and violence, to protect their rights and interest in the counties of employment with a view to promoting the investi43. (a) Effectively implement its Programme to Combat Trafficking in Persons 2013-2016, ensuring its full compatibility with the Convention43. (b) Evaluate the phenomenon of trafficking in persons and compile systematic disaggregated data to better combat trafficking in persons, especially of women and children, and to bring perpetrators to justice43. (b) Evaluate the phenomenon of trafficking in persons and compile systematic disaggregated data to better combat trafficking in persons, especially of women and children, and to bring perpetrators to justice 43. (b) Evaluate the phenomenon of trafficking in persons and compile systematic disaggregated data to better combat trafficking in persons, especially of women and children, and to bring perpetrators to justice43. (b) Evaluate the phenomenon of trafficking in persons and compile systematic disaggregated data to better combat trafficking in persons, especially of women and children, and to bring perpetrators to justice43. (c) Afford protection and assistance to all victims of human trafficking, particularly by providing shelters, medical care, psycho-social support and other measures to assist in their reintegration into society43. (c) Afford protection and assistance to all victims of human trafficking, particularly by providing shelters, medical care, psycho-social support and other measures to assist in their reintegration into society43. (d) Strengthen training for law enforcement officials, judges, prosecutors, labour inspectors, teachers, health care workers and the staff of the State party s embassies and consulates, and disseminating more widely information on trafficking in perso44. The Committee recommends that the State party should take all appropriate measures to ensure that these recommendations are implemented, including by transmitting them for consideration and action to members of the Government and Parliament (Zhogorku 45. The Committee also requests the State party to involve civil society organizations more closely in the implementation of the recommendations contained in the present concluding observations46. The Committee requests the State party to provide, within two years, i.e. 24 April 2017, written information on the follow-up to the recommendations contained in paragraphs 27, 29, 31 and 33 above47. The Committee also requests the State party to disseminate the Convention and the present concluding observations widely, including to public agencies, the judiciary, non-governmental organizations and other members of civil society, so as to increase48. The Committee recommends that the State party avails itself of international assistance, including technical assistance to develop a comprehensive programme aimed at the implementation of the above recommendations and the Convention as a whole. The Co49. The Committee requests the State party to submit its second periodic reports by 24 April 2020 and to include therein information on the implementation of the present concluding observations. Alternatively, the State party may follow the simplified re50. The Committee draws the State party s attention to its harmonized treaty-specific guidelines (CMW/C/2008/1) and reminds it that periodic reports should be in compliance with the guidelines and not exceed 21,200 words (General Assembly resolution 68/2651. The Committee requests the State party to ensure the wide participation of all ministries and public bodies in the preparation of its next periodic report (or replies to the list of issues, in the case of the simplified reporting procedure) and, at th51. The Committee requests the State party to ensure the wide participation of all ministries and public bodies in the preparation of its next periodic report (or replies to the list of issues, in the case of the simplified reporting procedure) and, at th52. The Committee also invites the State party to submit an updated common core document, not exceeding 42,400 words, in accordance with the requirements in the harmonized guidelines on reporting under the international human rights treaties, including gu78. The Special Rapporteur recommends that Kyrgyzstan take, as a matter of priority and with the assistance and support of the international community, all appropriate measures to eliminate, or reduce to a minimum, the threats that uranium tailings, toxic78. The Special Rapporteur recommends that Kyrgyzstan take, as a matter of priority and with the assistance and support of the international community, all appropriate measures to eliminate, or reduce to a minimum, the threats that uranium tailings, toxic78. The Special Rapporteur recommends that Kyrgyzstan take, as a matter of priority and with the assistance and support of the international community, all appropriate measures to eliminate, or reduce to a minimum, the threats that uranium tailings, toxic80. Existing facilities for the storage of radioactive and hazardous waste and banned pesticides should be fenced off, marked with warning signs and controlled by armed guards in order to prevent unauthorized access by the population tocontaminated materi80. Existing facilities for the storage of radioactive and hazardous waste and banned pesticides should be fenced off, marked with warning signs and controlled by armed guards in order to prevent unauthorized access by the population tocontaminated materi82. The Special Rapporteur therefore urges Kyrgyzstan to carry out, with the assistance and support ofthe international community, a comprehensive study on the levels of radiation/chemical pollution in dump sites and adjacent areas and a comprehensive ass83. The Special Rapporteur encourages the Government of Kyrgyzstan to implement, as a matter of priority and with the technical support of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research and the United Nations Environment Programme, the action plan83. The Special Rapporteur encourages the Government of Kyrgyzstan to implement, as a matter of priority and with the technical support of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research and the United Nations Environment Programme, the action plan84. The Special Rapporteur calls on Kyrgyzstan to develop and implement, in close consultation with the affected local communities, programmes aimed at improving thesocio-economic conditions in villages and towns that once relied heavily on theuranium and84. The Special Rapporteur calls on Kyrgyzstan to develop and implement, in close consultation with the affected local communities, programmes aimed at improving the socio-economic conditions in villages and towns that once relied heavily on the uranium a84. The Special Rapporteur calls on Kyrgyzstan to develop and implement, in close consultation with the affected local communities, programmes aimed at improving thesocio-economic conditions in villages and towns that once relied heavily on theuranium and84. The Special Rapporteur calls on Kyrgyzstan to develop and implement, in close consultation with the affected local communities, programmes aimed at improving the socio-economic conditions in villages and towns that once relied heavily on the uranium ajg85. The Special Rapporteur calls on Kyrgyzstan to finalize the adoption of the draft environmental code86. The Special Rapporteur recommends that Kyrgyzstan review and expand its regulatory framework on radioactive waste management and radiation safety in order to ensure its consistency with international norms and standards on radiation safety and the sec86. The Special Rapporteur recommends that Kyrgyzstan review and expand its regulatory framework on radioactive waste management and radiation safety in order to ensure its consistency with international norms and standards on radiation safety and the sec87. The Special Rapporteur also recommends that Kyrgyzstan review its normative framework on chemicals management, and consider adopting a comprehensive law on chemicals management. Such a law should rationalize existing norms, standards and procedures to87. The Special Rapporteur also recommends that Kyrgyzstan review its normative framework on chemicals management, and consider adopting a comprehensive law on chemicals management. Such a law should rationalize existing norms, standards and procedures to87. The Special Rapporteur also recommends that Kyrgyzstan review its normative framework on chemicals management, and consider adopting a comprehensive law on chemicals management. Such a law should rationalize existing norms, standards and procedures to88. Considering that the country is situated at the upper portion of the region s water basins, and taking into account the transboundary threat posed by radioactive and toxic wastes stored on its territory, the Special Rapporteur calls on the Government 88. Considering that the country is situated at the upper portion of the region s water basins, and taking into account the transboundary threat posed by radioactive and toxic wastes stored on its territory, the Special Rapporteur calls on the Government 89. The Special Rapporteur believes that the role and functions of the various institutions responsible for the implementation and enforcement of national legislation on radioactive waste and chemicals management at the central, provincial and local level89. The Special Rapporteur believes that the role and functions of the various institutions responsible for the implementation and enforcement of national legislation on radioactive waste and chemicals management at the central, provincial and local level90. As recommended by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Kyrgyzstan should consider establishing an independent regulatory body with overall responsibility for radioactive waste management and radiation safety, and allocate adequate human, fin90. As recommended by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Kyrgyzstan should consider establishing an independent regulatory body with overall responsibility for radioactive waste management and radiation safety, and allocate adequate human, fin91. The Government should also consider reviewing the status of the State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry, with a view to raising it to that of a ministry92. The Special Rapporteur recommends that Kyrgyzstan provide, with the support of the donor community, adequate human, technical and financial resources to the ministries, State agencies, and local authorities which are responsible for the implementation92. The Special Rapporteur recommends that Kyrgyzstan provide, with the support of the donor community, adequate human, technical and financial resources to the ministries, State agencies, and local authorities which are responsible for the implementation93. The Government should also allocate, with the support of the donor community, adequate financial resources, technical means and expertise to Stateowned analytical laboratories, so as to improve their capacity to ensure accurate measurements of radiati94. The Special Rapporteur calls on relevant international organizations such as the World Health Organization and IAEA to organize professional trainings for staff of analytical laboratories and provide laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment needed95. The current system of environmental inspections should be reviewed. Existing restrictions on access to industrial sites should be eliminated, and inspection authorities should be granted the power to carry out, in addition to the annual planned inspec96. The Special Rapporteur recommends that Kyrgyzstan adopt all appropriate measures to combat the illegal import and export of hazardous products, including mercury and banned pesticides, to and from the country, including the allocation of adequate huma96. The country should also strengthen its capacity to prosecute and punish environmental crimes by, inter alia, organizing appropriate training opportunities for judges and prosecutors97. The Special Rapporteur recommends that Kyrgyzstan ensure, through public information and awarenessraising campaigns, access to information on the status of tailings and waste dumps, on the adverse effects of exposure to radioactive materials or hazard97. The Special Rapporteur recommends that Kyrgyzstan ensure, through public information and awarenessraising campaigns, access to information on the status of tailings and waste dumps, on the adverse effects of exposure to radioactive materials or hazard98. Information on chemical products sold in the country should be available, accessible, user-friendly, adequate and appropriate to the needs of all stakeholders. People handling hazardous chemicals, such as farmers and employees in the chemical or energ98. Information on chemical products sold in the country should be available, accessible, user-friendly, adequate and appropriate to the needs of all stakeholders. People handling hazardous chemicals, such as farmers and employees in the chemical or energ98. The Special Rapporteur calls on the Government to consider ratifying the Convention concerning Safety in the Use of Chemicals at Work, 1990 (No. 170) of the International Labour Organization98. The Special Rapporteur calls on the Government to consider ratifying the Convention concerning Safety in the Use of Chemicals at Work, 1990 (No. 170) of the International Labour Organization99. Kyrgyzstan should develop a detailed strategy or an action plan for the implementation of the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention). Such a plan 99. Kyrgyzstan should develop a detailed strategy or an action plan for the implementation of the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention). Such a plan 99. Kyrgyzstan should develop a detailed strategy or an action plan for the implementation of the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention). Such a plan 100. The Special Rapporteur considers that better assessment and prioritization of required action at the country level is needed in order to ensure a more efficient use of international financing and technical assistance in the areas of radioactive waste101. The Speical Repporteur therefore calls on the donor community, international and regional organizations, financial institutions and the private sector to continue to provide the Government of Kyrgyzstan with assistance and financial support in order  91. Establish an independent State body specifically responsible for women s rights and gender equality issues. This body should be invested with a clear mandate, authority and sufficient resources and able to develop national gender policies, undertake c 91. Establish an independent State body specifically responsible for women s rights and gender equality issues. This body should be invested with a clear mandate, authority and sufficient resources and able to develop national gender policies, undertake c 91. Establish an independent State body specifically responsible for women s rights and gender equality issues. This body should be invested with a clear mandate, authority and sufficient resources and able to develop national gender policies, undertake c 91. Provide clear terms of reference on women s rights and gender equality issues for the new Parliamentary Committee on Social Policy, including a strong advocacy and monitoring role as regards the gender dimensions of policies and legislation 91. Provide clear terms of reference on women s rights and gender equality issues for the new Parliamentary Committee on Social Policy, including a strong advocacy and monitoring role as regards the gender dimensions of policies and legislation 91. Support the new gender unit within the Office of the Ombudsman with sufficient resources to conduct education, advocacy and legal and research work 91. Support the new gender unit within the Office of the Ombudsman with sufficient resources to conduct education, advocacy and legal and research work ~91. Use the media to promote public awareness campaigns on women s human rights, violence against women and gender stereotypes ~91. Use the media to promote public awareness campaigns on women s human rights, violence against women and gender stereotypes ~91. Use the media to promote public awareness campaigns on women s human rights, violence against women and gender stereotypes 91. Undertake a gender analysis of school books and curriculums at the primary and high-school levels, with a view to eliminating gender stereotypes and promoting gender equality and non-violence. Relevant teacher training should be provided 91. Undertake a gender analysis of school books and curriculums at the primary and high-school levels, with a view to eliminating gender stereotypes and promoting gender equality and non-violence. Relevant teacher training should be provided 91. Consider the establishment of positive temporary measures to encourage increased participation of women in local political and decision-making structures, including the local Aksakal courts 91. Consider the establishment of positive temporary measures to encourage increased participation of women in local political and decision-making structures, including the local Aksakal courts 91. Develop a new National Action Plan for Gender Development which takes into account the body of information available on the status of women, including the situation of rural women. Effective mechanisms to ensure accountability in the implementation of 91. Develop a new National Action Plan for Gender Development which takes into account the body of information available on the status of women, including the situation of rural women. Effective mechanisms to ensure accountability in the implementation of 91. Develop a new National Action Plan for Gender Development which takes into account the body of information available on the status of women, including the situation of rural women. Effective mechanisms to ensure accountability in the implementation of 91. Establish a sustainable mechanism for the systematic gender analysis of legislation and programmes, as required under Kyrgyz legislation 91. Establish a sustainable mechanism for the systematic gender analysis of legislation and programmes, as required under Kyrgyz legislation A91. Examine and adopt measures to address the different factors impeding women s position and opportunities in the labour market, including that of rural women A91. Examine and adopt measures to address the different factors impeding women s position and opportunities in the labour market, including that of rural women 91. Make specific budgetary commitments towards the implementation of programmes related to gender equality, the socio-economic position of women and violence against women and girls 91. Make specific budgetary commitments towards the implementation of programmes related to gender equality, the socio-economic position of women and violence against women and girls 91. Make specific budgetary commitments towards the implementation of programmes related to gender equality, the socio-economic position of women and violence against women and girls 91. Make specific budgetary commitments towards the implementation of programmes related to gender equality, the socio-economic position of women and violence against women and girls ~{92. Treat violence against women as a criminal offence and investigate and prosecute cases within the formal justice system ~{92. Treat violence against women as a criminal offence and investigate and prosecute cases within the formal justice system SP92. Establish specialized female law enforcement units, including in rural areas SP92. Establish specialized female law enforcement units, including in rural areas {x92. Develop mechanisms, both legal and social, to combat internal trafficking and sexual exploitation of women and girls {x92. Develop mechanisms, both legal and social, to combat internal trafficking and sexual exploitation of women and girls {x92. Develop mechanisms, both legal and social, to combat internal trafficking and sexual exploitation of women and girls r92. Commit sustainable State support to women and girls crisis centres, including in areas currently not serviced zw92. Establish information and assistance centres for women and girls at risk who have moved from rural to urban centres 92. Establish effective monitoring systems of decisions by Aksakal courts, a policy of strengthened cooperation and engagement with them and promote female participation 92. Establish effective monitoring systems of decisions by Aksakal courts, a policy of strengthened cooperation and engagement with them and promote female participation 92. Establish effective monitoring systems of decisions by Aksakal courts, a policy of strengthened cooperation and engagement with them and promote female participation %92. Support awareness-raising campaigns on domestic violence and women s rights which specifically target community leaders and local populations 92. Undertake reforms with regard to temporary and court protection orders and adopt practical measures to facilitate their implementation 92. Undertake reforms with regard to temporary and court protection orders and adopt practical measures to facilitate their implementation 92. Take measures to ensure the protection of women who are victims of discrimination and violence on account of their sexual orientation or gender identity, and simplify procedures for changing the sexual identity of transgender persons in their identity 92. Implement a comprehensive strategy to address abuse, torture and extortion while in police custody and detention, including: a complaint procedure that can be activated any time upon arrest; investigation procedures which meet international standards  92. Support the establishment of legal aid clinics, including in rural areas, which provide free legal services for women in need 92. Support the establishment of legal aid clinics, including in rural areas, which provide free legal services for women in need 92. Allow for a defence based on a prior history of being a victim of domestic violence as a mitigating factor in the sentencing of women who have killed their partners and/or other family members 92. Allow for a defence based on a prior history of being a victim of domestic violence as a mitigating factor in the sentencing of women who have killed their partners and/or other family members 93. Amend legislation to set a uniform minimum legal age for marriage at 18 for both women and men, in line with international standards 93. Amend legislation to set a uniform minimum legal age for marriage at 18 for both women and men, in line with international standards 93. Amend legislation to set a uniform minimum legal age for marriage at 18 for both women and men, in line with international standards 93. Impose as a legal requirement, subject to specific sanctions, that religious marriages may only be performed where proof of a civil marriage has been made available and promote awareness-raising among religious leaders and communities on this issue 93. Undertake research on the prevalence of unregistered marriages and its consequences for women and children, and consider the adoption of regulations to protect their legal and property rights both during the de facto union and upon its dissolution 93. Undertake research on the prevalence of unregistered marriages and its consequences for women and children, and consider the adoption of regulations to protect their legal and property rights both during the de facto union and upon its dissolution 93. Raise the penalty for polygamy and cooperate with Kyrgyz migrant-receiving countries in taking measures to prevent polygamous marriages across borders 93. Increase the criminal penalty for bride abduction and coercion into marriage, withdraw the possibility of imposing only a fine and provide stringent penalties for conspiracy and aiding and abetting in this crime 93. Undertake awareness-raising campaigns, including through the media, on forced bride-kidnapping, early marriage, polygamy and unregistered marriages 93. Undertake awareness-raising campaigns, including through the media, on forced bride-kidnapping, early marriage, polygamy and unregistered marriages 94. Set up procedures enabling the compilation of statistics on domestic violence, including through the classification of domestic violence as a separate crime in police and prosecution records 94. Particularly in respect of rural women, undertake comprehensive research and compile statistics on violence against women, including economic and occupational indicators, access to public services and reproductive health PM94. Gather data on the prevalence and types of abuses faced by girls under 18 94. Conduct a study on human trafficking patterns and dynamics, both internal and abroad, to gather statistics and information on the methods of trafficking networks, better monitor the situation of migrant women and identify and prevent trafficking and e 94. Support research on the prevalence and forms of sexual violence, including sexual harassment in the workplace, with a view to formulating appropriate responses 95. The Special Rapporteur acknowledges the support provided to date by international organizations and donor agencies in the promotion of gender equality and encourages them to continue working with the Government of Kyrgyzstan in order to ensure a susta 95. The Special Rapporteur acknowledges the support provided to date by international organizations and donor agencies in the promotion of gender equality and encourages them to continue working with the Government of Kyrgyzstan in order to ensure a susta 80. (a) Amend, as a matter of priority, article 305-1 of the Criminal Code to ensure that torture is defined as a serious crime in accordance with article 1 of the Convention against Torture, sanctioned with penalties commensurate with the gravity of the  80. (a) Amend, as a matter of priority, article 305-1 of the Criminal Code to ensure that torture is defined as a serious crime in accordance with article 1 of the Convention against Torture, sanctioned with penalties commensurate with the gravity of the  80. (a) Amend, as a matter of priority, article 305-1 of the Criminal Code to ensure that torture is defined as a serious crime in accordance with article 1 of the Convention against Torture, sanctioned with penalties commensurate with the gravity of the  80. (b) Ensure that legislation concerning evidence presented in judicial proceedings is brought into line with the provisions of article 15 of the Convention against Torture in order to exclude explicitly any evidence or extrajudicial statement obtained  80. (b) Ensure that legislation concerning evidence presented in judicial proceedings is brought into line with the provisions of article 15 of the Convention against Torture in order to exclude explicitly any evidence or extrajudicial statement obtained  80. (b) Ensure that legislation concerning evidence presented in judicial proceedings is brought into line with the provisions of article 15 of the Convention against Torture in order to exclude explicitly any evidence or extrajudicial statement obtained  80. (c) Amend the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Law on Procedure and Conditions of the Detention of Persons Suspected or Accused of Crime to include a provision on the right of the suspect to one free telephone call with family members or relatives;  80. (c) Amend the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Law on Procedure and Conditions of the Detention of Persons Suspected or Accused of Crime to include a provision on the right of the suspect to one free telephone call with family members or relatives;  80. (c) Amend the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Law on Procedure and Conditions of the Detention of Persons Suspected or Accused of Crime to include a provision on the right of the suspect to one free telephone call with family members or relatives;  80. (d) Amend the Code of Criminal Procedure and other legislative acts (including the law on operational investigations and search activities) with a view to ensure that the time period starting from the moment of actual arrest until the formal initiatio 80. (d) Amend the Code of Criminal Procedure and other legislative acts (including the law on operational investigations and search activities) with a view to ensure that the time period starting from the moment of actual arrest until the formal initiatio 80. (d) Amend the Code of Criminal Procedure and other legislative acts (including the law on operational investigations and search activities) with a view to ensure that the time period starting from the moment of actual arrest until the formal initiatio 80. (d) Amend the Code of Criminal Procedure and other legislative acts (including the law on operational investigations and search activities) with a view to ensure that the time period starting from the moment of actual arrest until the formal initiatio 81. (a) Ensure strict adherence to registration from the very moment of apprehension, abolish unacknowledged custodies and ensure strict surveillance devices in police stations; make police station chiefs and investigating and operative officers criminall 81. (a) Ensure strict adherence to registration from the very moment of apprehension, abolish unacknowledged custodies and ensure strict surveillance devices in police stations; make police station chiefs and investigating and operative officers criminall 81. (b) Overhaul the system of State-appointed lawyers completely and replace it with an open and transparent process of fairly remunerated independent lawyers, a process that is not controlled in practice by the investigating officers; and foresee the es 81. (c) Set in legislation a minimum timeline within which medical examination is to be provided without delay, in conformity with the Manual on Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punish 81. (c) Set in legislation a minimum timeline within which medical examination is to be provided without delay, in conformity with the Manual on Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punish 81. (c) Set in legislation a minimum timeline within which medical examination is to be provided without delay, in conformity with the Manual on Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punish 81. (c) Set in legislation a minimum timeline within which medical examination is to be provided without delay, in conformity with the Manual on Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punish 81. (d) Expedite a prompt, impartial and thorough investigation into all allegations of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and undertake public prosecutions without delay where the evidence warrants them; unless the allegatio 81. (d) Expedite a prompt, impartial and thorough investigation into all allegations of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and undertake public prosecutions without delay where the evidence warrants them; unless the allegatio 81. (e) Increase the number of qualified health personnel in temporary and pretrial detention facilities and ensure that medical staff in places of detention are independent by transferring them from the State Service for the Execution of Punishments and  81. (e) Increase the number of qualified health personnel in temporary and pretrial detention facilities and ensure that medical staff in places of detention are independent by transferring them from the State Service for the Execution of Punishments and  81. (f) Recall that evidentiary rules  and their incorrect interpretation - should not reward police and investigator misconduct; the exclusion of evidence at trial is one effective means to combat misconduct and abuses in the course of a criminal invest 81. (g) Ensure that defence lawyers are given procedural opportunities to collect evidence independently of investigators through, inter alia, the deposition of witnesses and experts directly before a judge 81. (h) Shift the burden of proof to prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt that a confession or other evidence has not been obtained under any kind of duress, and consider filming and audiotaping interrogations 81. (h) Shift the burden of proof to prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt that a confession or other evidence has not been obtained under any kind of duress, and consider filming and audiotaping interrogations 81. (i) Encourage judges and prosecutors to routinely ask persons arriving from police custody how they have been treated and to order an independent medical examination if they suspect that the detainee has been subjected to ill-treatment; an ex officio  81. (i) Encourage judges and prosecutors to routinely ask persons arriving from police custody how they have been treated and to order an independent medical examination if they suspect that the detainee has been subjected to ill-treatment; an ex officio  81. (k) Establish clearly set out enforcement mechanisms to provide victims with effective remedy and redress, including compensation and as full rehabilitation as possible by allocating funds in the national budget; and fulfil the right of the victim to  81. (k) Establish clearly set out enforcement mechanisms to provide victims with effective remedy and redress, including compensation and as full rehabilitation as possible by allocating funds in the national budget; and fulfil the right of the victim to  81. (l) Establish an effective national preventive mechanism in accordance with the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture, ensure budgetary allocations and equip the mechanism with sufficient human and other resources to enable it to inspect 81. (l) Establish an effective national preventive mechanism in accordance with the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture, ensure budgetary allocations and equip the mechanism with sufficient human and other resources to enable it to inspect 81. (m) Consider adopting a law to allow regular inspections of all places of detention by an independent monitoring mechanism (in addition to the national preventive mechanism); ensure that oversight mechanisms, inter alia, public advisory councils, are  81. (m) Consider adopting a law to allow regular inspections of all places of detention by an independent monitoring mechanism (in addition to the national preventive mechanism); ensure that oversight mechanisms, inter alia, public advisory councils, are  81. (n) Ensure that pretrial detainees are transferred from temporary detention facilities to pretrial detention centres at the expiration of the 48-hour period 82. (a) Appoint a high-level commission of multidisciplinary, credible specialists to conduct an urgent inspection of all detention centres with the aim of closing down immediately all facilities that are declared unfit for human habitation.  82 (b) Allocate sufficient budgetary resources to improve conditions in detention facilities with a view to provide adequate health care, improve food quality and ensure the separation of minors from adults and of pretrial prisoners from convicts; and des 82 (b) Allocate sufficient budgetary resources to improve conditions in detention facilities with a view to provide adequate health care, improve food quality and ensure the separation of minors from adults and of pretrial prisoners from convicts; and des 83. (a) Complete the ongoing reform of the police apparatus, and have the highest authorities, in particular those responsible for law enforcement activities, declare unambiguously that they will not tolerate torture or ill-treatment by their subordinates 83. (a) Complete the ongoing reform of the police apparatus, and have the highest authorities, in particular those responsible for law enforcement activities, declare unambiguously that they will not tolerate torture or ill-treatment by their subordinates 83. (a) Complete the ongoing reform of the police apparatus, and have the highest authorities, in particular those responsible for law enforcement activities, declare unambiguously that they will not tolerate torture or ill-treatment by their subordinates 83. (b) Take measures to transfer authority over temporary detention facilities from the Ministry of the Interior to the State Service for the Execution of Punishments.  83. (b) Take measures to transfer authority over temporary detention facilities from the Ministry of the Interior to the State Service for the Execution of Punishments.  83 (c)Raise the awareness of personnel of the Prosecutor General s Office and investigating officers of the Ministry of the Interior of their role in preventing torture and ill-treatment, by means of mandatory training on international standards on the pr 83 (c)Raise the awareness of personnel of the Prosecutor General s Office and investigating officers of the Ministry of the Interior of their role in preventing torture and ill-treatment, by means of mandatory training on international standards on the pr 83. (d) Strengthen the training of the judiciary in relation to torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and ensure effective follow-up 83. (d) Strengthen the training of the judiciary in relation to torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and ensure effective follow-up 84. The Special Rapporteur recommends that appropriate bodies use institutionalization as a last resort and provide alternatives, including non-custodial psychiatric assistance available at local hospitals, and ensure the patient s right to free and infor 84. The Special Rapporteur requests the international community to support the efforts of Kyrgyzstan in implementing the above-mentioned recommendations, in particular in its efforts to reform its legal system, establish a preventive framework against tor 84. The Special Rapporteur requests the international community to support the efforts of Kyrgyzstan in implementing the above-mentioned recommendations, in particular in its efforts to reform its legal system, establish a preventive framework against tor eb101. (a) To pursue the full harmonization of domestic laws with ratified international instruments 101. (b) To ensure child-friendly justice procedures that provide child victims with specific and prompt protection and assistance that prevent further hardship and trauma and take into account the views and special needs and vulnerabilities of children d 101. (b) To ensure child-friendly justice procedures that provide child victims with specific and prompt protection and assistance that prevent further hardship and trauma and take into account the views and special needs and vulnerabilities of children d 101. (c) To implement a child-sensitive approach to justice by providing child victims with free legal assistance, thereby ensuring the safety and protection of child victims 101. (c) To implement a child-sensitive approach to justice by providing child victims with free legal assistance, thereby ensuring the safety and protection of child victims `]101. (d) To strengthen the investigation and prosecution of crimes committed against children `]101. (d) To strengthen the investigation and prosecution of crimes committed against children |y101. (e) To provide those charged with implementing legislation with adequate training and appropriate logistical support 101. (f) To carry out awareness-raising initiatives on laws, in particular with a view to break down taboos about child victims of sexual crimes 101. (f) To carry out awareness-raising initiatives on laws, in particular with a view to break down taboos about child victims of sexual crimes DA101. (g) To take decisive action to fight corruption and impunity DA101. (g) To take decisive action to fight corruption and impunity 102. (a) Establish child-sensitive complaint mechanisms that guarantee the protection and safety of children by strengthening access to well publicized hotlines and child-sensitive support centres `]102. (b) Improve monitoring of places where child sexual exploitation may potentially occur.  ~102. (c) Improve child safety online by blocking access to pornographic websites and implementing awareness-raising programmes 102. (d) Develop and provide appropriate training to all persons working with children, and standardizing practices by developing protocols and guidelines to ensure that all persons working with child victims operate within a rights-based framework that p 102. (e) Strengthen the family and child support department at the local level, including by providing a larger and more sustainable budget for the recruitment of social workers, increasing the number of inspectors of children s affairs, and improving the 102. (e) Strengthen the family and child support department at the local level, including by providing a larger and more sustainable budget for the recruitment of social workers, increasing the number of inspectors of children s affairs, and improving the 103. (a) Invest and develop family strengthening programmes for both parents and relatives of children, including by ensuring greater economic support and empowerment, psychosocial support and parenting to families at risk 103. (b) Promote protective social perceptions and norms, through media outreach, and community-based programmes, in particular with regard to early and forced marriage, domestic violence and child labour 103. (c) Provide communities with information, thereby helping to break down taboos about child victims of sexual crimes and sexual offences against children in general 103. (c) Provide communities with information, thereby helping to break down taboos about child victims of sexual crimes and sexual offences against children in general \Y103. (d) Provide online programmes on sex education, reproductive health and child safety \Y103. (d) Provide online programmes on sex education, reproductive health and child safety 104. (a) Establish clear categories and norms for shelters, and ensure that all residential institutions are properly registered 104. (a) Establish clear categories and norms for shelters, and ensure that all residential institutions are properly registered 104. (b) Implement the inter-agency plan on optimizing the management and financing of residential institutions (2012 2014), including by providing an adequate budget and, in particular, ensuring the development and monitoring of minimum standards of care 104. (c) Ensure ready access to social services for families and children living in difficult circumstances with the aim of ensuring that children remain in familiar surroundings, preventing further psychological trauma and preserving child-parent relatio 104. (d) Favour family- or community-based environments, including foster families and other caregivers, and incorporating family support and counselling over institutional or residential care 104. (e) Register all institutions, which must be required to provide monthly reports on the children, and detailed information on their care and transfer.  S104. (f) Create an independent monitoring and supervision system for the above-mentioned centres, assessing the degree of compliance with standards of children s rights S104. (f) Create an independent monitoring and supervision system for the above-mentioned centres, assessing the degree of compliance with standards of children s rights 105. (a) Strengthen the national statistics committee and training local actors to collect data on child victims and children at risk.  105. (b) Establish a standardized, computerized and centralized information-gathering system capable of disaggregating data by sex, age, type of violation and measures taken, as well as harmonizing data collection and processing methods. 105. (c) Conduct surveys to ensure better understanding and knowledge of the evolution of risk factors and trends in the sale and sexual exploitation of children 105. (c) Conduct surveys to ensure better understanding and knowledge of the evolution of risk factors and trends in the sale and sexual exploitation of children mj106. (a) Expand child-friendly spaces and mechanisms for the exchange of information and for consultations 106. (b) Ensure the systematic participation of child in the design of and follow-up activities to programmes and strategies relating to their rights 106. (b) Ensure the systematic participation of child in the design of and follow-up activities to programmes and strategies relating to their rights 106. (c) Promote with the participation of children, sustainable education and awareness-raising campaigns in schools and communities, including rural and remote communities, by all forms of media, information and communication technologies, including soc 106. (c) Promote with the participation of children, sustainable education and awareness-raising campaigns in schools and communities, including rural and remote communities, by all forms of media, information and communication technologies, including soc 107. (a) Strengthen the Office of the Ombudsman at the central and district levels with a view to making it more accessible to children, and facilitating its capacity to conduct independent monitoring.  107. (a) Strengthen the Office of the Ombudsman at the central and district levels with a view to making it more accessible to children, and facilitating its capacity to conduct independent monitoring.  107. (b) Establish child protection indicators to follow up policies and measure their impact on the situation of children s rights.  107. (b) Establish child protection indicators to follow up policies and measure their impact on the situation of children s rights. 107. (c) Develop effective accountability mechanisms through the effective regulation and monitoring of child protection standards at all levels 107. (c) Develop effective accountability mechanisms through the effective regulation and monitoring of child protection standards at all levels 108. (a) Involve Internet service providers and telecommunication companies in the protection of children against online sexual exploitation, by restricting access to harmful or illegal content by filtering, blocking and monitoring programmes; providing t 108. (b) Encourage tourism and travel agencies to adopt the Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism 108. (b) Encourage tourism and travel agencies to adopt the Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism 109. (a) Strengthen transnational cooperation among law enforcement and justice agencies by sharing information relating to the detection of crimes, the identification of child victims and the prosecution of offenders 109. (a) Strengthen transnational cooperation among law enforcement and justice agencies by sharing information relating to the detection of crimes, the identification of child victims and the prosecution of offenders 109. (b) Strengthen institutional capacities and implement effective child protection systems through the ongoing technical and logistical assistance of United Nations agencies and the international community 109. (b) Strengthen institutional capacities and implement effective child protection systems through the ongoing technical and logistical assistance of United Nations agencies and the international community 6. The SPT requests the authorities of Kyrgyzstan to provide it with a Reply within six months from the date of transmission of this report, giving a full account of the State Party s actions taken to implement the recommendations ~{8. The SPT recommends that Kyrgyzstan requests the publication of the present report in accordance with OPCAT article 16(2) 12. The SPT wishes to emphasise that any form of intimidation or reprisals against persons deprived of their liberty constitutes a violation of the State Party s obligation to cooperate with the work of the SPT under the OPCAT. The SPT calls upon the auth 17. The SPT calls upon the Government to disburse the full amount allocated to the NPM in 2013, despite the delay in establishing the Centre. The SPT also urges the Government to increase the funding in the future so as to enable effective execution of th 18. The SPT urges the State Party to ensure that the composition of the NPM includes multidisciplinary expertise in torture prevention and adequately represents the country s key ethnic and minority groups. In line with the principle of cooperation and co 18. The SPT urges the State Party to ensure that the composition of the NPM includes multidisciplinary expertise in torture prevention and adequately represents the country s key ethnic and minority groups. In line with the principle of cooperation and co 18. The SPT urges the State Party to ensure that the composition of the NPM includes multidisciplinary expertise in torture prevention and adequately represents the country s key ethnic and minority groups. In line with the principle of cooperation and co 24. The SPT categorically condemns all acts of torture and ill-treatment and recalls that torture and ill-treatment cannot be justified under any circumstance, and must be completely prohibited. The SPT urges the authorities to ensure that amnesty is not  24. The SPT categorically condemns all acts of torture and ill-treatment and recalls that torture and ill-treatment cannot be justified under any circumstance, and must be completely prohibited. The SPT urges the authorities to ensure that amnesty is not  25. The SPT also recommends that all necessary steps be taken to ensure that any statement which is established to have been made as a result of torture shall not be invoked as evidence in any proceedings, except against a person accused of torture as evi 25. The SPT also recommends that all necessary steps be taken to ensure that any statement which is established to have been made as a result of torture shall not be invoked as evidence in any proceedings, except against a person accused of torture as evi 26. The SPT recommends that thorough, independent and impartial investigations into allegations of torture be undertaken without regard to the ethnicity of alleged perpetrators. The SPT encourages an independent review of trials related to the June 2010 i 26. The SPT recommends that thorough, independent and impartial investigations into allegations of torture be undertaken without regard to the ethnicity of alleged perpetrators. The SPT encourages an independent review of trials related to the June 2010 i 35. The SPT also recommends that the problem of impunity be addressed as a matter of urgency, not only at the practical but also institutional level. In addition, the SPT recommends that allegations of torture be promptly investigated and alleged perpetra 35. The SPT also recommends that the problem of impunity be addressed as a matter of urgency, not only at the practical but also institutional level. In addition, the SPT recommends that allegations of torture be promptly investigated and alleged perpetra 35. The SPT also recommends that the problem of impunity be addressed as a matter of urgency, not only at the practical but also institutional level. In addition, the SPT recommends that allegations of torture be promptly investigated and alleged perpetra 36. The SPT recommends that the relevant authorities take the necessary measures to put in place adequate complaints mechanisms and ensure that they operate fairly and effectively 37. The SPT recommends that the authorities establish a mechanism within the Office of the Prosecutor-General to supervise and ensure the strict compliance of prosecutors with the instructions of April, September and October 2011, with a view to strengthe 37. The SPT recommends that the authorities establish a mechanism within the Office of the Prosecutor-General to supervise and ensure the strict compliance of prosecutors with the instructions of April, September and October 2011, with a view to strengthe 37. The SPT recommends that the authorities establish a mechanism within the Office of the Prosecutor-General to supervise and ensure the strict compliance of prosecutors with the instructions of April, September and October 2011, with a view to strengthe 38. The SPT also recommends that the authorities consider deploying supervisory bodies of the Office of the Prosecutor-General within prosecutors offices in Osh and Jalal-Abad to assess performances and compliance with anti-torture regulations 38. The SPT also recommends that the authorities consider deploying supervisory bodies of the Office of the Prosecutor-General within prosecutors offices in Osh and Jalal-Abad to assess performances and compliance with anti-torture regulations 39. The SPT urges the judiciary to take a more pro-active role as guardian of the protection of the rights of individuals and in the fight against impunity in cases of torture and ill-treatment. The SPT calls upon the judiciary to clearly spell out measur 39. The SPT urges the judiciary to take a more pro-active role as guardian of the protection of the rights of individuals and in the fight against impunity in cases of torture and ill-treatment. The SPT calls upon the judiciary to clearly spell out measur 40. The SPT recommends that the State allocate sufficient budget to ensure that law enforcement officers receive proper training on human rights of persons deprived of their liberty, including the prevention of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading trea 43. The SPT recommends that urgent measures be taken to ensure that all persons arrested are immediately informed of the reasons for their arrest, as well as their rights as detainees, at the very outset of their deprivation of liberty. Information on rig 43. The SPT recommends that urgent measures be taken to ensure that all persons arrested are immediately informed of the reasons for their arrest, as well as their rights as detainees, at the very outset of their deprivation of liberty. Information on rig 43. The SPT recommends that urgent measures be taken to ensure that all persons arrested are immediately informed of the reasons for their arrest, as well as their rights as detainees, at the very outset of their deprivation of liberty. Information on rig 46. The SPT recommends that persons deprived of their liberty be able to inform a family member or third party of their detention from the outset. Meetings of arrestees with their relatives and other means of communication with the outside world should be 50. The SPT was informed about a draft law on the Bar Association and wishes to receive further information on the content and current status of this draft law. The SPT recommends that the system of duty lawyers be reformed and that an effective and indep 50. The SPT was informed about a draft law on the Bar Association and wishes to receive further information on the content and current status of this draft law. The SPT recommends that the system of duty lawyers be reformed and that an effective and indep 50. The SPT was informed about a draft law on the Bar Association and wishes to receive further information on the content and current status of this draft law. The SPT recommends that the system of duty lawyers be reformed and that an effective and indep 50. The SPT was informed about a draft law on the Bar Association and wishes to receive further information on the content and current status of this draft law. The SPT recommends that the system of duty lawyers be reformed and that an effective and indep 51. The SPT recommends that any person deprived of liberty has access to legal counsel from the moment of apprehension as established by article 24 (5) of the Constitution 56. The SPT recommends that the maximum period of police custody provided for by law be strictly respected and that this be rigorously monitored by the relevant authorities, including through effective judicial review of the detention. The SPT urges the a 56. The SPT recommends that the maximum period of police custody provided for by law be strictly respected and that this be rigorously monitored by the relevant authorities, including through effective judicial review of the detention. The SPT urges the a 61. The SPT recommends that any person brought to a closed institution must be examined by a competent independent medical practitioner upon admission. In addition, measures should be taken to establish access to alternative independent forensic expertise 67. The SPT recommends that all persons under the control of the relevant law enforcement bodies are immediately registered and that registers are scrupulously maintained with the following information: (1) exact date and time of apprehension; (2) exact t 68. The SPT recommends that electronic registers be progressively established throughout the country, and that registers be harmonised. The SPT also recommends that a standard national database be set up to be updated with systematic case information, whi 77. The SPT recommends that minimum conditions of detention be ensured in respect of human dignity and in accordance with international standards, and in particular that all cells have natural light and ventilation, sufficient access be given to toilets a 77. The SPT recommends that minimum conditions of detention be ensured in respect of human dignity and in accordance with international standards, and in particular that all cells have natural light and ventilation, sufficient access be given to toilets a xu78. The SPT also recommends that the practice of using handcuffing as a means of punishment be eliminated immediately 81. The SPT urges the Government to improve conditions of detention in accordance with international standards and respect for human dignity and to close the underground cells immediately 82. The SPT recommends that authorities in Kyrgyzstan ensure that food-quality inspections are undertaken and that all meals are prepared in a hygienic manner, in sufficient quantity, and with the nutrition quality and variety 87. The conditions of detention and regime in the disciplinary cells in SIZOs and colonies should be revised as a matter of priority. All facilities should maintain a specific register of disciplinary measures that must indicate all data about the identit 89. The SPT urges the Government to take all necessary measures to prevent abuses and to protect the most vulnerable detainees from stigmatisation and improve their living conditions in line with international human rights norms 93. The SPT recommends that the State Party urgently conduct a country-wide audit of the needs of all institutions, in order to facilitate the provision of sufficient medical supplies. The poor conditions and out-dated equipment at the penitentiary hospit 94. The existing infrastructure and human resources should be improved and training of staff be enhanced. In this context, the SPT recommends that all health professionals working with persons deprived of their liberty are given basic training in the desc 94. The existing infrastructure and human resources should be improved and training of staff be enhanced. In this context, the SPT recommends that all health professionals working with persons deprived of their liberty are given basic training in the desc 96. The SPT recommends that the modes of transportation be reviewed, in particular to prevent the transportation of healthy detainees together with detainees suffering tuberculosis 100. The SPT urges the authorities to improve material conditions for prisoners sentenced to life and to ensure that prisoners serving life sentences are treated on an equal basis with other detainees and without discrimination. The SPT also calls upon th 100. The SPT urges the authorities to improve material conditions for prisoners sentenced to life and to ensure that prisoners serving life sentences are treated on an equal basis with other detainees and without discrimination. The SPT also calls upon th 103. The SPT urges the authorities to take appropriate measures towards the functional and institutional separation between responsibility for investigation and detention, as to avert the risk of torture or ill-treatment. The SPT recommends that access to 108. The SPT recommends that children and adolescents only be deprived of their liberty as a measure of last resort, for the shortest possible period of time, and that the imprisonment be reviewed on a regular basis with a view to its withdrawal. The SPT  109. The SPT recommends that the necessary financial resources be allocated for the improvement of living conditions at the prison colony for juveniles as well as the schools for social adaptation and rehabilitation. The SPT further recommends that specif 113. The SPT recommends that living conditions in Chim-Korgon be improved and that Unit No. 10 be closed immediately. The SPT also recommends that Chim-Korgon and other mental institutions be transformed into predominantly open institutions with adequate  113. The SPT recommends that living conditions in Chim-Korgon be improved and that Unit No. 10 be closed immediately. The SPT also recommends that Chim-Korgon and other mental institutions be transformed into predominantly open institutions with adequate  113. The SPT recommends that living conditions in Chim-Korgon be improved and that Unit No. 10 be closed immediately. The SPT also recommends that Chim-Korgon and other mental institutions be transformed into predominantly open institutions with adequate  114. The SPT also recommends that the relevant authorities update the national program  Mental Health of the Population of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2001-2010", calling for a community-based mental health care system and ensuring that the necessary financial 119. The SPT recommends that appropriate human and financial resources be allocated for services provided to persons with disabilities. The SPT also recommends that salaries be increased in order to attract qualified staff and that regular training progra 120. The SPT urges the relevant authorities to regularly review the diagnosis of individuals placed in psychiatric or psycho-neurological institutions in order to ensure that no mentally and physically healthy individuals are referred to such institutions 120. The SPT urges the relevant authorities to regularly review the diagnosis of individuals placed in psychiatric or psycho-neurological institutions in order to ensure that no mentally and physically healthy individuals are referred to such institutions 126. The SPT urges the Government to work towards fully functioning law enforcement, judiciary, prison and health and mental health systems free from corruption and other outside influences. To this end, the Government should ensure adequate remuneration  126. The SPT urges the Government to work towards fully functioning law enforcement, judiciary, prison and health and mental health systems free from corruption and other outside influences. To this end, the Government should ensure adequate remuneration  127. The SPT recommends that the Government regularly provide human rights training programmes for civil servants, including to enhance their awareness of the risks of corruption 128. The SPT encourages the State Party to establish procedures requiring law enforcement officials to declare additional income in order to avoid conflict of interest in respect to their functions as public officials 129. The SPT recommends that the problem of corruption also be systematically addressed in the legal profession, inter alia in the context of the draft law on the Bar Association 130. Although the SPT notes that a new Anti-Corruption Agency was established within the SCNS in 2012, the SPT urges the State Party to create an independent investigative body on allegations of corruption in places of detention 130. Although the SPT notes that a new Anti-Corruption Agency was established within the SCNS in 2012, the SPT urges the State Party to create an independent investigative body on allegations of corruption in places of detention 132. In accordance with article 15 of OPCAT, the SPT calls upon the relevant authorities in Kyrgyzstan to ensure that there are no reprisals following the SPT visit. The SPT requests the State Party to provide detailed information in its Reply on what it 0002  lZSummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8$CompObjk                           ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < ? @ ! user" <ϡ@aYEAR|@t@x@h@p@ HR MECHANISMSUPRCEDAWCATCERDCCPRCRCCESCRCMW SR-TDW SR-VAWSR-T SR-SCCPCPSPTRECOMMENDATIONmj5.1. Continue harmonizing national legislation with the Constitution and international human rights norms wt5.2. Take measures to ensure that all legislation is in full compliance with international human rights obligations kh5.3. Continue the work to bring the national legal framework in line with its international obligations 5.4. Continue to fulfil its international obligations and commitments it has made in the field of human rights taking account the country s development and its historical, cultural and religious background SP5.5. Review the compliance of national legislation with the provisions of ICCPR 5.6. Empower legal advisors in parliament to review draft laws and policies, incorporate input from civil society and experts in the international community, and oppose legislation that is inconsistent with international human rights obligations and commi|y5.7. Continue to strengthen democratic institutions with a clear separation of powers ahead of the coming election cycle EB5.8. Continue strengthening its national human rights institutionspm5.9. Take the necessary steps to ensure that the National Council on Gender issues becomes fully operational xu5.10. Improve intra-state mechanisms for the implementation of international obligations in the area of human rights qn5.11. Take the necessary steps to bring the Office of the Ombudsman into compliance with the Paris Principles }5.12. Accelerate the process of bringing the statues of the Office of Ombudsman in full conformity with the Paris Principles 5.13. Complete the process of ensuring that the Ombudsman Institution is fully compliant with the Paris Principles, at the earliest fc5.14. Intensify efforts to bring the office of the Ombudsman into compliance with Paris Principles ]Z5.15. Ensure that the office of the Ombudsman is brought in line with the Paris Principles5.16. Grant to the National Centre for the Prevention of Torture the necessary financial resources to ensure its functioning and independence in accordance with OP-CAT 5.17. Provide the National Centre for the Prevention of Torture with the necessary resources for its adequate functioning, and ensure its full independence 5.18. Take comprehensive measures to improve the level of public security in the country and to combat terrorism and extremism JG5.19. Continue efforts to combat drug trafficking/trade and corruption FC5.20. Provide a comprehensive support to the institution of family 5.21. Strengthen national procedures for the protection of rights of socially vulnerable groups of the population, including women, children, persons with disabilities and the older persons 5.22. Improve further the child protection system and create conditions for ensuring the rights of the child to grow and develop in the family environment DA5.23. Continue its policies on improving the rights of the child O5.24. Take further steps to improve the system of children s rights protection ^[5.25. Continue strengthening legal mechanisms for the protection of the rights of children eb5.26. Effectively cooperate with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders|y5.27. Effectively cooperate with the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association 5.28. Analyse the possibility of creating a monitoring system for the implementation of international obligations in order to facilitate the systematization and follow-up of the recommendations made by the treaty bodies and the Human Rights Council da5.29. Engage the civil society in the implementation process of the accepted UPR recommendations c`5.30. Continue efforts in implementing CAT and its Optional Protocol with more concrete actions 15.31. Continue to adopt effective legislative measures to ensure women s security and rights, and strengthen the national mechanism on gender policies NK5.32. Continue to implement the National Strategy for Gender Equality 2020 jg5.33. Take steps to ensure that laws on gender equality and domestic violence are enforced effectively _\5.34. Continue the implementation of measures aimed to empower women and their contribution 5.35. Redouble the efforts to increase women s participation in society, in particular by increasing the number of women in decision-makingzw5.36. Continue to promote gender equality through the empowerment of women in decision-making and public administration^5.37. Empower women s social development and their participation in political decision-making 5.38. Strengthen anti-discrimination laws and policies, and intensify the implementation of measures to protect all women from discrimination and violence, including through nationwide public-awareness campaigns ^[5.39. Take all necessary measures to fight effectively against all forms of discrimination 5.40. Ensure that national legislation conforms to international human rights standards on non-discrimination, particularly concerning sexual orientation and gender identity, gender and racial discrimination 5.41. Ensure equal rights and opportunities to all persons without distinction and promote policies to prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity 5.42. Ensure that allegations of violence, torture, inhumane and degrading treatment of LGBT persons, by government and non-government actors, are investigated promptly and efficiently and that perpetrators are brought to justice gd5.43. Undertake all necessary measures to prevent discrimination and violence against LGBTI persons e5.44. Further strengthen the implementation of Kyrgyzstan s international commitments with regard to CAT and investigate all allegations of torture and ill treatment in custody RO5.45. Take necessary measures to implement the National Plan to Combat Torture 5.46. Implement without delay the recently adopted Action Plan on Torture and ensure that safeguards against torture are effectively granted in practice 5.47. Adopt measures, including recommendations by the Committee against Torture, to combat torture and ill-treatment, by ensuring that the National Centre receives adequate resources and access; and by implementing an effective Anti-Torture Action Plan 5.48. Examine allegations of ill-treatment and torture in custody and failures to ensure fair trial guarantees to those arrested and prosecuted following the 2010 violence 5.49. Ensure that allegations of torture and other ill-treatments are investigated promptly and effectively and that the perpetrators of these acts are prosecuted and punished according to the standards required by international norms 5.50. Increase the capacity for investigation and prosecution of all complaints of torture, attach special attention to allegations of torture of persons belonging to ethnic minorities, and bring the definition of torture in the Criminal Code fully in lin5.51. Prevent acts of torture and ensure that allegations of torture and ill-treatment are investigated promptly and efficiently vs5.52. Prevent all acts of torture and ill-treatment and ensure prompt and impartial investigations into complaints 5.53. Ensure that all allegations of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment, including those related to the June 2010 violence, are thoroughly investigated and that the perpetrators are brought to justice }z5.54. Ensure accountability and guarantee prompt and effective investigation of torture and of all cases of ill treatment 5.55. Take all necessary measures to effectively fight against torture and ill-treatment, particularly in the police and penitentiary domains 5.56. Further improve life conditions and preventions of ill-treatment of detainees in states penitentiaries in compliance with international standards 5.57. Provide guarantees for children in detention, including by removing the use of solitary confinement and by separating adults and children &#5.58. Combat violence against women5.59. Continue its efforts in combatting violence against women by, inter alia, raising awareness of the victims rights, increasing public understanding to avoid social exclusion of the victims and empowering women and girls by enhancing access to educat5.60. Adopt the National Action Plan to combat violence against women, by investigating complaints and instituting criminal proceedings against perpetrators, even in the absence of formal complains fc5.61. Adopt a national action plan to combat violence against women and a law on domestic violence 5.62. Take further legislative and practical measures to end violence against women, including the phenomenon of bride kidnapping as well as early and forced marriage 5.63. Strengthen the implementation of legislation aimed at the elimination of violence against women and increase funding for assistance to the victims, in particular with regard to domestic violence and bride kidnapping 5.64. Enforce existing criminal laws including ensuring that perpetrators of gender-based violence and bride-kidnapping and abductions are brought to justice qn5.65. Adopt legislation to monitor and eliminate violence against women and girls, including child kidnapping 5.66. Continue the active fight against domestic violence and violence against women, paying a special attention to preventive and prophylactic measures 5.67. Take further steps to address gender based violence, including guaranteeing that the cases of violence are thoroughly investigated and rights to fair trial ensured 5.68. Strengthen mechanisms to detect, investigate and punish cases of gender-based violence and bride kidnapping, train law enforcement officials to deal with such cases, and provide legal and medical support to victims NK5.69. Prosecute perpetrators of gender-based violence and bride-kidnapping KH5.70. Introduce more effective policies to combat child forced marriage @=5.71. Strengthen measures to combat forced or early marriagesli5.72. Strengthen efforts that are in place to put an end early and forced marriages and bride kidnapping a^5.73. Take further measures to combat bridal kidnappings and child, early and forced marriage 5.74. Strengthen the public campaigns and raise awareness regarding the unacceptability of the practice of child, early and forced marriage b_5.75. Continue to take steps to put an end to practices of bride-kidnapping and early marriage 5.76. Ensure full implementation of the law increasing the penalty for bride-kidnapping in order to eliminate violence against women, in particular bride-kidnapping of underage girls, polygamous unions and early marriage of girls OL5.77. Develop a comprehensive strategy to address violence against children `]5.78. Fully prohibit corporal punishment against children in all settings, including at home 5.79. Take all measures necessary to prevent violence against children in all its forms and to put mechanisms in place to protect especially girls who are more vulnerable to sexual abuse and violence da5.80. Further enhance its efforts to effectively prevent and prosecute violence against children JG5.81. Expedite efforts towards prohibition of all forms of child labour5.82. Completely eliminate the practice of child labour and ensure that all children have access to free and compulsory education XU5.83. Continue its efforts directed towards the fight against trafficking in persons 5.84. Strengthen the implementation of programmes aiming at the rehabilitation of victims of trafficking in person, including providing advice, shelter and legal aid and rehabilitation services a^5.85. Launch a campaign to raise public awareness on the issue of human trafficking in person 5.86. Continue working with the ongoing reform on the judicial system to promote compliance by the courts with international standards ?<5.87. Continue to implement judicial reforms in the country a^5.88. Take further steps to ensure, in law and in practice, the independence of the judiciary vs5.89. Continue reforms to ensure full independence of judges and application of fair trial guarantees for everyone 5.90. Ensure the full independence of the judiciary, including the establishment of objective criteria for selecting and dismissing judges and guarantee the respect of a fair trial for everyone }z5.91. Ensure that the justice system functions with independence and in full compliance with relevant international norms 5.92. Take further requisite measures to ensure full independence of the judiciary, which will have a meaningful contribution to their democracy and instil confidence with the people of Kyrgyzstan 5.93. Ensure due process and accountability in the administration of justice, and hold perpetrators of any ill-treatment of prisoners to account 5.94. Strengthen the position and the independence of the Constitutional Court in order to ensure that fundamental freedoms and minority rights, as guaranteed in the Constitution, are fully respected in newly adopted legislation e5.95. Facilitate citizens access to judicial appeal in cases of restrictions of freedom of assembly FC5.96. Continue developing a comprehensive juvenile judicial system 5.97. Commit to ensuring the full and impartial investigation of complaints of many of those arrested in the aftermath of the June 2010 violencesp5.98. Strengthen the investigation and punishment of human rights violations related to the 2010 ethnic conflictwt5.99. Investigate all allegations of torture and sexual violence committed in the context of the June 2010 conflict 5.100. Simplify the procedure for birth registration and ensure that all children born in its territory are registered and provided with birth certificates, irrespective of the availability of their parents identity documents or residence permits 5.101. Take the necessary measures for the proper civil registration of migrant children and birth registration of children of migrants 5.102. Ensure that relevant legislation guarantees the exercise of the rights to freedom of expression and association for all individuals, including human rights defenders and journalists a^5.103. Refrain from adopting legislation that would limit the right to freedom of association =5.104. Ensure that any legislation on NGO s is fully in line with international human rights law, including freedom of expression and freedom of association 5.105. Carefully consider the proposed law on restrictions of the activities of non-governmental organizations to ensure that it does not impede the valuable work they are doing, together with Kyrgyz authorities, to combat human rights abuses and uphold i5.106. Ensure that its legislation protects the rights of everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity, minority status or any other basis, to freedom of expression and assembly, freedom from discrimination and equality before the da5.107. Ensure respect for freedom of expression, freedom of the press and freedom of association KH5.108. Guarantee freedom of assembly and association in line with ICCPR ~5.109. Ensure in law and practice that journalists and other persons can freely exercise their right to freedom of expression 5.110. Ensure that attacks on journalists are promptly investigated and the perpetrators held accountable, as recommended in the 1st cycle 5.111. Guarantee freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly for journalists, activists, human rights defenders and for participants in demonstrations 5.112. Ensure that journalists, human rights defenders and other members of civil society can seek, receive and impart information and carry out their legitimate peaceful activities without hindrance, intimidation, harassment or pressure5.113. Take the necessary measures to ensure that human rights defenders and civil society actors can carry out their legislative work in a safe environment without threats and harassment by state and non-sate actors 5.114. Protect human rights defenders from intimidation and violence and ensure prompt, impartial and thorough investigation of allegations of harassment, torture and ill-treatment of human rights defenders|5.115. Increase the level of political participation and decision making of women and minority groups at Governmental level da5.116. Continue working for the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights in the country 5.117. Continue strengthening the programs carried out for the social protection of all the Kyrgyz people in the fight against poverty and social inequity I5.118. Ensure the integration and effective implementation of strategies on poverty alleviation, social security, gender equality and protection of child s rights KH5.119. Continue to improve socio-economic condition to eradicate poverty5.120. Continue to implement its poverty reduction strategy, to enable its people to better enjoy the right to development, providing the necessary foundation for the enjoyment of the other rights jg5.121. Continue implementing the National Sustainable Development Strategy as a means to fight poverty 5.122. Further develop policies and programmes to alleviate and eradicate poverty with special emphasis on vulnerable groups by taking forward initiatives such as the National Action plan and Programme against Corruption 5.123. Continue its exceptional efforts in combatting poverty and developing the education system, and in addition, continue to enhance its efforts related to preserving the environment 5.124. Develop efforts to formulate a national strategy to ensure the full realization of the right to adequate housing, that incorporates social housing and also the reconstruction of the housing areas destroyed during the violence of June 2010 5.125. Improve reproductive health education and access to adequate health care and treatment for the HIV positive mothers to prevent the mother to child transmission EB5.126. Increases investment in and maintain school infrastructure sp5.127. Provide inclusive education for children with disabilities and include human rights education in schools \Y5.128. Allocate enough resources for education in order to ensure the right of education \Y5.129. Implement strategies to promote better access to education of girls at all levels 5.130. Implement the series of measures to ensure the rights of and improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities for 2014-2017 5.131. Continue the initiatives for the promotion of tolerance and diversity with the aim of the protection of the rights of national and ethnic minorities of the country 5.132. Continue its efforts in giving due attention to the inter-ethnic issues including by ensuring effective implementation of its Policy Framework on Strengthening National Unity and Inter-Ethnic Relations ~5.133. Continue the efforts in the framework of the inter-ethnic policy and the protection of the rights of ethnic minorities 5.134. Continue to make progress towards the full recognition of ethnic and cultural diversity that characterizes the Kyrgyz people 5.135. Intensify the work related to inter-ethnic reconciliation, with special attention to the integration of ethnic minorities into public service and law enforcement bodieshe5.136. Actively combat all indications of interethnic strife, and national and religious intolerance ur5.137. Adopt additional measures to protect religious, cultural and ethnic minorities subjected to discrimination 5.138. Adopt norms and procedures to ensure the implementation of the principle of non-refoulement as established by the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees fc5.139. Strengthen its judicial system in order to ensure that most citizens have access to justice 7.1. Ratify CRPD-*7.3. Accelerate its efforts to ratify CRPD2/7.4. Complete the ratification process for CRPD747.5. Take the necessary steps towards ratifying CRPDIF7.6. Speed up the process for ratifying CRPD and its Optional Protocol7.12. That any changes in legislation uphold fundamental freedoms and ensure non-discrimination, including on the basis of religion or sexual orientatin~7.17. Establish an intra-state reporting mechanism on violence against women and provide its victims with appropriate servicesxu7.18. Review the Law on Religion in order to guarantee freedom of religion in compliance with international standards7.24. Conform the recently adopted amendments to the Criminal Code to international human rights standards, promptly investigate attacks on journalists and human rights defenders and hold accountable its perpetrators 7.28. Cease harassment and discrimination by police of members of ethnic minorities and peaceful religious adherents under the pretext of combatting violent extremism, and grant registration to peaceful religious groups6. The Committee stresses the crucial role of the legislative power in ensuring the full implementation of the Convention. It invites the Zhogorku Kenesh to take the necessary steps regarding the implementation of the present concluding observations betwe8. (a) Ensure that the Convention, its Optional Protocol, and the Committee s General Recommendations are sufficiently known and applied by all branches of government, including the judiciary, as a framework for laws, court decisions and policies on gende8. (b) Enhance women s awareness of their rights and the remedies available to them to claim violations of their rights under the Convention, and ensure that information on the Convention, its Optional Protocol and the Committee s general recommendations QN10. (a) Ensure that the discriminatory draft law No. 6-11804/14 is not adoptedzw10. (b) Adopt comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation which prohibits discrimination against women on all grounds12. (a) Take steps to accord greater visibility, increased capacity and authority to all the components of the national machinery for the advancement of women by upgrading its status, clarifying its mandate and ensuring the provision of sufficient and sus12. (b) Develop a gender mainstreaming strategy which includes gender responsive budgeting, and which can be applied in the formulation of all policies and programmes to address various aspects of women s lives14. (a) Familiarize all relevant State officials and policy-makers with the concept of temporary special measures, adopt and implement temporary special measures, including time-bound goals and quotas, directed towards the achievement of de facto or subst14. (b) Address the root causes of the weak implementation of the existing temporary special measures and introduce in its legislation provisions to encourage the use of temporary special measures in both the public and private sectors16. (a) Put in place, without delay, a comprehensive strategy with proactive and sustained measures, targeting women and men at all levels of society, including religious leaders, to eliminate stereotypes and patriarchal attitudes concerning the roles and16. (b) Expand public education programmes on the criminal nature and adverse effects on women of harmful practices such as child marriage and bride kidnapping, in particular in rural and remote areas16. (c) Use innovative measures targeting the media to strengthen understanding of substantive equality of women and men and use the education system to enhance positive and non-stereotypical portrayals of women; ol16. (d) To monitor and review the measures taken so as to assess their impact and to take appropriate action18. (a) Put in place comprehensive measures to prevent and address violence against women and girls, and ensure that women and girls who are victims of violence have access to immediate means of redress and protection and that perpetrators are prosecuted 18. (b) Provide mandatory training for judges, prosecutors, the police and other law enforcement officials on the strict application of criminal law provisions dealing with violence against women and on gender-sensitive procedures to deal with women victi18. (c) Encourage women to report incidents of domestic and sexual violence to the law enforcement bodies and not to aksakals courts by de-stigmatizing victims and sensitizing the police and raising awareness about the criminal nature of such acts;18. (d) Provide adequate assistance and protection to women victims of violence by establishing shelters, including in rural areas, and enhancing its cooperation with non-governmental organizations providing shelter and rehabilitation to victims;18. (e) Collect statistical data on domestic and sexual violence disaggregated by sex, age, nationality and relationship between the victim and the perpetrator20. (a) Conduct research on the extent of the practice of abduction of girls for purposes of forced marriage and develop a comprehensive strategy to address this practice to ensure the effective investigation, prosecution and conviction of perpetrators as20. (b) Strengthen the efficiency of law enforcement agencies to ensure that they protect women and girls from violence and bride kidnapping, and adopt standardized procedures for the police in all regions of the State party on gender-sensitive investigat_20. (c) Provide systematic training on the criminal nature of bride kidnapping and its adverse effects on women s rights to judges, law enforcement officers and medical staffyv20. (d) Ensure that women victims of bride kidnapping may report cases without having to fear retribution or stigma; 20. (e) Address the traditional cultural attitudes and underlying causes of bride kidnapping, including through education and awareness-raising campaigns for the general public22. (a) Establish a coordinating body responsible for the implementation of programmes and actions plans to combat trafficking in human beings as well as for the coordination of relevant state structures22. (b) Conduct comparative studies on trafficking and exploitation of prostitution, including by collecting data, disaggregated by sex, ethnicity and age, to identify and address the root causes of trafficking and include such data in its next periodic r22. (c) Establish an oversight mechanism allowing the monitoring of violence against women involved in prostitution by the police, and stop illegal forced testing for HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases of women involved in prostitution which22. (d) Adopt a comprehensive approach to address the phenomenon of prostitution, provide specific shelters and crisis centres, exit and reintegration programmes, as well as alternative income generating opportunities, for women who wish to leave prostitu24. (a) Take measures to increase the participation of women in political and public life at all levels, including by adopting temporary special measures, such as statutory quotas, in accordance with article 4 (1) of the Convention and the Committee s Gen24. (b) Build capacity of and enhance access to campaign financing for women politicians to enable them to compete effectively with their male counterparts; 24. (c) Conduct awareness raising activities for politicians, community leaders, journalists and the general public on the importance of women s participation in decision-making in order to enhance the understanding that full, equal, free and democratic p26. (a) Give priority to eliminating negative stereotypes and structural barriers to enrolment of girls in non-traditional fields of education at the secondary and tertiary levels, and provide career counselling for girls on non-traditional career paths szw26. (b) Intensify its efforts in reviewing school textbooks and curricula to eliminate any stereotyped roles of women; wt26. (c) Provide in its next periodic report updated disaggregated data on the educational choices of women and girls28. (a) Intensify its efforts to create an enabling environment for women to become economically more independent, including by sensitizing employers in the public and private sectors on the prohibition of discrimination against women in employment, and ijg28. (b) Adopt comprehensive legislation to combat discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace28. (c) Adopt and effectively apply legislation guaranteeing equal pay for work of equal value in order to narrow and close the gender wage gap, and regularly review wages in sectors where women are concentrated; 28. (d) Consider introducing basic rights and the right to maternity leave in the informal sector and ratifying the International Labour Organization Convention No. 189 (2011) concerning Decent Work for Domestic Workers30. (a) Strengthen the programme for the reduction of maternal, new-born and child mortality, and ensure the effective implementation and adequate funding of relevant state programmes, as well as access to health-care facilities and trained medical personxu30. (b) Increase access for all women and girls, in particular rural women and girls, to basic health care services; 30. (c) Widely promote age appropriate education on sexual and reproductive health and rights; and increase access to affordable and safe modern contraceptives and information on family planning for women and men and girls and boys throughout the State pa32. (a) To formulate and implement specific measures to combat poverty among rural women, including effective measures to ensure rural women s access to justice, education, housing, safe drinking water, sanitation, formal employment, skills development a32. (b) To ensure the participation of rural women in decision-making processes at the community level on an equal basis with men.34. (a) Adopt measures, including temporary special measures within the meaning of article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention and the Committee s General Recommendation No. 25 (2004) on temporary special measures, to ensure equal rights and opportunities f34. (b) Ensure access to sustainable, non-discriminatory and non-prejudiced services, such as shelters, sexual and reproductive health services, legal aid and counselling, employment, for all women, in particular women facing intersecting forms of discrim34. (c) Adopt necessary legislative measures, as well as targeted policies to address multiple forms of discrimination and promote the integration into society of disadvantaged and marginalized groups of women facing intersecting forms of discrimination34. (d) Finalize and adopt an expeditious, transparent and accessible official procedure of gender marker change in identity documents of transgender women who wish to obtain legal recognition of their gender36. (a) Expedite the adoption of the amendment to the Act on Religious Belief and Practice so that religious marriages can be administrated only after formal marriages have taken place, so as to ensure the registration of all marriages, in line with the S36. (b) Adopt all necessary legislative means to protect the rights of women upon dissolution of such religious or customary marriages regardless of their registration status, in line with the Committee s General Recommendation No. 29 (2013) on the econom36. (c) Take proactive measures to combat child and forced marriages, in accordance with the joint General Recommendation/General Comment No.31 of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and No.18 of the Committee on the Rights of38. The Committee calls upon the State party to develop a gender indicator system to improve the collection of data disaggregated by sex and other relevant factors necessary to assess the impact and effectiveness of policies and programmes aimed at mainst39. The Committee encourages the State party to accept, as soon as possible, the amendment to article 20, paragraph 1, of the Convention concerning the meeting time of the Committee40. The Committee calls upon the State party to utilize the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, in its efforts to implement the provisions of the Convention41. The Committee calls for the integration of a gender perspective, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, into all efforts aimed at the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and into the post-2015 development framework42.The Committee recalls the obligation of the State party to systematically and continuously implement the provisions of the Convention. It urges the State party to give priority attention to the implementation of the present concluding observations and 43. The Committee notes that the adherence of the State party to the nine major international human rights instruments would enhance the enjoyment by women of their human rights and fundamental freedoms in all aspects of life. The Committee therefore enco44. The Committee requests the State party to provide, within two years, written information on the steps undertaken to implement the recommendations contained in paragraphs 22 (c) and 28 (b) and (d) above^[45. The Committee invites the State party to submit its fifth periodic report in March 201946. The Committee requests the State party to follow the  Harmonized guidelines on reporting under the international human rights treaties, including guidelines on a common core document and treaty-specific documents (HRI/MC/2006/3 and Corr.1)6. As a matter of urgency, the State party should take immediate and effective measures to prevent acts of torture and ill-treatment throughout the country, including by implementing policies that would eliminate impunity for perpetrators of torture and i6. (a) Publicly and unambiguously condemn the use of all forms of torture, warning that any person ordering, committing, instigating, acquiescing to or acting as an accomplice to such acts shall be criminally prosecuted and punished6. (b) Establish an independent and effective mechanism to facilitate the submission of complaints by victims of torture and ill-treatment to public authorities; and ensure that complaint mechanisms are available and that complainants are protected in pra6. (c) Ensure that all health professionals who encounter signs of torture and ill-treatment are under a legal obligation to document such abuses, in line with the Manual on Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or 6. (d) Ensure that investigations into allegations of torture are not undertaken by or under the authority of the police, but by an independent body, that preliminary enquiries into complaints of torture are undertaken and concluded promptly upon receipt 7. As a matter of urgency, the State party should: (a) undertake a full, effective and independent investigation into the claims of torture made by Azimjan Askarov; (b) ensure that Azimjan Askarov receives adequate medical care; and (c) review the grounds8. The State party should take effective measures to ensure that all allegations of torture or ill-treatment, related to the June 2010 violence, by security or law enforcement officials are fully and impartially investigated, and that the officials respon8. (a) A thorough and impartial review of 995 criminal cases related to the June 2010 violence is conducted, and, when appropriate, proceedings are reopened in cases in which torture allegations have not been fully investigated or in which serious violati8. (b) Security or law enforcement officials found responsible are subjected to disciplinary and/or criminal penalties for torture and ill-treatment; and8. (c) Allegations of any public official s infliction of, ordering of, or acquiescence to torture or ill-treatment against ethnic Uzbeks is fully and effectively investigated and, as appropriate, prosecuted9. (a) All persons deprived of liberty are afforded, in law and in practice, all fundamental legal safeguards from the very outset of their deprivation of liberty, including the rights to prompt access to a lawyer of their choice, to request a medical exa9. (b) All persons deprived of their liberty have prompt access to assistance from independent lawyers, and can communicate privately with them9. (c) All detainees, including minors, are included in a central register of persons deprived of liberty, in which relevant information about fundamental safeguards is immediately recorded, and which can be accessed by the lawyers and family members of t10. The State party should continue its efforts to bring its domestic law into accordance with the Convention, inter alia by ensuring that the definition of torture in article 305(1) of the Criminal Code covers all the elements contained in article 1 of t11. The State party should take necessary measures to ensure de facto applicability of the provisions of the Convention in its domestic legal order, inter alia by training the judiciary and law enforcement personnel on the provisions of the Convention12. The State party should strengthen the independence and impartiality of the judiciary for the performance of its duties in accordance with international standards, notably the Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary, inter alia by guarant13.(a) Adopt legislation explicitly prohibiting the use of evidence obtained through torture, in line with article 15 of the Convention, and ensure its implementation13. (b) Ensure that judges and prosecutors initiate investigations and take other appropriate remedial measures ex officio whenever a criminal defendant or his or her lawyer presents reasonable grounds to believe that a confession has been obtained throug13. (c) Ensure that the findings of independent forensic medical examinations of criminal defendants who allege that they were tortured are considered admissible as evidence in court proceedings and given evidentiary weight equivalent to that given to the14. The State party should bring the Office of the Ombudsman into compliance with the Paris Principles, inter alia by ensuring its independence and providing adequate resources for its operation15. The State should ensure that: (a) the National Centre for the Prevention of Torture has the necessary financial, human and material resources to fulfil its mandate independently and effectively; and (b) all persons involved in the administration of pl16. (a) Ensure that human rights defenders and independent lawyers are protected from intimidation or violence as a result of their activities16. (b) Ensure the prompt, impartial and thorough investigation of all allegations of harassment, torture or ill-treatment of human rights defenders, including Askarov, Tomina, and Usmanov, and prosecute and punish the perpetrators with appropriate penalt16. (c) Consider accepting the request for a visit by the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders (A/HRC/22/47/Add.4, para. 250)16. (d) Refrain from enacting legislation that would impede the ability of human rights defenders to conduct their activities in line with the provisions of the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Pr17. (a) Promptly, thoroughly and impartially investigate all incidents of death in custody; and prosecute those responsible for acts of torture, ill-treatment or wilful negligence and punish them with appropriate penalties17. (b) Ensure independent forensic examinations in all cases of death in custody; permit family members of the deceased to commission independent autopsies; and ensure that the State party s courts accept the results of such independent autopsies as evid18. (a) Effectively combat violence against women, inter alia by promptly investigating complaints related to such violence, including domestic violence and bride-kidnapping, and institute criminal proceedings against perpetrators and those aiding and abero18. (b) Protect victims of domestic violence, including by establishing appropriate shelters across the country`]18. (c) Step up its awareness-raising campaigns to sensitize the population to these problems19. The State party should ensure prompt, impartial, and thorough investigations of all allegations of ill-treatment and torture committed by police and detention officials against LGBT persons or others on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender 20. The State party should intensify efforts to improve the conditions of detention in places of deprivation of liberty, including detention facilities for inmates serving life terms, bringing them into line with international standards, inter alia the St21. The State party should explicitly prohibit corporal punishment of children in all settings, including at home and in institutions and alternative care settings, and ensure awareness-raising and public education measures22. Noting the Committee s general comment no. 3 (2012) on implementation of article 14 by States parties, the State party should ensure de jure and de facto access to timely and effective redress for all victims of torture and ill-treatment22. (a) Adopting and implementing legislation and policies explicitly providing for the right to remedy and reparation for victims of torture and ill-treatment22. (b) Ensuring that effective rehabilitation services and programmes are established in the State that are accessible to all victims without discrimination, and are not dependent upon the victim pursuing judicial remedies22. (c) Taking necessary measures to protect the safety and personal integrity of victims and their families seeking compensation or rehabilitation servicesro22. (d) Complying with the Views of the Human Rights Committee relating to rights to remedy for torture victims23. The State party should take all necessary measures to ensure the principle of non-refoulement, inter alia by bringing its current procedures and practices into line with article 3 of the Convention; and to ensure adequate judicial mechanisms for the r24. (a) Reinforce training programmes on the absolute prohibition of torture and the State party s obligations under the Convention, taking a gender-sensitive approach, for all personnel involved in custody, detention, interrogation and treatment of detai24. (b) Provide all relevant personnel, especially medical personnel, with training on how to identify signs of torture and ill-treatment and how to use the Istanbul Protocol25. The State party should compile and provide to the Committee statistical data relevant to the monitoring of the implementation of the Convention at the national level, including the type of bodies engaged in such monitoring, disaggregated, inter alia, }26. The Committee recommends that the State party consider making the declarations under articles 21 and 22 of the Convention27. The Committee invites the State party to ratify United Nations human rights treaties to which it is not yet a party, particularly the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance and the Convention on the Righ28. The State party is requested to disseminate widely the report submitted to the Committee and the Committee s concluding observations, in appropriate languages, through official websites, the media and non-governmental organizations29. The Committee requests the State party to provide, by 23 November 2014, follow-up information in response to the Committee s recommendations related to (a) ensuring the respect of fundamental legal safeguards; (b) conducting prompt, impartial and effe30. The State party is invited to submit its next report, which will be the third periodic report, by 23 November 2017. For that purpose, the Committee will, in due course, submit to the State party a list of issues prior to reporting, considering that th5. The Committee recommends that the State party, as a matter of urgency, take effective measures to address the fundamental problems and the root causes that constitute an obstacle to the peaceful coexistence between different ethnic groups living in its5. (a) Pursue its initiatives and reforms aimed at building a democratic society in which all ethnic groups will be involved, respected and enjoy full rightsda5. (b) Address socio-economic disparities between ethnic groups and between rural and urban areasjg5. (c) Take urgent measures to increase the participation of minorities in political and public affairs5. (d) Consider adopting a special law on the rights of persons belonging to minority groups and establishing an institution with a special mandate to address racial discrimination issues5. (e) Redouble its efforts to collect weapons still held by the population, in particular in the Osh and Jalal Abad regions, bearing in mind the need to build trust between the majority and other ethnic groups6. (a) Initiate or set up a mechanism to review all cases of persons condemned in connection with the June 2010 events, from the point of view of respecting all necessary guarantees for a fair trial6. (b) Investigate, prosecute and condemn, as appropriate, all persons responsible for human rights violations during the June 2010 events, irrespective of their ethnic origin and their statusur6. (c) Provide compensation to those who were victims of miscarriage of justice, regardless of their ethnic origin6. (d) Pursue the reform of the judicial system and the security and police forces, having in mind the necessity to ensure the reconciliation between different ethnic groups and to build trust of the population in the judicial system6. (e) Review the case of Askharov, respecting all requirements for a fair trial and avoid any threats against human rights defenders, irrespective of their ethnic origin7. (a) Register and document all cases of torture, ill-treatment and violence against women from minority groups, including rape?<7. (b) Conduct prompt, thorough and impartial investigationsUR7. (c) Prosecute and punish those responsible, including police or security forces'$7. (d) Provide reparation to victimsZW7. (e) Take all necessary measures to prevent the occurrence of such acts in the future7. With regard to violence against women from minority groups, the Committee, recalling its general recommendation No. 25 (2000) on gender-related dimensions of racial discrimination, recommends that the State party adopt and implement without further del8. (a) Investigate and review all cases of persons who were arbitrarily dismissed from their positions in the administration or local governments on ethnic grounds, and as appropriate, reinstate them8. (b) Investigate and review cases of forced evictions of minority groups of their enterprises and provide them, as appropriate, with restitution or compensation8. (c) Continue to provide assistance to those who have lost their income-related activities due to the June 2010 ethnic conflict, irrespective of their ethnic origin9. Recalling its general recommendation No. 32 (2009) on the meaning and scope of special measures in the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and in line with its previous recommendation (CERD/C/KGZ/CO//4/, pa10. The Committee encourages the State party to take all measures aimed at addressing socio-economic disparities between different ethnic communities and between rural and urban areas, and at promoting equal enjoyment by all of economic, social and cultur11. The Committee encourages the State party to pursue its efforts to provide full assistance to internally displaced persons who returned to their places of origin in Osh and Jalal Abad regions and to ensure their full reintegration, in particular with r12. The Committee encourages the State party to strengthen its efforts to promote education in minority languages for children belonging to minority ethnic groups in particular in the regions of Osh and Jalal-Abad. The Committee also recommends that the S13.The Committee encourages the State party to take appropriate measures to ensure that minority groups, in particular Uzbeks, can disseminate and have access to information in their own languages. In that vein, the Committee recommends that the State par13. The Committee also recommends that the State party provide training to journalists in human rights, including on the prohibition of incitement to racial discrimination14. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts, including through education, culture, awareness-raising campaigns, to combat racial stereotypes, discriminatory attitudes, nationalistic discourse including in media, with a view to15. The Committee recommends that the State party include in its legislation a general provision on the prohibition of racial discrimination which is in line with article 1 of the Convention.16. Recalling its general recommendations Nos. 1 (1972), 7 (1985) and 15 (1993), according to which the provisions of article 4 of the Convention are of a preventive and obligatory nature, the Committee recommends that the State party amend its legislatio17. The Committee recommends that the State party continue its efforts to grant Kyrgyz citizenship to stateless persons including, through its National Action Plan to Prevent and Reduce Statelessness updated in December 2012. It also recommends that the S18. The Committee recommends that the State party strongly condemn the discriminatory statements and hate speech by politicians and media. The Committee particularly recommends that the State party take appropriate measures to investigate, prosecute and p19. The Committee recalls that the absence of complaints or legal proceedings brought by victims of racial discrimination can be indicative of legislation that is insufficiently specific, a lack of awareness of available remedies, fear of social censure o19. The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary steps to facilitate the access of the persons belonging to all ethnic groups to justice, to disseminate legislation relating to racial discrimination to inform the population of all the 20. The Committee recommends that the State party redouble its efforts to ensure that law enforcement officers receive training in human rights and in particular with regard to the provisions of the Convention20. The State party should also include human rights education in school curricula and conduct awareness-raising campaigns on human rights, including on racial discrimination21. The Committee recommends that the State party bring the institution of the Ombudsman into compliance with the Paris principles or establish a national human rights institution in a manner that is fully consistent with the Paris Principles22. Bearing in mind the indivisibility of all human rights, the Committee encourages the State party to consider ratifying those international human rights treaties which it has not yet ratified, in particular treaties the provisions of which have a direc23. In light of its general recommendation No. 33 (2009) on follow-up to the Durban Review Conference, the Committee recommends that the State party give effect to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, adopted in September 2001 by the World Conf24. The Committee recommends that the State party continue consulting and expanding its dialogue with organizations of civil society working in the area of human rights protection, in particular in combating racial discrimination, in connection with the p}z25. The Committee encourages the State party to make the optional declaration provided for in article 14 of the Convention26. The Committee recommends that the State party ratify the amendment to article 8, paragraph 6, of the Convention, adopted on 15 January 1992 at the fourteenth meeting of States parties to the Convention and endorsed by the General Assembly in its resol27. The Committee recommends that the State party s reports be made readily available and accessible to the public at the time of their submission, and that the observations of the Committee with respect to these reports be similarly publicized in the off28. Noting that the State party has submitted its core document in 2008 (HRI/CORE/KGZ/2008), the Committee, bearing in mind the adoption of a new Constitution in 2010 and the renewal of legislation following it, encourages the State party to submit an upd29. In accordance with article 9, paragraph 1, of the Convention and rule 65 of its amended rules of procedure, the Committee requests the State party to provide information, within one year of the adoption of the present concluding observations, on its f30. The Committee also wishes to draw the attention of the State party to the particular importance of the recommendations in paragraphs 7, 8, 12 and 13 above, and requests the State party to provide detailed information in its next periodic report on con31. The Committee recommends that the State party submit its combined eighth to tenth periodic reports by 4 October 2016, taking into account the specific reporting guidelines adopted by the Committee during its seventy-first session (CERD/C/2007/1), and 5. The State party should take appropriate measures to raise awareness among judges, lawyers and prosecutors about the Covenant and the direct applicability of its provisions in domestic law, so as to ensure that they are taken into account before domesti6. The State party should take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the Views adopted by the Committee in relation to the State party. The Human Rights Coordination Council should also be mandated with monitoring the implementation 7. The State party should expeditiously bring the mandate of the Ombudsman (Akyikatchy) into full compliance with the Paris Principles and provide it with the necessary financial and human resources to ensure that it can effectively and independently impl8. The State party should review its domestic legislation and bring it into line with the principle of non-discrimination to ensure that it includes a comprehensive prohibition of discrimination on all the grounds set out in the Covenant. The State party 9. The State party should ensure that violence against LGBT persons is thoroughly investigated, that perpetrators are prosecuted, and if convicted, punished with appropriate sanctions, and that the victims are adequately compensated and protected against 10. The State party should ensure that its legislation on states of emergency and application thereof are fully compatible with the provisions of article 4 of the Covenant11. The State party should adopt a comprehensive approach to prevent and address all forms of violence against women, including bride kidnapping, spousal rape and domestic violence11. (a) Reinforce training of police on preventing and combating violence against women, especially bride kidnapping, spousal rape and other acts of domestic violence11. (b) Guarantee that cases of violence against women are thoroughly investigated, that the perpetrators are brought to justice and, if convicted, punished with commensurate sanctions, and that victims are adequately compensatedZW11. (c) Ensure the availability of a sufficient number of adequately resourced sheltersli11. (d) Launch awareness-raising campaigns among men and women on the adverse impact of violence on women12. The State party should continue its efforts to prevent and eradicate trafficking in persons, including by effectively implementing the relevant legislation and harmonizing the child adoption legislation with the requirements of international law. It s13. The State party should ensure, as a matter of urgency that its anti-terrorism legislation and its application thereof, especially the use of force, is in conformity with the provisions of the Covenant, particularly with respect to the right to lifei13. The State party should promptly investigate allegations of excessive use of force by the special services, prosecute perpetrators and provide compensation to victims families14. The State party should take effective measures to ensure that all alleged human rights violations related to the 2010 ethnic conflict are fully and impartially investigated, that those responsible are prosecuted, and that victims are compensated witho14. The State party should urgently strengthen its efforts to address the root causes of obstacles to the peaceful coexistence between different ethnic groups on its territory and to promote ethnic tolerance and mutual trust15. The State party should urgently strengthen its efforts to take measures to prevent acts of torture and ill-treatment and ensure prompt and impartial investigation of complaints of torture or ill-treatment, including the case of Azimjan Askarov; initia15. The State party should also expedite operationalization of the National Centre for the Prevention of Torture through providing the necessary resources to enable it to fulfil its mandate independently and effectively16. The State party should ensure registration of all detainees immediately following their apprehension in the central register, a medical examination and access to a lawyer of their choice as well as access to medical assistance17. The State party should strengthen its efforts to improve conditions of detention to bring them into line with the provisions of article 10 of the Covenant18. The State party should pursue judicial reforms to ensure a fully independent and impartial judiciary, including the establishment of objective and transparent criteria for the selection and dismissal of judges in accordance with international standard19. The State party should ensure that the Elders courts function in full compliance with provisions of the Covenant, in particular the safeguard of fair trial guarantees and non-discrimination, and that their members are provided with training on the ri~20. The State party should without further delay remove the power to exercise jurisdiction over civilians from military courts21. The State party should take practical steps, including through legislative measures, where appropriate, to put an end to corporal punishment in all settings. It should encourage non-violent forms of discipline as alternatives to corporal punishment, a22. The State party should ensure that the legislative amendments to the 2008 Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic remove all restrictions that are incompatible with article 18 of the Covenant, by providing for a23. The State party should ensure that amendments to the Law on Universal Conscription of Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, on Military and Alternative Service provide for conscientious objections in a manner consistent with articles 18 and 26 of the Coven24. The State party should ensure that journalists, human rights defenders and other individuals are able to freely exercise their right to freedom of expression, in accordance with article 19 of the Covenant and the Committee s general comment no. 34 (2024. Furthermore, the State party should ensure that threats, intimidation and violence against human rights defenders and journalists are investigated, that perpetrators are prosecuted and punished, if convicted, and that victims are provided with compens25. The State party should ensure freedom of association, in accordance with article 22 of the Covenant, and refrain from imposing disproportionate or discriminatory restrictions on the freedom of association26. The State party should ensure that every child is registered immediately after birth, and take measures, including awareness-raising, to facilitate the registration process with regard to children of parents who may have particular difficulties provid27. The State party should strengthen its efforts to ensure representation of minorities in political and public bodies at all levels, including the judiciary and law enforcement, to facilitate education in minority languages for children belonging to min28. The State party should widely disseminate the Covenant, the two Optional Protocols to the Covenant, the text of its second periodic report, the written replies to the list of issues drawn up by the Committee, and the present concluding observations am28. The Committee also suggests that the report and the concluding observations be translated into the other official language of the State party (art. 2).29. In accordance with rule 71, paragraph 5, of the Committee s rules of procedure, the State party should provide, within one year, relevant information on its implementation of the Committee s recommendations made in paragraphs 14, 15 and 24 above30. The Committee requests the State party to provide in its next periodic report, due to be submitted on 28 March 2018, specific, up-to-date information on all its recommendations and on the Covenant as a whole30. The Committee also requests the State party, when preparing its next periodic report, to broadly consult with civil society and non-governmental organizations operating in the country7. (a) Establish a comprehensive policy with a view to strengthening its efforts to ensure that the provisions and principles of the Convention are widely known and understood by adults and children alike, and reinforce adequate and systematic training of7. (b) Develop a comprehensive system for collecting disaggregated data covering all those under the age of 18 years; that data can be used as a basis for assessing progress achieved in the realization of children s rights and to help design policies to i7. (c) Strengthen the role of the Office of the Ombudsman, in particular the Deputy Ombudsman for Children, in accordance with the principles relating to the status of national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights (the Paris Princ7. (d) Involve non-governmental organizations, especially rights-based ones, and other sectors of civil society working with and for children more systematically throughout all stages of the implementation of the Convention7. (e) Undertake measures to ensure that children s views are given due consideration in schools, courts, within the family and during relevant administrative processes concerning children through, inter alia, adoption of appropriate legislation, training9. The Committee urges the State party to continue its efforts to bring its legislation into line with the Convention and ensure that such laws are fully and effectively implemented. It recommends that the State party provide information on the evaluation11. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that its programmes, plans and strategies are effectively implemented and include practical measures that clearly indicate the roles and responsibilities of relevant bodies at national, regional and13. The Committee recommends that the State party take the necessary measures to provide its coordinating mechanism with sufficient authority and adequate human, technical and financial resources to ensure effective coordination of activities on children 15. The Committee recommends that the State Party (a) Earmark sufficient budget resources specifically targeted at the implementation of the rights of children15. The Committee recommends that the State Party (b) Establish an effective system for tracking, monitoring and evaluating the allocation and use of resources for children by all relevant sectors throughout the budget, thus making investment benefiting 17. The Committee recommends that the State party take measures to harmonize its legislation and policies in relation to its definition of a child in order to ensure that all children below the age of 18 years are afforded the same rights and entitlements19. The Committee urges the State party to take urgent measures to prevent discrimination against children in marginalized and disadvantaged situations, such as children belonging to minority groups, including Lyuli children, children in care institutions19. The Committee also recommends that the State party include information in its next periodic report on measures and programmes relevant to the Convention and undertaken by the State party in follow-up to the Declaration and Programme of Action adopted 21.The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to ensure that the right is appropriately integrated and consistently applied in all legislative, administrative and judicial proceedings, as well as in all policies, programmes and p23. The Committee recommends that the State party establish mechanisms to provide rapid response to protect children in case of conflict and provide prompt, impartial and effective investigation into the killings, including of children, during the June 2025. The Committee urges the State party to ensure that all children born in its territory are registered and provided with standard birth certificates immediately without any undue barriers, irrespective of the availability of their parents identity docu27. The Committee recommends that the State party amend its Citizenship Act and establish safeguards to prevent children born and living in its territory from becoming stateless. It also recommends that the State party ratify the Convention relating to th29. (a) Launch prompt and effective independent investigations into all allegations of torture and ill-treatment against children in detention facilities and closed institutions and during investigations, in particular in relation to the Nookat case, and pm29. (b) Ensure care, recovery, compensation and rehabilitation for child victims of torture and ill-treatment29. (c) Prevent incidents of torture and ill-treatment by independent monitoring and unannounced visits to places of detention and closed institutions and by undertaking comprehensive training programmes for security and police personnel29. (d) Establish an effective complaint and data collection system for complaints of torture or other forms of ill-treatment of children deprived of their libertyi31. (a) Take all necessary measures to prevent the abuse of children by raising the awareness of the public on the negative impacts of such abuse on child s health and development31. (b) Investigate and prosecute those responsible for child abuse in families, alternative care settings and schools and ensure that victims of abuse have access to complaints procedures, counselling, medical care and other recovery assistance as approp31. (c) Establish temporary foster families and crisis centres for such children and a mechanism for referring children to them, as well as allocate sufficient resources in order to provide children with the necessary medical, psychological and social sup33. In the light of its general comment No. 8 (2008) on the right of the child to protection from corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment, the Committee urges the State party to prohibit in law the use of all forms of corporal34. Recalling the recommendations of the United Nations study on violence against children of 2006 (A/61/299), the Committee recommends that the State party prioritize the elimination of all forms of violence against children. The Committee further recommro34. (a) Develop a comprehensive national strategy to prevent and address all forms of violence against childrenda34. (b) Adopt a national coordinating framework to address all forms of violence against childrenSP34. (c) Pay particular attention to and address the gender dimension of violence34. (d) Cooperate with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on violence against children and other relevant United Nations institutions36. (a) Prevent the sexual abuse and exploitation of children by ensuring effective pursuit of perpetrators and commensurate sanctions for perpetrators of child sexual exploitation and abuse within its jurisdiction and throughout its territory36. (b) Raise awareness and encourage the public and children to report cases of sexual violence and exploitation against children, especially in educational and medical facilitiesqn36. (c) Establish effective mechanisms to identify, detect and protect children who are victims of such crimes36 (d) Ensure that law enforcement officials pay particular attention to crimes against children and be punished for inaction in registering and investigating any crimes against children as well as for the mishandling of cases36. (e) Provide children of all ages with the possibility of applying for the protection of the authorities directly, without the involvement of their parents or legal guardians38. The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure that all incidents of  bride-kidnapping are promptly, impartially and effectively investigated, that all those responsible for such abuses are held accountable, prose38. It also recommends that the State party prevent early marriages of girls by developing and undertaking comprehensive awareness-raising programmes on the negative implications of early marriage for the girl child s rights to health, education and devel40. The Committee recommends that the State party provide counselling and financial support to families with children in order to prevent children being separated from their parents. The Committee also recommends that the State party provide grandparents 42. (a) Strengthen and enforce the deinstitutionalization process, by improving support to families and ensuring that placement in institutional care is used only as a last resortKH42. (b) Increase and provide incentives for family-type alternative care}z42. (c) Ensure and monitor that children in care institutions are provided with quality nutrition sufficient for their age42. (d) Ensure that children in care institutions receive timely medical services of adequate quality, including preventive treatment, by qualified medical professionals~{42. (e) Provide children in care institutions with free and regular dental care, including dental prosthetics, if necessary]Z42. (f) Improve and monitor living, sanitation and hygiene conditions in care institutions42. (g) Ensure the systematic, frequent and effective monitoring and control of the situation of children residing in care institutions, including private care institutions, and in family-type alternative care{x42. (h) Provide children in alternative care settings with access to an independent and confidential complaint mechanism42. (i) Provide children leaving care institutions with the necessary support, including accommodation, employment or further education44. The Committee recommends that the State party speed up the process of accession to the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption of 199344. It also recommends that the State party establish effective mechanisms aimed at facilitating the adoption process by removing unnecessary barriers, while at the same time ensuring proper screening of families by whom children are to be adopted44. In particular, it urges the State party to investigate all cases of corruption in the adoption process and ensure that all persons responsible are prosecuted and punished accordingly46. In the light of its general comment No. 9 (2006) on the rights of children with disabilities, the Committee urges the State party to ensure the conformity of its legislation, policies and practices with, inter alia, articles 23 and 27 of the Conventio46. (a) Develop a policy on deinstitutionalization and prevent excessive institutionalization of children with disabilities by providing all the necessary support to families with children with disabilities and ensure sufficient alternative family and com46. (b) Raise the awareness of the public, in particular children, about the rights of children with disabilities and take measures for their successful integration into society46. (c) Ensure that social benefits for families with children with disabilities are sufficient to cover the basic needs of such children46. (d) Provide inclusive education for children with disabilities by training teachers, providing schools with necessary equipment and raising the awareness of school personnel, children and the public in general of the rights of children with disabilit46. (e) Ensure prompt and effective investigation into cases of deaths of children with disabilities in care institutions and establish an independent monitoring of care institutions, in particular of the health-care services provided to children in such qn46. (f) Ensure that all children with mental disabilities are provided with appropriate stimulating activities48. In the light of its general comment No. 15 (2013) on the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, the Committee recommends that the State party take measures to ensure that all children up to the age of 18 year48. It recommends that the State party take measures to prevent deaths of children as a result of preventable and curable diseases, by educating parents and providing easy access to early medical intervention48. Furthermore, the Committee recommends that the State party take measures to ensure that no child in the country is undernourished and that all children have access to adequate and sufficient nutritious food50. In the light of its general comment No. 3 (2003) on HIV/AIDS and the rights of the child, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to prevent transmission of HIV/AIDS by raising the awareness of the public, including c52. Referring to its general comment No. 4 (2003) on adolescent health and development in the context of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Committee recommends that the State party adopt a comprehensive sexual and reproductive health policy f|52. It also recommends that the State party provide adolescents with confidential services and easy access to contraceptives54. The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to implement its legislation promoting breastfeeding practices and ensure that all mothers receive adequate information on the benefits of their breastmilk. It also recommends t56. (a) Ensure that all children, including minority children, have access to free and compulsory education, which is not compromised by their involvement in the labour market56. (b) Take measures to improve the quality of education, by training teachers, providing incentives to attract qualified teachers, ensuring a sufficient number of textbooks and conducting independent, regular assessments of childreneb56. (c) Put an end to the practice of extorting fees from the parents of children attending school56. (d) Take measures to invest in and maintain the infrastructure of schools, including on access to water, sewage systems, heating and electricity, and ensure that school buildings respond to high safety standards56. (e) Put an end to school racketeering by supervising the behaviour of children and sanctioning those who are involved in racketeering activities56. (f) Take measures to ensure that children from minority communities, in particular Uzbek children, have access to education in their native language without any restrictions58. The Committee recalls its report of the day of general discussion on the rights of all children in the context of migration (2012) and recommends that the State party ensure that children of internal migrant workers are provided with adequate living 60. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to reconcile communities and prevent discrimination against members of minority groups, through multilingual, common education and awareness-raising campaigns to promote tolerance an62. The Committee urges the State party to remove from its legislation the requirement of 10 days notification prior to the visit of labour inspectors and to organize regular unannounced inspection of private and State employment sites and ensure that anc62. Follow up to the Committee s previous concluding observations and recommendations on the Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography64. The Committee reiterates its previous recommendation that the State party amend the provisions with a view to including all purposes and forms of the sale of children, child pornography and child prostitution in accordance with article 3, paragraphs 1A64. Follow up to the Committee s previous concluding observations and recommendations on the Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict67. The Committee urges the State party to establish a juvenile justice system in full compliance with the Convention, in particular articles 37, 39 and 40, and with other relevant standards, including the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Admol67. (a) Establish a system of juvenile courts with specialized staff and with a restorative justice approachzw67. (b) Avoid unlawful detention of children and ensure that legal safeguards are implemented for the detained children67. (c) Ensure independent court review of decisions on placements in the adaptation and rehabilitation centre for juveniles and Belovodsky Special Boarding School and provide children placed in those institutions with freedom of movement, including the f67. (d) Ensure that under no circumstances are children detained together with adults and that detention of children is used as a last resort and allow regular visits from the families of children in detention67. The State party should make use, if relevant, of the technical assistance tools developed by the Interagency Panel on Juvenile Justice and its members, including the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the United Nations Children s Fund (UNICEF)69. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure, through adequate legal provisions and regulations, that all child victims and/or witnesses of crimes are provided with the protection required by the Convention and that the State party take fully 70. In order to further strengthen the fulfilment of children s rights, the Committee recommends that the State party ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a communications procedure, the Optional Protocol to the Int71. The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure that the present concluding observations are fully implemented by, inter alia, transmitting them to the Head of State, the Parliament, the relevant ministries, the S72. The Committee further recommends that the combined third and fourth periodic reports, the written replies by the State party and the present concluding observations be made widely available in Russian and the minority languages of the country, includi73. The Committee invites the State party to submit its combined fifth and sixth periodic report by 6 November 2019 and to include therein information on the follow-up to the present concluding observations. The report should be in compliance with the Com74. The Committee also invites the State party to submit an updated core document in accordance with the requirements of the common core document in the harmonized guidelines on reporting, approved at the fifth Inter-Committee Meeting of the human rights 5. The Committee recommends that the State party adopt a comprehensive anti-discrimination law that provides a definition of direct and indirect discrimination, and to withdraw bill number 6-11804/14c`5. (a) Carry out public education campaigns to eradicate common misperceptions and stereotypes; KH5. (b) Make access to services independent from residence registration; 5. (c) Ensure that persons irrespective of their sexual orientation can fully enjoy economic social and cultural rights without discrimination;`]5. (d) Accelerate efforts to ratify the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities6. The Committee recommends that the State party discard the draft bill on  foreign agents , and instead support the work of NGOs who are active in the field of economic, social and cultural rights7. The Committee recommends that the State party increase efforts to combat corruption, and as a matter of priority, address the root causes of corruption and adopt all necessary legislative and policy measures to combat corruption and related impunity ef8. The Committee recommends that the State party increase efforts to promote gender equality, inter alia by adopting a comprehensive strategy which includes time-bound goals and quotas as well as the use of temporary special measures, with a view to achie8. (a) Ensure that women in a non-registered marriage can prove guardianship of their children without their husband s confirmation and that women are fully protected upon dissolution of non-registered marriages;8. (b) Adopt the amendment to the Act on Religious Belief and Practice ensuring that a religious marriage is administered only after the conclusion of a formal marriage; {8. (c) Ensure women s equal access in law and in practice to property and inheritance rights, and ensure that access to rights and services is not made dependent upon their marital status;8. (d) Carry out awareness-raising campaigns to eliminate patriarchal attitudes and gender stereotypes and to inform women on their rights9. The Committee recommends that the State party take effective measures to address the root causes of unemployment and to adopt targeted measures, including programmes aimed at reducing unemployment among women, youth, persons with disabilities and disad10. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to increase the minimum wage, in order to ensure that it allows all workers and families to enjoy a decent standard of living, and ensure that it is enforced11. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that labour and trade union rights fully apply in the informal economy, and be subject to labour inspection on a regular basis. Furthermore, the Committee recommends that the State party gradually r12. The Committee recommends that the State party verify and ensure the implementation of labour legislation regarding occupational health and safety conditions, including through regular inspections and training of employers and employees, and to ensure 13. The Committee recommends that the State party step up its efforts to conclude bilateral and multilateral agreements with a view to extending protection to Kyrgyz migrant workers abroad, and to providing counselling and legal advice to potential migran14.The Committee recommends that the State party intensify its efforts to combat child labour exploitation, with a particular focus on forced labour. The Committee also recommends that the State party ensure that child labour and the recruitment of childr15. The Committee recommends that the State party step up its efforts to establish a social protection floor as an initial step towards a universal comprehensive social security system. In this regard the Committee draws the attention of the State party t16. The Committee recommends that the State party take the necessary legal amendments to ensure that all forms of domestic violence are criminalized, that victims have access to effective remedies as well as to adequate shelter and support, that judges, p17. The Committee urges that the State party increase its efforts to enforce the criminalization of bride kidnapping as well as carry out awareness-raising campaigns on the illegality of bride kidnapping. The Committee further recommends that the State pa18. The Committee recommends that the State party ameliorate living conditions in prison including by allocating the necessary funds to ensure sufficient food and safe drinking water. The Committee also recommends that the State party set up a specialized19. The Committee recommends that the State party implement a national strategy for reduction of homelessness that includes measurable goals and timetables19. (a) Ensure that in cases where eviction or relocation is considered to be justified, it is carried out in strict compliance with the relevant provisions of international human rights law; 19. (b) Invest more resources for the improvement of basic infrastructures and ensure access by everyone to safe drinking water and sanitation, electricity, gas, heating and sewage and garbage disposal20. The Committee recommends that the State party implement a poverty reduction strategy that integrates economic, social and cultural rights, in line with the Committee s Statement on Poverty adopted on 4 May 2001 (E/2002/22 E/C.12/2001/17, Annex VII), g21. The Committee recommends that the State party expeditiously address chronic food insecurity and malnutrition, including the critical nutritional needs of children and pregnant women. The Committee furthermore recommends that the State party set up a p22. The Committee recommends that the State party increase human, technical and financial resources allocated to the health sector%22. (a) Monitor discrimination in access to health services and ensure that health professionals hampering a person s access are duly sanctioned;22. (b) Provide confidential access for everyone, including adolescents, to contraceptives and safe abortion services, which are fully covered by health insurance; 22. (c) Disseminate information on patients rights and ensure the availability of adequate implementation mechanisms, with a particular focus on access to appropriate compensation in the event of medical errors23. The Committee recommends that the State party adequately monitor and sanction discrimination in the access to health services vis vis persons with a drug addiction. Furthermore, the Committee recommends that the State party increase full access to f24. The Committee recommends that the State party step up its efforts and address as a matter of priority the problem of maternal mortality, including by significantly increasing access to maternal health services, in particular in remote and rural areas,YV26. (a) Relocate uranium tailings, POP pesticides and radioactive and hazardous waste;wt26. (b) Close the mine in Khaidarkan and take measures to provide access to other economic activities in the region;[X26. (c) Ensure that residential areas are not built on, or close to contaminated ground;YV26. (d) Reduce industrial pollution and enforce the prohibition of certain pesticides;26. (e) Establish a normative framework on radiation and nuclear safety, as well as on pollution and chemicals management, which are in line with international standards;26. (f) Carry out awareness raising campaigns on the presence and risks of radioactive and toxic substances as well as on safety measures to minimize risks27. The Committee raises attention to its general comment No. 13 (1999) on the right to education (article 13) and recommends that the State party increase budgetary allocations to education to ensure free access to quality education, including to inclusi29. The Committee encourages the State party to consider ratifying the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights28. The Committee recommends that the State party allocate specific budgetary resources to promote the cultural diversity of ethnic minorities, and to allow mother tongue education and minority language press, and to enable all groups to express and devel30. The Committee encourages the State party to consider ratifying as soon as possible the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities31. The Committee encourages the State party to extend standing invitations to Special Rapporteurs with mandates relevant to economic, social and cultural rights32. The Committee requests that the State party disseminate the present concluding observations widely among all levels of society, particularly among government officials, members of Parliament, judicial authorities and civil society organizations, and t33. The Committee encourages the State party to engage civil society organizations in a constructive cooperation in order to implement at the national level these concluding observations as well as for the preparation and submission of its next periodic r34. The Committee requests the State party to submit its 4th periodic report by 30 June 2020, and invites the State party to update its common core document in accordance with the harmonized guidelines on reporting under the international human rights tre9. The Committee recommends that the State party take the necessary steps to ensure that its national laws and policies are in line with the provisions of the Convention, including in particular amending legislation to ensure protection of the rights of a11. The Committee invites the State party to provide information on the application of the Convention by domestic courts in its next periodic report13. The Committee recommends that the State party consider making the declarations provided for in articles 76 and 77 of the Convention15. The Committee recommends that the State party consider ratifying or acceding the followong instruments the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Migration Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1975 (No.143), the Private Employment Agencies17. The Committee recommends that the State party provide the Ombudsperson of Kyrgyzstan with a broad mandate to effectively carry out the promotion and protection of the rights of migrant workers and members of their families under the Convention. The Co19. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to ensure that the system for the compilation of migration-related statistics covers all aspects of the Convention and that detailed data is collected on the status of migrant worker21. The Committee recommends that the State party develop continuing education and training programmes on the Convention and that such training be made available to all officials and others who work in migration-related areas. The Committee also CMW/C/KGZ23. The Committee recommends that the State party take more effective measures to address all instances of corruption relating to the migrant workers and members of their families, and undertake appropriate inquiries into allegations of corruption. The Co25. (a) Ensure that all migrant workers and members of their families both in regular and irregular situation within its territory or subject to its jurisdiction enjoy, without discrimination, the rights recognized by the Convention, in accordance with ar25. (b) Intensify its efforts by promoting information campaigns for public officials working in the area of migration, especially at the local level, and for the general public on the elimination of discrimination against migrant workers and members of t27. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that, in law and in practice, migrant workers and members of their families, including those in an irregular situation, have equal opportunities to nationals of the State party to file complaints an29. The Committee recommends that the State party take the necessary steps to ensure that its consular services can effectively meet the needs of Kyrgyz migrant workers and members of their families in terms of protecting their rights and providing them w31. The Committee recommends that, in accordance with articles 28 of the Convention, the State party adopt concrete and effective measures to ensure access to emergency medical care for all migrant workers and members of their families33. The Committee recommends that, in accordance with articles 30 of the Convention, the State party adopt concrete and effective measures, for example through specific programmes, to ensure access to education, and to make it possible to enter and remain35. The Committee recommends that the State party take appropriate measures to disseminate information on the rights of migrant workers under the Convention, as CMW/C/KGZ/CO/1 6 well as conditions of their admission and employment and their rights and obl37. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to guarantee the rights to vote of Kyrgyz migrant workers living abroad by facilitating their registration and participation in the next national elections39. The Committee recommends that the State party take necessary measures to ensure that frontier workers enjoy the same rights as the national workers and invites the State party to provide information in its next periodic report on the measures taken to41. The Committee recommends that the State party provide consular assistance to Kyrgyz migrant workers who are victims of discrimination and violence, to protect their rights and interest in the counties of employment with a view to promoting the investi43. (a) Effectively implement its Programme to Combat Trafficking in Persons 2013-2016, ensuring its full compatibility with the Convention43. (b) Evaluate the phenomenon of trafficking in persons and compile systematic disaggregated data to better combat trafficking in persons, especially of women and children, and to bring perpetrators to justice43. (c) Afford protection and assistance to all victims of human trafficking, particularly by providing shelters, medical care, psycho-social support and other measures to assist in their reintegration into society43. (d) Strengthen training for law enforcement officials, judges, prosecutors, labour inspectors, teachers, health care workers and the staff of the State party s embassies and consulates, and disseminating more widely information on trafficking in perso44. The Committee recommends that the State party should take all appropriate measures to ensure that these recommendations are implemented, including by transmitting them for consideration and action to members of the Government and Parliament (Zhogorku 45. The Committee also requests the State party to involve civil society organizations more closely in the implementation of the recommendations contained in the present concluding observations46. The Committee requests the State party to provide, within two years, i.e. 24 April 2017, written information on the follow-up to the recommendations contained in paragraphs 27, 29, 31 and 33 above47. The Committee also requests the State party to disseminate the Convention and the present concluding observations widely, including to public agencies, the judiciary, non-governmental organizations and other members of civil society, so as to increase48. The Committee recommends that the State party avails itself of international assistance, including technical assistance to develop a comprehensive programme aimed at the implementation of the above recommendations and the Convention as a whole. The Co49. The Committee requests the State party to submit its second periodic reports by 24 April 2020 and to include therein information on the implementation of the present concluding observations. Alternatively, the State party may follow the simplified re50. The Committee draws the State party s attention to its harmonized treaty-specific guidelines (CMW/C/2008/1) and reminds it that periodic reports should be in compliance with the guidelines and not exceed 21,200 words (General Assembly resolution 68/2651. The Committee requests the State party to ensure the wide participation of all ministries and public bodies in the preparation of its next periodic report (or replies to the list of issues, in the case of the simplified reporting procedure) and, at th52. The Committee also invites the State party to submit an updated common core document, not exceeding 42,400 words, in accordance with the requirements in the harmonized guidelines on reporting under the international human rights treaties, including gu78. The Special Rapporteur recommends that Kyrgyzstan take, as a matter of priority and with the assistance and support of the international community, all appropriate measures to eliminate, or reduce to a minimum, the threats that uranium tailings, toxic80. Existing facilities for the storage of radioactive and hazardous waste and banned pesticides should be fenced off, marked with warning signs and controlled by armed guards in order to prevent unauthorized access by the population tocontaminated materi82. The Special Rapporteur therefore urges Kyrgyzstan to carry out, with the assistance and support ofthe international community, a comprehensive study on the levels of radiation/chemical pollution in dump sites and adjacent areas and a comprehensive ass83. The Special Rapporteur encourages the Government of Kyrgyzstan to implement, as a matter of priority and with the technical support of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research and the United Nations Environment Programme, the action plan84. The Special Rapporteur calls on Kyrgyzstan to develop and implement, in close consultation with the affected local communities, programmes aimed at improving the socio-economic conditions in villages and towns that once relied heavily on the uranium ajg85. The Special Rapporteur calls on Kyrgyzstan to finalize the adoption of the draft environmental code86. The Special Rapporteur recommends that Kyrgyzstan review and expand its regulatory framework on radioactive waste management and radiation safety in order to ensure its consistency with international norms and standards on radiation safety and the sec87. The Special Rapporteur also recommends that Kyrgyzstan review its normative framework on chemicals management, and consider adopting a comprehensive law on chemicals management. Such a law should rationalize existing norms, standards and procedures to88. Considering that the country is situated at the upper portion of the region s water basins, and taking into account the transboundary threat posed by radioactive and toxic wastes stored on its territory, the Special Rapporteur calls on the Government 89. The Special Rapporteur believes that the role and functions of the various institutions responsible for the implementation and enforcement of national legislation on radioactive waste and chemicals management at the central, provincial and local level90. As recommended by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Kyrgyzstan should consider establishing an independent regulatory body with overall responsibility for radioactive waste management and radiation safety, and allocate adequate human, fin91. The Government should also consider reviewing the status of the State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry, with a view to raising it to that of a ministry92. The Special Rapporteur recommends that Kyrgyzstan provide, with the support of the donor community, adequate human, technical and financial resources to the ministries, State agencies, and local authorities which are responsible for the implementation93. The Government should also allocate, with the support of the donor community, adequate financial resources, technical means and expertise to Stateowned analytical laboratories, so as to improve their capacity to ensure accurate measurements of radiati94. The Special Rapporteur calls on relevant international organizations such as the World Health Organization and IAEA to organize professional trainings for staff of analytical laboratories and provide laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment needed95. The current system of environmental inspections should be reviewed. Existing restrictions on access to industrial sites should be eliminated, and inspection authorities should be granted the power to carry out, in addition to the annual planned inspec96. The Special Rapporteur recommends that Kyrgyzstan adopt all appropriate measures to combat the illegal import and export of hazardous products, including mercury and banned pesticides, to and from the country, including the allocation of adequate huma96. The country should also strengthen its capacity to prosecute and punish environmental crimes by, inter alia, organizing appropriate training opportunities for judges and prosecutors97. The Special Rapporteur recommends that Kyrgyzstan ensure, through public information and awarenessraising campaigns, access to information on the status of tailings and waste dumps, on the adverse effects of exposure to radioactive materials or hazard98. Information on chemical products sold in the country should be available, accessible, user-friendly, adequate and appropriate to the needs of all stakeholders. People handling hazardous chemicals, such as farmers and employees in the chemical or energ98. The Special Rapporteur calls on the Government to consider ratifying the Convention concerning Safety in the Use of Chemicals at Work, 1990 (No. 170) of the International Labour Organization99. Kyrgyzstan should develop a detailed strategy or an action plan for the implementation of the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention). Such a plan 100. The Special Rapporteur considers that better assessment and prioritization of required action at the country level is needed in order to ensure a more efficient use of international financing and technical assistance in the areas of radioactive waste101. The Speical Repporteur therefore calls on the donor community, international and regional organizations, financial institutions and the private sector to continue to provide the Government of Kyrgyzstan with assistance and financial support in order  91. Establish an independent State body specifically responsible for women s rights and gender equality issues. This body should be invested with a clear mandate, authority and sufficient resources and able to develop national gender policies, undertake c 91. Provide clear terms of reference on women s rights and gender equality issues for the new Parliamentary Committee on Social Policy, including a strong advocacy and monitoring role as regards the gender dimensions of policies and legislation 91. Support the new gender unit within the Office of the Ombudsman with sufficient resources to conduct education, advocacy and legal and research work ~91. Use the media to promote public awareness campaigns on women s human rights, violence against women and gender stereotypes 91. Undertake a gender analysis of school books and curriculums at the primary and high-school levels, with a view to eliminating gender stereotypes and promoting gender equality and non-violence. Relevant teacher training should be provided 91. Consider the establishment of positive temporary measures to encourage increased participation of women in local political and decision-making structures, including the local Aksakal courts 91. Develop a new National Action Plan for Gender Development which takes into account the body of information available on the status of women, including the situation of rural women. Effective mechanisms to ensure accountability in the implementation of A91. Examine and adopt measures to address the different factors impeding women s position and opportunities in the labour market, including that of rural women 91. Make specific budgetary commitments towards the implementation of programmes related to gender equality, the socio-economic position of women and violence against women and girls ~{92. Treat violence against women as a criminal offence and investigate and prosecute cases within the formal justice system SP92. Establish specialized female law enforcement units, including in rural areas {x92. Develop mechanisms, both legal and social, to combat internal trafficking and sexual exploitation of women and girls r92. Commit sustainable State support to women and girls crisis centres, including in areas currently not serviced zw92. Establish information and assistance centres for women and girls at risk who have moved from rural to urban centres %92. Support awareness-raising campaigns on domestic violence and women s rights which specifically target community leaders and local populations 92. Undertake reforms with regard to temporary and court protection orders and adopt practical measures to facilitate their implementation 92. Take measures to ensure the protection of women who are victims of discrimination and violence on account of their sexual orientation or gender identity, and simplify procedures for changing the sexual identity of transgender persons in their identity 92. Implement a comprehensive strategy to address abuse, torture and extortion while in police custody and detention, including: a complaint procedure that can be activated any time upon arrest; investigation procedures which meet international standards  92. Support the establishment of legal aid clinics, including in rural areas, which provide free legal services for women in need 92. Allow for a defence based on a prior history of being a victim of domestic violence as a mitigating factor in the sentencing of women who have killed their partners and/or other family members 93. Amend legislation to set a uniform minimum legal age for marriage at 18 for both women and men, in line with international standards 93. Impose as a legal requirement, subject to specific sanctions, that religious marriages may only be performed where proof of a civil marriage has been made available and promote awareness-raising among religious leaders and communities on this issue 93. Undertake research on the prevalence of unregistered marriages and its consequences for women and children, and consider the adoption of regulations to protect their legal and property rights both during the de facto union and upon its dissolution 93. Raise the penalty for polygamy and cooperate with Kyrgyz migrant-receiving countries in taking measures to prevent polygamous marriages across borders 93. Increase the criminal penalty for bride abduction and coercion into marriage, withdraw the possibility of imposing only a fine and provide stringent penalties for conspiracy and aiding and abetting in this crime 93. Undertake awareness-raising campaigns, including through the media, on forced bride-kidnapping, early marriage, polygamy and unregistered marriages 94. Set up procedures enabling the compilation of statistics on domestic violence, including through the classification of domestic violence as a separate crime in police and prosecution records 94. Particularly in respect of rural women, undertake comprehensive research and compile statistics on violence against women, including economic and occupational indicators, access to public services and reproductive health PM94. Gather data on the prevalence and types of abuses faced by girls under 18 94. Conduct a study on human trafficking patterns and dynamics, both internal and abroad, to gather statistics and information on the methods of trafficking networks, better monitor the situation of migrant women and identify and prevent trafficking and e 94. Support research on the prevalence and forms of sexual violence, including sexual harassment in the workplace, with a view to formulating appropriate responses 95. The Special Rapporteur acknowledges the support provided to date by international organizations and donor agencies in the promotion of gender equality and encourages them to continue working with the Government of Kyrgyzstan in order to ensure a susta 80. (a) Amend, as a matter of priority, article 305-1 of the Criminal Code to ensure that torture is defined as a serious crime in accordance with article 1 of the Convention against Torture, sanctioned with penalties commensurate with the gravity of the  80. (b) Ensure that legislation concerning evidence presented in judicial proceedings is brought into line with the provisions of article 15 of the Convention against Torture in order to exclude explicitly any evidence or extrajudicial statement obtained  80. (c) Amend the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Law on Procedure and Conditions of the Detention of Persons Suspected or Accused of Crime to include a provision on the right of the suspect to one free telephone call with family members or relatives;  80. (d) Amend the Code of Criminal Procedure and other legislative acts (including the law on operational investigations and search activities) with a view to ensure that the time period starting from the moment of actual arrest until the formal initiatio 81. (a) Ensure strict adherence to registration from the very moment of apprehension, abolish unacknowledged custodies and ensure strict surveillance devices in police stations; make police station chiefs and investigating and operative officers criminall 81. (b) Overhaul the system of State-appointed lawyers completely and replace it with an open and transparent process of fairly remunerated independent lawyers, a process that is not controlled in practice by the investigating officers; and foresee the es 81. (c) Set in legislation a minimum timeline within which medical examination is to be provided without delay, in conformity with the Manual on Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punish 81. (c) Set in legislation a minimum timeline within which medical examination is to be provided without delay, in conformity with the Manual on Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punish 81. (d) Expedite a prompt, impartial and thorough investigation into all allegations of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and undertake public prosecutions without delay where the evidence warrants them; unless the allegatio 81. (e) Increase the number of qualified health personnel in temporary and pretrial detention facilities and ensure that medical staff in places of detention are independent by transferring them from the State Service for the Execution of Punishments and  81. (f) Recall that evidentiary rules  and their incorrect interpretation - should not reward police and investigator misconduct; the exclusion of evidence at trial is one effective means to combat misconduct and abuses in the course of a criminal invest 81. (g) Ensure that defence lawyers are given procedural opportunities to collect evidence independently of investigators through, inter alia, the deposition of witnesses and experts directly before a judge 81. (i) Encourage judges and prosecutors to routinely ask persons arriving from police custody how they have been treated and to order an independent medical examination if they suspect that the detainee has been subjected to ill-treatment; an ex officio  81. (k) Establish clearly set out enforcement mechanisms to provide victims with effective remedy and redress, including compensation and as full rehabilitation as possible by allocating funds in the national budget; and fulfil the right of the victim to  81. (l) Establish an effective national preventive mechanism in accordance with the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture, ensure budgetary allocations and equip the mechanism with sufficient human and other resources to enable it to inspect 81. (m) Consider adopting a law to allow regular inspections of all places of detention by an independent monitoring mechanism (in addition to the national preventive mechanism); ensure that oversight mechanisms, inter alia, public advisory councils, are  81. (n) Ensure that pretrial detainees are transferred from temporary detention facilities to pretrial detention centres at the expiration of the 48-hour period 82. (a) Appoint a high-level commission of multidisciplinary, credible specialists to conduct an urgent inspection of all detention centres with the aim of closing down immediately all facilities that are declared unfit for human habitation 82. (b) Allocate sufficient budgetary resources to improve conditions in detention facilities with a view to provide adequate health care, improve food quality and ensure the separation of minors from adults and of pretrial prisoners from convicts; and de 82. (c)Eliminate the complete isolation of inmates sentenced to life imprisonment and move them to open or semi-open facilities 83. (a) Complete the ongoing reform of the police apparatus, and have the highest authorities, in particular those responsible for law enforcement activities, declare unambiguously that they will not tolerate torture or ill-treatment by their subordinates 83. (b) Take measures to transfer authority over temporary detention facilities from the Ministry of the Interior to the State Service for the Execution of Punishments.  83. (c)Raise the awareness of personnel of the Prosecutor General s Office and investigating officers of the Ministry of the Interior of their role in preventing torture and ill-treatment, by means of mandatory training on international standards on the p 83. (d) Strengthen the training of the judiciary in relation to torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and ensure effective follow-up 84. The Special Rapporteur recommends that appropriate bodies use institutionalization as a last resort and provide alternatives, including non-custodial psychiatric assistance available at local hospitals, and ensure the patient s right to free and infor 84. The Special Rapporteur requests the international community to support the efforts of Kyrgyzstan in implementing the above-mentioned recommendations, in particular in its efforts to reform its legal system, establish a preventive framework against tor eb101. (a) To pursue the full harmonization of domestic laws with ratified international instruments 101. (b) To ensure child-friendly justice procedures that provide child victims with specific and prompt protection and assistance that prevent further hardship and trauma and take into account the views and special needs and vulnerabilities of children d 101. (c) To implement a child-sensitive approach to justice by providing child victims with free legal assistance, thereby ensuring the safety and protection of child victims `]101. (d) To strengthen the investigation and prosecution of crimes committed against children |y101. (e) To provide those charged with implementing legislation with adequate training and appropriate logistical support 101. (f) To carry out awareness-raising initiatives on laws, in particular with a view to break down taboos about child victims of sexual crimes DA101. (g) To take decisive action to fight corruption and impunity 102. (a) Establish child-sensitive complaint mechanisms that guarantee the protection and safety of children by strengthening access to well publicized hotlines and child-sensitive support centres `]102. (b) Improve monitoring of places where child sexual exploitation may potentially occur.  ~102. (c) Improve child safety online by blocking access to pornographic websites and implementing awareness-raising programmes 102. (d) Develop and provide appropriate training to all persons working with children, and standardizing practices by developing protocols and guidelines to ensure that all persons working with child victims operate within a rights-based framework that p 102. (e) Strengthen the family and child support department at the local level, including by providing a larger and more sustainable budget for the recruitment of social workers, increasing the number of inspectors of children s affairs, and improving the 103. (a) Invest and develop family strengthening programmes for both parents and relatives of children, including by ensuring greater economic support and empowerment, psychosocial support and parenting to families at risk 103. (b) Promote protective social perceptions and norms, through media outreach, and community-based programmes, in particular with regard to early and forced marriage, domestic violence and child labour 103. (c) Provide communities with information, thereby helping to break down taboos about child victims of sexual crimes and sexual offences against children in general \Y103. (d) Provide online programmes on sex education, reproductive health and child safety 104. (a) Establish clear categories and norms for shelters, and ensure that all residential institutions are properly registered 104. (b) Implement the inter-agency plan on optimizing the management and financing of residential institutions (2012 2014), including by providing an adequate budget and, in particular, ensuring the development and monitoring of minimum standards of care 104. (c) Ensure ready access to social services for families and children living in difficult circumstances with the aim of ensuring that children remain in familiar surroundings, preventing further psychological trauma and preserving child-parent relatio 104. (d) Favour family- or community-based environments, including foster families and other caregivers, and incorporating family support and counselling over institutional or residential care 104. (e) Register all institutions, which must be required to provide monthly reports on the children, and detailed information on their care and transfer. (f) Create an independent monitoring and supervision system for the above-mentioned centres, assess W104. (f) Creating an independent monitoring and supervision system for the above-mentioned centres, assessing the degree of compliance with standards of children s rights 105. (a) Strengthen the national statistics committee and training local actors to collect data on child victims and children at risk.  105. (b) Establish a standardized, computerized and centralized information-gathering system capable of disaggregating data by sex, age, type of violation and measures taken, as well as harmonizing data collection and processing methods. 105. (c) Conduct surveys to ensure better understanding and knowledge of the evolution of risk factors and trends in the sale and sexual exploitation of children mj106. (a) Expand child-friendly spaces and mechanisms for the exchange of information and for consultations 106. (b) Ensure the systematic participation of child in the design of and follow-up activities to programmes and strategies relating to their rights 106. (c) Promote with the participation of children, sustainable education and awareness-raising campaigns in schools and communities, including rural and remote communities, by all forms of media, information and communication technologies, including soc 107. (a) Strengthen the Office of the Ombudsman at the central and district levels with a view to making it more accessible to children, and facilitating its capacity to conduct independent monitoring.  107. (b) Establish child protection indicators to follow up policies and measure their impact on the situation of children s rights. 107. (c) Develop effective accountability mechanisms through the effective regulation and monitoring of child protection standards at all levels 108. (a) Involve Internet service providers and telecommunication companies in the protection of children against online sexual exploitation, by restricting access to harmful or illegal content by filtering, blocking and monitoring programmes; providing t 108. (b) Encourage tourism and travel agencies to adopt the Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism 109. (a) Strengthen transnational cooperation among law enforcement and justice agencies by sharing information relating to the detection of crimes, the identification of child victims and the prosecution of offenders 109. (b) Strengthen institutional capacities and implement effective child protection systems through the ongoing technical and logistical assistance of United Nations agencies and the international community 6. The SPT requests the authorities of Kyrgyzstan to provide it with a Reply within six months from the date of transmission of this report, giving a full account of the State Party s actions taken to implement the recommendations ~{8. The SPT recommends that Kyrgyzstan requests the publication of the present report in accordance with OPCAT article 16(2) 12. The SPT wishes to emphasise that any form of intimidation or reprisals against persons deprived of their liberty constitutes a violation of the State Party s obligation to cooperate with the work of the SPT under the OPCAT. The SPT calls upon the auth 17. The SPT calls upon the Government to disburse the full amount allocated to the NPM in 2013, despite the delay in establishing the Centre. The SPT also urges the Government to increase the funding in the future so as to enable effective execution of th 18. The SPT urges the State Party to ensure that the composition of the NPM includes multidisciplinary expertise in torture prevention and adequately represents the country s key ethnic and minority groups. In line with the principle of cooperation and co 24. The SPT categorically condemns all acts of torture and ill-treatment and recalls that torture and ill-treatment cannot be justified under any circumstance, and must be completely prohibited. The SPT urges the authorities to ensure that amnesty is not  25. The SPT also recommends that all necessary steps be taken to ensure that any statement which is established to have been made as a result of torture shall not be invoked as evidence in any proceedings, except against a person accused of torture as evi 26. The SPT recommends that thorough, independent and impartial investigations into allegations of torture be undertaken without regard to the ethnicity of alleged perpetrators. The SPT encourages an independent review of trials related to the June 2010 i 35. The SPT also recommends that the problem of impunity be addressed as a matter of urgency, not only at the practical but also institutional level. In addition, the SPT recommends that allegations of torture be promptly investigated and alleged perpetra 36. The SPT recommends that the relevant authorities take the necessary measures to put in place adequate complaints mechanisms and ensure that they operate fairly and effectively 37. The SPT recommends that the authorities establish a mechanism within the Office of the Prosecutor-General to supervise and ensure the strict compliance of prosecutors with the instructions of April, September and October 2011, with a view to strengthe 38. The SPT also recommends that the authorities consider deploying supervisory bodies of the Office of the Prosecutor-General within prosecutors offices in Osh and Jalal-Abad to assess performances and compliance with anti-torture regulations 39. The SPT urges the judiciary to take a more pro-active role as guardian of the protection of the rights of individuals and in the fight against impunity in cases of torture and ill-treatment. The SPT calls upon the judiciary to clearly spell out measur 40. The SPT recommends that the State allocate sufficient budget to ensure that law enforcement officers receive proper training on human rights of persons deprived of their liberty, including the prevention of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading trea 43. The SPT recommends that urgent measures be taken to ensure that all persons arrested are immediately informed of the reasons for their arrest, as well as their rights as detainees, at the very outset of their deprivation of liberty. Information on rig 46. The SPT recommends that persons deprived of their liberty be able to inform a family member or third party of their detention from the outset. Meetings of arrestees with their relatives and other means of communication with the outside world should be 50. The SPT was informed about a draft law on the Bar Association and wishes to receive further information on the content and current status of this draft law. The SPT recommends that the system of duty lawyers be reformed and that an effective and indep 51. The SPT recommends that any person deprived of liberty has access to legal counsel from the moment of apprehension as established by article 24 (5) of the Constitution 56. The SPT recommends that the maximum period of police custody provided for by law be strictly respected and that this be rigorously monitored by the relevant authorities, including through effective judicial review of the detention. The SPT urges the a 61. The SPT recommends that any person brought to a closed institution must be examined by a competent independent medical practitioner upon admission. In addition, measures should be taken to establish access to alternative independent forensic expertise 67. The SPT recommends that all persons under the control of the relevant law enforcement bodies are immediately registered and that registers are scrupulously maintained with the following information: (1) exact date and time of apprehension; (2) exact t 68. The SPT recommends that electronic registers be progressively established throughout the country, and that registers be harmonised. The SPT also recommends that a standard national database be set up to be updated with systematic case information, whi 77. The SPT recommends that minimum conditions of detention be ensured in respect of human dignity and in accordance with international standards, and in particular that all cells have natural light and ventilation, sufficient access be given to toilets a xu78. The SPT also recommends that the practice of using handcuffing as a means of punishment be eliminated immediately 81. The SPT urges the Government to improve conditions of detention in accordance with international standards and respect for human dignity and to close the underground cells immediately 82. The SPT recommends that authorities in Kyrgyzstan ensure that food-quality inspections are undertaken and that all meals are prepared in a hygienic manner, in sufficient quantity, and with the nutrition quality and variety 87. The conditions of detention and regime in the disciplinary cells in SIZOs and colonies should be revised as a matter of priority. All facilities should maintain a specific register of disciplinary measures that must indicate all data about the identit 89. The SPT urges the Government to take all necessary measures to prevent abuses and to protect the most vulnerable detainees from stigmatisation and improve their living conditions in line with international human rights norms 93. The SPT recommends that the State Party urgently conduct a country-wide audit of the needs of all institutions, in order to facilitate the provision of sufficient medical supplies. The poor conditions and out-dated equipment at the penitentiary hospit 94. The existing infrastructure and human resources should be improved and training of staff be enhanced. In this context, the SPT recommends that all health professionals working with persons deprived of their liberty are given basic training in the desc 96. The SPT recommends that the modes of transportation be reviewed, in particular to prevent the transportation of healthy detainees together with detainees suffering tuberculosis 100. The SPT urges the authorities to improve material conditions for prisoners sentenced to life and to ensure that prisoners serving life sentences are treated on an equal basis with other detainees and without discrimination. The SPT also calls upon th 103. The SPT urges the authorities to take appropriate measures towards the functional and institutional separation between responsibility for investigation and detention, as to avert the risk of torture or ill-treatment. The SPT recommends that access to 108. The SPT recommends that children and adolescents only be deprived of their liberty as a measure of last resort, for the shortest possible period of time, and that the imprisonment be reviewed on a regular basis with a view to its withdrawal. The SPT  109. The SPT recommends that the necessary financial resources be allocated for the improvement of living conditions at the prison colony for juveniles as well as the schools for social adaptation and rehabilitation. The SPT further recommends that specif 113. The SPT recommends that living conditions in Chim-Korgon be improved and that Unit No. 10 be closed immediately. The SPT also recommends that Chim-Korgon and other mental institutions be transformed into predominantly open institutions with adequate  114. The SPT also recommends that the relevant authorities update the national program  Mental Health of the Population of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2001-2010", calling for a community-based mental health care system and ensuring that the necessary financial 119. The SPT recommends that appropriate human and financial resources be allocated for services provided to persons with disabilities. The SPT also recommends that salaries be increased in order to attract qualified staff and that regular training progra 120. The SPT urges the relevant authorities to regularly review the diagnosis of individuals placed in psychiatric or psycho-neurological institutions in order to ensure that no mentally and physically healthy individuals are referred to such institutions 126. The SPT urges the Government to work towards fully functioning law enforcement, judiciary, prison and health and mental health systems free from corruption and other outside influences. To this end, the Government should ensure adequate remuneration  127. The SPT recommends that the Government regularly provide human rights training programmes for civil servants, including to enhance their awareness of the risks of corruption 128. The SPT encourages the State Party to establish procedures requiring law enforcement officials to declare additional income in order to avoid conflict of interest in respect to their functions as public officials 129. The SPT recommends that the problem of corruption also be systematically addressed in the legal profession, inter alia in the context of the draft law on the Bar Association 130. Although the SPT notes that a new Anti-Corruption Agency was established within the SCNS in 2012, the SPT urges the State Party to create an independent investigative body on allegations of corruption in places of detention 132. In accordance with article 15 of OPCAT, the SPT calls upon the relevant authorities in Kyrgyzstan to ensure that there are no reprisals following the SPT visit. The SPT requests the State Party to provide detailed information in its Reply on what it  Oh+'0@HXh useruserMicrosoft Macintosh Excel@ff@WFT՜.+,0HP X`hp x   COVER PAGEMASTER BY RECOMMENDATIONMASTER BY TOPICBY RECOMMENDATIONBY TOPIC ALPHABETICALBY TOPIC NUMERICALADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICEANTI-DISCRIMINATION CHILDREN CORRUPTION EDUCATION ENVIRONMENTESCRFREEDOM OF EXPRESSIONFREEDOM OF RELIGIONASSEMBLY AND ASSOCIATIONGENDERHEALTHHOUSINGHUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERSHUMAN TRAFFICKINGINSITUTION BUILDINGINTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONS LEGISLATION MIGRANTS MINORITYNHRIPARTICIPATIONPERSONS WITH DISABILITIESTORTUREWOMEN  Worksheets FMicrosoft Excel 2003 WorksheetBiff8Excel.Sheet.89q